The landlords of his House are "Green" and sovereign. D Trump is to be crownd King Cyrus III, successor of Cyrus The Great, from the Babylonian Empire of Persia.
Remember the Abraham Agreements to build "Peace at all cost"
And He built symbolically the third Temple, the Second Temple being an abomination was erased at the time of Cyrus The Great (and he was beheaded)
Here are coins minted for the Abraham Agreement with ISRAEL, UAE and more to come.
"If one inclines towards Peace, it inclines towards you" : D Trump will be crown King Cyrus III (it is the Prize), once Peace achieved "at all cost".
That means he has been given green light by the Elites of that world to use any coercive method as to enforcement methods, to reach that goal.
People won't have any choice left and the slaves will bow down.😡😡😡
🚨Ursula Van Der Leyen is debating at the European Parliament with the MPs to find a way to abolish the Nuremberg Code and to impose mandatory v@k*cination. We are close to a re-opening of the Constitution to revisit it, pushed in France by V. Pécresse, JL Mélenchon...
The attempt to abolish the Nuremberg Code is their way to try to pre-empt their arrest from their crimes against humanity for which they'll have to answer very soon : Pfizer's files are declassified in dribs and drabs, but the adverse effects are already greater ...
than the effects of all the drugs since the history of medicine.
The criminals must not be given the slightest chance to escape. Don't repeat a sham trial like Nuremberg 1, haven't you learnt the lesson ?
🚨AT & T et Verizon retardent le lancement de leurs signaux 5G en bande C jusqu’au 5 janvier en raison des craintes d’interférences de la FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). (Suite)
En effet, ils craignent à juste titre des interférences avec tous les appareil électroniques embarqués comme la télémétrie Spektrum (altimètres), causant de gros problèmes en plein vols....Des catastrophes aériennes à venir => Affaire à suivre, les avions pourraient tomber!🕊️
The annual Ursid meteor shower runs from about December 17 to 26 every year. It always peaks around the December solstice, which, in 2021, comes on December 21.
==> The Ursids’ peak is "probably" the morning of December 22...
It is in the constellations of Usula Minor and Ursula Major.
==> Watch the drawing : Ursid meteors radiate from near the star "Kochab" in the "Little Dipper".
The star "Polaris" is part of the "Little Dipper". The two outer stars in the Big Dipper’s bowl...
🚨PFIZER existe et le v@k*cin contraversé s'appelle le COMIRNATY : un nom marketing choici car c'est l'anagramme de "Roman City"
Le nom de la protéine appelée SPIKE, dans la thérapie génique du RNA messager, est la 6ème lettre de l'Alphabet Hébreux [le symbole 6].
Rappelons que Albert Bourla est un Juif Grec. Les Khasars au 7ème siècle s'établirent en Ciscaucasie aux abords de la mer Caspienne et fondèrent l'immense Khazarie. Ce sont les Huns, les Barbares d'Homère et d'Aristote (leur nom va devenir les Tartares en remplaçant une lettre...
et le mot "Huns" va disparaitre...) Le territoire est très vaste, des Turco-Mongols, aussi installés dans l'ancienne Macédoine (proche des vrais Grecs). Pour favoriser leurs diasporas (ce sont des envahisseurs), ils choisissent stratégiquement la religion Judaïque ...
🚨The Church, the Institution of their HOUSE with the fake HISTORY, HIS STORY, became official and multiplied its Chapels with different "religions".
They NEVER recognized JESUS (IAM), MARY*...being "GOD".
It is the war of the Two Worlds/Two Houses : MY-STORY (hidden in the word Mistery) is not HIS-STORY (you learnt at school, just a book of lies, and it's the reason they have always erased the previous records) !
In the Q-uran (think of the Q movement) of Islam, Jesus is ONLY the most quoted prophet, Mary is ONLY the most H0LY woman : moved down, "demoted" in the military vocabulary to Earthlings, they are not ! 😠😠😠😡😡😡
@dani_niang TIME
I don't like the word "eternity" because it frightens people. I substitute it for the "never ending STORY", the forever "NOW". Live in the Now ! The question for people is "TO BE or NOT TO BE !" (Continued)
@dani_niang Clock time was reinforced at the Industrial Revolution with the "IRON MONSTER", the train. Giant clocks appeared in stations to set a UNIVERSAL time (for the Freemason UNIVERSAL Church) no longer based on the lunar calendar, no longer based on NATURE (Continued)
@dani_niang since the realm was divided into two, Light and Darkness (from the 4th day of Creation and no longer connected with MYSTORY", that world had gone astray). Time "Passages" were built in Paris close to the stations (Continued)