Focusing on vaccines ALONE:
- Does not work (many countries tried & failed)
- Hospitals can still collapse
- Sig # of vaxxed get LongCOVID
- Rooted in neoliberalism: individual responsibility as soln to collective problems
We need: vaccines + N95s + ventilation + air filters 1/
Vaccines alone are not enough. We saw this with Delta in UK, Israel, Denmark, & others that reopened w/out masks. Denmark had >90% vax rate for over 12s and here’s what happened with Delta. (for vax: 2x against delta may be like 3x against omicron) 2/
If you are 3x vaxxed, you should still care:
- Breakthroughs not rare
- Significant # of breakthroughs get LongCovid
- You may need functioning hospital system
- Many are ineligible for vax (kids) or can’t mount antibody response (eg cancer patients) 3/
“But people are fatigued and won’t tolerate any more restrictions.” Good news, here are a bunch of things governments could do that aren’t individual restrictions 4/
People are not going to experience well-ventilated buildings, with clearly posted CO2 monitors, as a “restriction”. Many politicians are giving themselves excellent ventilation, while kids in their constituency go to poorly-ventilated unsafe schools 5/
Please note, in many countries (including England), a majority want mask mandates, and the GOVERNMENT is the key obstacle to reducing spread of covid, not the people 8/
In the West, our covid response has been hobbled by neoliberal/libertarian ideas of individual responsibility, which are insufficient for collective problems (such as pandemics or climate change) 9/
Also, we are facing a coordinated campaign to downplay the risks of covid, using strategies straight out of the climate denial playbook & often bankrolled by the same billionaires: funding contrarian scientists, misleading petitions, social media bots 10/
This announcement from the prime minister of Japan in March 2020 is more truthful & more respectful of his audience than almost all the comms I hear from leaders in the West 12/
Many leaders assume they must prevent people from “panicking”. But it is a myth that people panic in disasters. In fact the opposite: research shows many behave altruistically when facing disasters & threats. 13/
Many leaders treat masks as punishment. There is no evidence that a “reward” of no masks is effective at motivating vaccination. For most of us, the reward for getting vaxxed is reducing risk to ourselves, our loved ones, & our community 14/
We need to protect our health system. Large num of health care workers are quitting b/c of abuse, burn out, & trauma, or becoming disabled with LongCOVID
Patients are dying from treatable issues due to maxed out ICUs, and having to delay cancer treatments & needed surgeries 15/
To be clear, vaccines are incredibly helpful (just not sufficient on their own) and we should continue to address misunderstandings & remove barriers to vaccine access. I am happy to have 3 doses. 16/
Please read my thread arguing for why it’s important to vax kids ASAP. I can’t wait to vax my 6 year old once Australia rolls out vaccination to 5-11 y.o. kids in Jan 17/
As @jeremyphoward wrote, we shouldn’t confuse all vaccine hesitancy with extreme anti-vaxxers. We should continue to reach out to the hesitant and to those facing logistical barriers 18/
Vaccination is important, but insufficient. We must improve ventilation and wear high-quality, well-fitting masks indoors in public places. Policy makers need to take into account the whole picture 19/
Many leaders say people are fed up w/ restrictions, so we can’t try to do anything about Omicron:
- Premise questionable, as several polls show majority want mask mandates
- There is a TON government could do (but isn’t) that does NOT involve individual restrictions 1/
Things govt could do that are NOT individual restrictions:
Mail everyone free KF94s & rapid tests
Fund ventilation upgrades & air filters
Set indoor air quality standards
Paid support to isolate when sick
Public education: #LongCovid is hell
Public education: #COVIDisAirborne 2/
More things govt could do that are NOT individual restrictions:
Public education: KF94/N95 >>> cloth/surgical mask
CO2 monitors for all indoor spaces, results displayed clearly for all occupants to see
Replace all the "fight covid w/ hand-washing signs" 3/
CDC director says omicron cases doubling every 2 days, but provides no context & no indication that this is VERY BAD. Viewers would need to understand exponential growth, know current state of health care systems, and read between the lines to understand how serious this is 2/
Almost the entire interview is focused on getting vaxxed. She briefly mentions masks & hand-washing (still with the hand-washing) at the very end, but leaves general impression that everything is a-ok as long as you're vaxxed. 3/
I'm glad @jeremyphoward & I could get our 3rd dose today! However, vax alone isn't enough. We need:
- Govt funding for ventilation upgrades & air filters
- FREE N95s/KF94s & rapid tests for everyone
- public education: #COVIDisAirborne
- public education: #LongCovid is hell
@jeremyphoward Our vaccine clinic had @WHO signs on proper hand-sanitizer use. What we need are signs about MASKS:
WHICH ones: KF94/N95/FFP2 (everyone there except us had surgical or cloth masks)
HOW: many folks weren't covering noses
WHY: b/c #COVIDisAirborne & you do NOT want LongCovid
@jeremyphoward@WHO The "5 Ways to Fight an Airborne Virus" graphic would make for great messaging in a vaccine clinic (& everywhere). 2nd image here:
Algorithmic mechanism design (eg ad tech auctions such as Google, multi-sided platforms such as Uber) contains an inherent contradiction:
- theory of preserving autonomy & rationality of participants
- reality of opaquely generating & exploiting information asymmetries @jakusg 1/
The point of an auction is to incentivize truthful disclosures of preference & valuation; by contrast, Google, acting as an auction platform & multi-sided mechanism designer, is effectively profiling market actors so that it can extract more surplus for itself. 2/
In privately controlled & highly automated digital platforms, algorithmic market-like mechanisms simulate how a market might behave without necessarily including any of the features necessary to constitute a market, such as freedom to deal or knowable information rules. 3/
How can we think about building systems not for individual end users, but for groups and communities? So much of computer science is limited by the assumption that there is an individual end-user who should be the benefactor of what we build.
- @marylgray keynote #NeurIPS2021 1/
ML gravitates to large scale data, even though it has rarely had a robust account of where that data comes from & under what conditions, and is almost always deeply disconnected from the social relationships that produced it. 2/
Data is power. Because data has become so powerful, we must transfer the tools of data collection, aggregation, & sharing from engineers to the communities in society that carry the risks. 3/