Since a lot of friends seem to be getting MacBooks Pro, I will dump some of the things I do to set mine up as a former Grumpy *nix Admin(tm).
A thread...
I've been using vcsh ( for years to manage my dotfiles. I'm redoing my zsh config this break to remove over a decade of cruft. Early returns are looking promising.
# This function means `cdf` changes directory to that of your frontmost Finder window.
cdf() {
target=`osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to get POSIX path of (target of front Finder window as text)'`
cd "$target"
# This alias opens your current directory in Finder.
alias f='open -a Finder ./'
# These make things like `cd ...` go up three directories.
alias -g ...=../..
alias -g ....=../../..
alias -g .....=../../../..
alias -g ......=../../../../..
alias -g .......=../../../../../..
alias -g ........=../../../../../../..
I hate the idea of ssh keys just hanging out on disk (even with a passphrase), so I've been using Secretive to keep it in the Secure Enclave. I just have to tap the TouchID button every time I want to use it.…
Similarly I've been using AWS SSO to log into my AWS accounts. It integrates "interestingly" with aws-vault; I still need to work out some kinks with that one.
I like @alfredapp and @getcommande both. The latter was acquired by @Dropbox recently so uh... don't quote me on that endorsement. 😬
alias mansplain=man # aliases `mansplain` so it runs `man`. `man` is the Linux manual page command; it's used to explain what different commands do.
I use @DropshareApps to stuff screenshots into a CloudFront/S3 situation. I wish it knew that Intelligent Tiering was the right answer and that Reduced Redundancy is very much not.
I'm a big fan of Fantastical from @flexibits to handle calendar management across all of my stuff.
If you haven't gotten into @Tailscale yet, fix that. It's amazing.
Can’t forget @macbartender; my iMac is big enough that I didn’t need it but the laptop isn’t so lucky.
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Dave Brown is the VP of EC2 at AWS, which is too many acronyms. He declines to address the platypus in the room.
"So you run all of @awscloud EC2. I'm not saying that's a high stress job, but you *are* only 22 years old. How do you live with that kind of pressure?"
@primitivetype: "Maybe in hex. The trick is to have an amazing team."
Here's an unexpected thread from me; I never expected to write one quite like it...
A while back I had @ajyawn on the podcast, where he talked about @bytechek with me. It was a great episode, and I came away impressed by what AJ was doing.
When I saw this tweet from him, I reached out to AJ with a "sounds like someone raised a funding round, and congratulations are in order." This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to reading the tea leaves.
I was excited enough about what @bytechek does (helps companies get to SOC2 compliance quickly, because I am a nerd as well as a former SOC2 control owner) and about @AjYawn as a person that I asked whether I could invest as well.
Because this is incredibly dense and technical, let me try to simplify it. I'm sure I will be condescendingly corrected if I get this wrong...
"We made a change internally that caused a bunch of internal things to become extremely chatty, like AWS employees defending the company if someone says something even slightly unflattering on Twitter."
So a question I posed in led to an unfortunate realization on my part:
@awscloud is too big, and has too many customers for the overall good of society.
"Well were things more reliable before @awscloud?" No! Good lord no! The difference is that I could have a bad day and take down a hospital. AWS has a bad day and takes down all the hospitals.
It's the simultaneous outage of everything that's the problem.
The worst part is that I don't even have the slightest clue how to fix it. You can plan and plan and plan around this. You can build out multi-region or multi-cloud until the cows come home.
And then one of your third parties did none of this and you're just as down.
Welcome to my first-ever livetweet of an @aselipsky#reinvent keynote as a part of my coverage. It's 8:30, sarcastically loud, I haven't slept, and it's time to see what our @awscloud friends have worked on all year long.
A reminder: Snarking about companies is usually okay; snarking about people (presenters, etc) is not. Punch up, not down. Be kind.
The failure mode of "clever" is "asshole."
We begin with a jarring transition from "loud rock" to "easy listening combined with a Windows screensaver theme." Clearly the #reinvent graphics refresh was delayed due to... I dunno, not having a bad enough team name or something.
Staff: “Sorry, employees (orange lanyards) aren’t allowed in keynotes.”
Me: “It’s red. The lighting is super odd here.”
Once again I snuck past the “no Corey allowed in keynotes” rule!
And now I will livetweet the @awscloud partner keynote in this thread. #reInvent
@awscloud And now @dougyeum takes the stage and thanks us all for being here in person even though he won't be. "I'm moving to a new role within Amazon. Later, hosers."