1/ Remember German ISIS woman Omaima Abdi whose phone I found in Syria? Among many pics on phone was this one. I wondered who she was. A German journalist now confirms to me this is ISIS woman Daniela Giese. Giese also from Hamburg &was in Syria. This is 1st pic of her in Syria.
2/ The German journalist covered the recent trial against Giese in Hamburg and recognized Giese from the pic. Giese, just like Abdi, joined ISIS in Syria & also returned to Germany. Both women are from Hamburg and the pic of Giese on Abdi's phone suggests the women met in Syria.
3/ In my show on @akhbar I also spoke to Yazidi journalist @saman1dawod who lives in Germany. Most ISIS women receive sentences from 2-7 yrs. "These are low," he said. "Verdicts against ISIS women in Germany don't meet expectations of Yazidi community."
4/ In same episode I interviewed @IlonaTaimela, who is a Finnish teacher. Via Whatsapp she taught children of ISIS women in Al Hol camp in NE Syria. She believes education can help in the deradicalization process & make the children a bit less vulnerable
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1/ This week my guest on my show @akhbar was Sinam Mohamad (@sinam56), representative of Syrian Democratic Council in Washington (political wing SDF). She told me, contrary to what many think, U.S. is actually not against SDF making a deal with Syrian gov.
2/ Exact quote by @sinam56: "What we are now interested in is to reach solutions in Syria. We heard from US administration that they aren't against us having dialogue with Syria government. What we also always say: We need a solution from Syrian to Syrian"
3/ US pullout from Afghanistan also created some panic in SE Syria, admits @sinam56. "(...) we had private meetings here in Washington. US confirmed to us there won't be withdrawal now. ISIS threat still there &still no political solution to Syria crisis."
١/ كنت سعيدة جدًا لأن @clarissaward من قناة CNN كانت ضيفتي هذا الأسبوع على شاشة @akhbar.
تحدثنا نصف ساعة عن تغطيتها المميزة من الميدان عند دخول طالبان #كابول والسيطرة عليها. سألتها عن أخطر ما واجهته خلال تلك الرحلة:
٢/ أخبرتني @clarissaward أنها كانت بالصدفة في كابول عندما سيطرت طالبان فجأة على البلاد. غادر العديد من الصحفيين أفغانستان أو انسحبوا إلى المطار لكن كلاريسا بقيت وسط كابول تقدم تقاريرها بشجاعة.
تحدثت معها عن وضع المرأة الأفغانية وتعليم الفتيات:
٣/ بعد أن أنهت مهمتها الصحفية في كابول، عادت @clarissaward إلى لندن حيث تقيم.
هي ليست فقط مراسلة ل CNN إنما أيضًا أم لطفلين. كيف كان الاستقبال عندما وصلت إلى المنزل؟ "لقد قاصصني طفلي البالغ من العمر عامًا واحدًا."
1/ I was so pleased that CNN's @clarissaward was my guest this week on my show @akhbar. We spoke half hour about her amazing reporting from #Kabul, Afghanistan during recent Taliban takeover. I asked her what the most dangerous moment was during that trip.
2/ CNN's @clarissaward told me she was coincidentally in Kabul when sudden Taliban takeover happened. Many journos left or pulled back to airport but she bravely reported from streets as Talibs took over. However, situation for women now very difficult.
3/ After her daring Kabul reporting, @clarissaward returned to London, where she is based. She's not only @CNN's chief international correspondent but also a mother of two. "My one year old punished me. He was like: 'talk my hand'. It's so heartbreaking."
١/ هذه المقابلة أبكتني 😢. ضيفي هذا الأسبوع هو الناشط العراقي حيدر آل مرجان @Mrjan_97.
خلال احتجاجات عام 2019 في #بغداد، أصيب بقنبلة غاز مسيل للدموع وفقد نصف وجهه. على أمل العلاج، سافر مؤخرا إلى بيلاروسيا، ومشى لمدة 4 أيام إلى بولندا ليصل بعدها الى ألمانيا.
٢/ في هذا المقطع، يتذكر حيدر لحظة إصابته: قوات الشغب ضربتني قنبلة مسيلة للدموع أصابت فكي الأعلى والأسفل، تعرضت للإصابة الساعة ١١ بالليل، سقطت غلى الأرض، أصدقائي حولي ينادون حيدر حيدر، جسمي بارد، الدخان يطلع من فمي وعيوني، بعدها أغمى علي لمدة ٥ ايام.
1/ I cried after this interview. Guest on my show at @akhbar was Haidar (@Mrjan_97). During 2019 protests in Baghdad, he was hit by tear gas canister, lost half his face. Hoping for treatment he flew to Belarus, walked 4 days to Poland, now in Germany.
2/ Haider explains when he was hit: "Gas canister fired by riot police hit me. It was 2300 hr. I fell on the ground. I'm laying on my back, looking at the sky. My body cold. I feel smoke getting out of my ears, mouth &eyes. I was unconscious for 5 days".
3/ After 5 days Haider woke up in the hospital, he asked his family for a mirror to look at his face. "They hesitated, said it's only a minor injury. But I said: Give me a mirror! I looked in the mirror - I saw my youth, my future, my life is gone. Everything for me is finished."