Recommendations on finding boosters or 1st/2nd doses:
Ask me I will help you, or: 1. Search the zip code + vaccination, read the city or county website 2. Check if there are walkup sites if that's accessible to you! Or if you can make appointments at city/county sites
I always check those first because they tend to have more availability since folks tend to check their pharmacies, and because you can check availability without needing personal data. 3. If those don't have availability, do a check at CVS or Walgreens. Most won't have appts
4. Do a deeper dive on pharmacies that are regional or local. They're more likely to have availability. If something requires a date for the most recent dose and you're checking for someone else, just do 6 months before the date you're checking.
(If you're actually scheduling for someone make sure it's exact)
5. If you haven't been able to find anything else, try and see if there are any locations you haven't tried!
I know this is a hassle. It's worth the hassle, I promise.
And if you don't want the hassle ask me and I will just so gladly do it!!!
Even *if* all you get is the equivalent of sudden onset asthma, sudden onset asthma is *brutal*. I have to take an inhaler every 3 hours. Anything resembling smoke and my lungs shut down. If I am not always always adequately medicated, my brain fog is so extreme I can't speak -
- because I can't get enough oxygen to my brain. I'll be toodling along, doing fine, and suddenly my lungs will be so bad that I get very little oxygen to my brain, and I'll lose 100% of whatever I was just doing.
I'd never had asthma attacks, and now I regularly do.
I can't cook because the stove sets my lungs off. I can barely be *inside* if @LFG_arrett is cooking because the stove sets my lungs off. Sometimes even 5 or 6 hours after cooking I have to stay in the bedroom with all the doors closed and my rescue inhaler on hand.
In case you need a public health friend to tell you it’s okay to cancel your holiday plans, hello it’s me, I’m a graduate of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, I work in health advocacy, and I volunteer to be anyone’s Public Health Expert Friend who told you not to travel
My partner is also an MPH and an expert in health policy so if you need TWO public health friends here we are now!! Use us!!
.@LFG_arrett and I are happy to recommend you not go anywhere!!
We can also ofc recommend mitigation strategies ♥️♥️
Hello frienderoos back again to offer to help anyone get boosted if you need help finding an appointment for you or a loved one!! Same with flu shots ❤️
Feel free to DM me!!! I spent all that money to go to Johns Hopkins I might as well get some people boosted out of it!!
(truly how I cope with panic is helping people get boosted)
We do have vaccines, testing, treatments. But Omicron is different than the original variant. And we aren’t going to close, and we aren’t keeping people home, and so much mitigation is not happening, and there is a huge unvaccinated population.
CW eating disorders
Fun fact that fat people with anorexia all get diagnosed with Eating Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified, solely because we are at or above “normal” weight.
I had my first ED-specific therapy today, and was finally told I have anorexia.
It is extremely weird to be like “good, yes, thank you for acknowledging I am anorexic for the first time in my entire life” because like, yikes I’m anorexic?
But also wow, yes, I am actually anorexic, thank you for fucking noticing, I’ve only been anorexic for 28 years.
Anyway wish me luck, I’m getting treatment for my eating disorder for the first time in my life, and I’m anorexic
Okay here it is, Tory's steps to handling your nightmare inbox
You've got thousands (or tens of thousands) of emails to get through and it's stress inducing and also you might be missing important things, especially if you're job hunting or waiting to hear about a vaccine
This is for gmail (and for personal email, not campaign etc)!
Turn on keyboard shortcuts, things will go much quicker. And then USE the keyboard shortcuts:…
What emails can you bulk delete? Anything from DoorDash, Amazon, delivery services. Walgreens. Do you get emails anytime you make a purchase over $20 or similar?
Search name, select all, and select all that apply (so it's more than the one page), and delete em