The first step is to get you all to eliminate your inner dummy. To that end believe whatever you want. I don't care. Do this, crank the dial to 11 and rock on. It is no quick fix, but it's worth the effort.
A message to Christian dummies. I'm the Christ of prophecy. Your boss. And I am commanding you to read this, pull your heads out, and obey the words of your God.
Next on the dummy list are those who support the drug war. I intend to #EndTheGodDamnedDrugWar. No more drug lords. No more terrorist funding. No more criminalizing what is at worst a medical problem.
Anyone who supports the drug war is an enemy of humanity. Not an opinion, not a point of view. Objective reality.
Next are the oligarch dummies. The fat bloated parasites leaching upon our species. You are detrimental. Your contribution is net negative. Start paying your fair share. Word of the day: philanthropy.
May the plebs rise up against you if you persist.
Next on the list are the dummy makers. The liars, the manipulators. Ruining the fabric of civilization for a few $$$s.
Rupert Murdoch, I'm looking at you. I want your little empire gone from my universe.
You run a very significant risk of severe illness and death. And long Covid.
That alone is sufficient reason to get vaxxed.
The science is clear. You have every medical professional in the world telling you to get vaxxed.
Another reason, sufficient in and of itself.
Being unvaxxed and more susceptible you run a higher risk of transmitting it to those around you. Those you love. People who may be more susceptible than you.
That is selfishness at the expense of others. You risk their lives to exercise your rights.
Life has a significant left-leaning bias. This is true even if you are not aware that All is One.
We are social animals. We exist in communities. We are co-dependent. Our progress, our survival, all dependent on each other.
A thread:
The Illusion of Separation provides the opportunity to answer the Great Question. But when embraced, taken to extremes, it becomes toxic to the self and the whole.
Me first. My rights, no responsibilities. Separate, autonomous.
Cutting off the nose to spite the face.
It is regression. It is self defeating.
It is insanity.
It is no coincidence that intelligence on the right is markedly lower than intelligence on the left.
Abstraction, metaphor lost upon those who can only think in concrete terms.
Worship is childish. It's how the young and inexperienced create idols. As an evolutionary advantage idolizing role models increases the ability to learn valuable life skills. But once the skills are acquired worship is no longer necessary.
A thread:
The only reason to mandate worship from adults is to keep them in a childish state, subservient, on their knees.
When used this way it is a tool of control.
Stop being controlled. Get off your knees. No self respecting deity would give a flying monkey's butt about your worship
The phrase sounds quite esoteric, but in practice it is straight forward. It is simply about developing yourself. Learning about yourself. Transforming yourself into the person you choose to be.
It takes time and effort. There are some skills to develop along the way.
The first and most difficult skill to cultivate is personal objectivity. This is seeing yourself as if through the eyes of others. We make significant assumptions about ourselves that keep us the heroes of our own stories.