@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 Oh Im aware & I don't disagree with that but I do vehemently dispute how you use those facts in constructing your premise. Primarily b/c RUSSIA IS IN NO WAY CAUSAL FOR US WHITE SUPREMACY (WS) nor t/sadistic pathology spawned by it resulting in gen after gen of WPs greedy
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 attachment to privilege & power such that WP continue that process forsaking in all ways the Democracy they give such lipservice to in order to maintain WS in perpetuity.
Albeit tho the clothing of WS changes to suit the going narrative or times, the substance of White
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 privilege and power and what that means for the rest of us DOES NOT CHANGE. And that is the real problem; not Russia.
To the degree you deflect to other countries and people to distract from real causes of the pathology that WS is vs dealing with the character weakness &
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 amorailty of WS (which is killing the possibility of Democracy fulfilling it's promise) only makes plain in real-time evidence, the co-dependent nature of the relationship between White Supremacist Extremists and Silent White Mod Maj who are more comfortable focusing on
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 Russia as the source of US "White Supremacist Extremism vs the self examination, the taking of responsiblity and doing what's necessary to move us as a nation beyond the cannibal of White Supremacist hatred accompanied by the sadism of meritless White privilege and power and
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 specifically designed to oppress Af-Am is which extended to all other POC non-White "undesirables" depending on the times (not so different from Italians and the Irish, see Cuban Americans n9w being courted by GOP with the promise of conferring all the privileges and power
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 being White granted to them and their "White Sons" in exchange for their loyalty which increases the "White GOP voting pop"). That conversation is a bit too uncomfortable and a bit too impolite and it's continued denial and the refusal to take responsibility (as the lack
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 of responsiblity is yet another symptom of systemic White privilege and power) will spell the end of the US as a democracy that never was.
The only fix here is the truth because without that YOU CAN NOT SEE A DAMN THING re: where you've been or where we're going.
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 There's a reason I've been accurately able to predict all of this, step for step since the 1990s and it's not because I'm psychic!
The sadism of greed has a monsterous appitite and the delusional hatred that WP effect to justify it is the most self destructive force on the
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 planet. You can quibble about the artifacts of modern US White society but if you don't understand or grasp that THEY ARISE FROM THE SAME PLACE YOUVE MISSED THE BOAT.
LONG TERM: (which is not so farway now) Although White Supremacy arose from White Christianity and European
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 Empire, was refined via legal coding such that WS became the systemic mechanism of US Nation-State oppression (government) which continues today and which will continue unabated along that track until the US self destructs or WP come to care more about the democratic
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 equality of all Americans in a real time vs their hatred and or their White privilege and power. 12/ End
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 To even begin the understand the history surrounding facsist RW White Supremacists one needs to deal squarely with the wholly foundational pathology of White Supremacy as it is, was and continues to be deeply embedded in US White Culture. To ignore that and only look at the
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 history of fascism (which is the same thing by another name) only deals with quote unquote post-foundational 19th century events according to what WP take note of. I could say this goes back to OK City, Ruby Ridge as he WACO and I wouldn't be wrong, but it's a half truth and
It's not a question of who started WS but rather who in majority continues to maintain it and surprisingly it's NOT EXTREMISTS. It's one thing to inherit an unequal system and quite another to continue to maintain it by
"We found that the virus was accurately detected by the rapid antigen test in 87% of patients with COVID-19 symptoms and in 71% of those who were asymptomatic"
Said another way 30% of SUPERSPREADING Delta and Omicron
@sprzyslp@imillhiser You mean that great White society that NEVER WAS right?
Johnsons failure was his refusal to ensure enforcible equality, and instead aligned with the SIGNIFICANTLY COMPROMISED CRA VRA & FHA b/c he was racist & centrist. What Johnson knew was Af-Am had had enuf & a change of
@sprzyslp@imillhiser clothing (ie., a temporary comprise) was necessary to keep White America & the country running.. and that's the bottom line: CRA VRA ABD FHA was more about GDP & the industry profits end of the BIZ of US Gov and that's just how it went down. Johnson knew it'd take a minute
@sprzyslp@imillhiser but not because of some great White society that never was but to gain the stability necessary to reassure US WHITE CENTRIST MODERATE MAJORITY SOCIETY THAT EQUALITY DIDN'T MEAN LOSING THEIR WHITE PRIVILEGE & POWER.
You mean that great White society that NEVER WAS right?
Johnsons failure was his refusal to ensure enforcible equality, and instead aligned with the SIGNIFICANTLY COMPROMISED CRA VRA & FHA b/c he was racist & centrist. What Johnson knew was Af-Am had had enuf & a change of 1/
clothing (ie., a temporary comprise) was necessary to keep White America & the country running.. and that's the bottom line: CRA VRA ABD FHA was more about GDP & the industry profits end of the BIZ of US Gov and that's just how it went down. Johnson knew it'd take a minute
but not because of some great White society that never was but to gain the stability necessary to reassure US WHITE CENTRIST MODERATE MAJORITY SOCIETY THAT EQUALITY DIDN'T MEAN LOSING THEIR WHITE PRIVILEGE & POWER.
THREAD: The military has stripped more than one general of rank & benies in retirement for far less (the list includes adulterous affairs, cashing bad checks, strip club charges on a stolen Fed Gov CC, coerced sex (rape by another name) the whole "fat leanoard" affair 1/
Course who gets charged punished & stripped of rank and benies seems to have more to do with who you know, or whose back you had and may still have vs not.
My point here is if the military believes those charges and penalities
to be meritorious surely Flynns illegal lobbying for foreign governm'ts KNOWN TO BE ENEMIES OF THE STATE AND WORKING TO OVERTHROW FED GOV QUALIFIES FOR FAR WORSE
For comparison see the following;
1) Former Major General Demoted in Retirement for Using Credit Card at
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn It's my understanding (tho you'd know way more) that it's an impeachable offense for a SCOTUS nominee to lie to congress when being vetted for an appointment and if found to have merit that is grounds for removal. What I don't know and can't find is if any of the rulings
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn pertaining to case law they lied about could be reversed after the fact. I'd think despite any reasonable interpretation of questions asked during the current case, until a ruling over turning Roe v. Wade is handed down, there is no way to find impeachable grounds as the
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn ruling itself would be the decisive evidence. I also believe the SCOTUS 5 will stack the deck meaning Roberts (no one ever believes me when I tell them Roberts is positively diabolical but he is) will write the majority opinion in such a way as to appear to have arrived at a