"Let no man deceive you by any means : for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition"
Justin Welby , the Archbishop of Canterbury disparages the Sun as not being a God, with power over diseases and says that the Sun would accept v@k*cination. He uses the Sun to poison people with their bio weapons...
And he goes on with his satanic words, the tongue of the serpent is forked ....
=>"Antivax people are immoral"
=> Go and get boosted, get vaccinated. It's how we love our neighbour. Loving our neighbour is what Jesus told us to do. It's Christmas : do what he said"
And, in Timothy 4,
"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and FOLLOW deceiving spirits and THINGS TAUGHT BY DEMONS. Such teachings come through HYPOCRITICAL LIARS, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron."...
==> Don't listen to those DEMONS, stay IMMACULATE🕊️
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@AmunRAGodSun1 1- Identify the ENEMY, the ADVERSARY, the DECEIVER, the TEMPTER, the FATHER OF LIES, the RULER/ PRINCE of this WORLD/of the KALI YUGA AGE.. All is in the manual in order not be outwitted, not go astray, not be lost at sea ...
@AmunRAGodSun1 2-
A- He lies (he is a story teller, he is an actor, he is a huckster, he knows how to play comedy, he excels at theatrical games...) ;
B- He blinds the minds of unbelievers,hiding the truth hence restoration was/is necessary to tear down the veil of Isis...
@AmunRAGodSun1 3-
C- He masquerades in costumes of light and righeousness : wolves in sheep's clothing even inside the flock (Acts 20:30), in the Church (think of the "doctrines of demons", Timothy 4:1) and all the generation of actors (hence he hides in the entertainment...
🚨 All those demons are hypocritical liars, parroting the same speech. For the occasion of Christmas, they've chosen to do it this time with sweetness, taking falsely compassionate airs..
The initial script was given a few days ago by the Demoniac Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
The motto is : "Everyone must be vaccinated". Presidents of Application have to "embellish" the speech with elements from the Bible on this Christmas Day, to be heard...
J. Trudeau then said, "Let's encourage our friends and family to get vaccinated and booster shots," making sure to emphasize that "we showed up for each other"...
The Union of General Medicine (SMG) is against the discriminatory measures of the Government aiming at putting aside those who do not comply with them, named "the unv@xxed". In short, their will is to get rid of them.
One of the purposes of the V@k*cine Passport is to divide people and sort them !
May I remind you that the so-called v@k*cines are ALL clinical trials and they can't be compulsory !
We are on the way to break not only the Hospital System but the whole Medical System.
It is the Truth. By breaking the mutualization of means, by disassociating from each other, by judging who has access to care and who is refused, the Social Security system no longer exists...
🚨L'Afrique du Sud n'a que 26,4 % de la population qui est v@k*cinée... et voici le résultat. Les variants sont des mots utiles pour mettre un nom sur un pic d'hospitalisations et éviter alors de faire un lien avec la deuxième v@k*cination qui a déclenché le processus. (Suite)
Mais maintenant ils ont un problème car selon leurs prévisions, connaissant ce qu'ils vous ont injecté, le variant Omicron prévu aurait déjà du être une véritable flambée et le pan blanc a été déclenché. Et non,votre Système Immunitaire semble alors reprendre de la vigueur(Suite)
Ils vous bombardent de données alarmistes pendant qu'ils vous mijotent un booster et avec lui, vous êtes sûrs d'aller à l'hôpital et d'y rester. Même l'OMS a demandé à ce qu'il ne soit pas donné aux enfants car ils mouraient...et que les essais nécessaires (suite)
The landlords of his House are "Green" and sovereign. D Trump is to be crownd King Cyrus III, successor of Cyrus The Great, from the Babylonian Empire of Persia.
Remember the Abraham Agreements to build "Peace at all cost"
And He built symbolically the third Temple, the Second Temple being an abomination was erased at the time of Cyrus The Great (and he was beheaded)
🚨Ursula Van Der Leyen is debating at the European Parliament with the MPs to find a way to abolish the Nuremberg Code and to impose mandatory v@k*cination. We are close to a re-opening of the Constitution to revisit it, pushed in France by V. Pécresse, JL Mélenchon...
The attempt to abolish the Nuremberg Code is their way to try to pre-empt their arrest from their crimes against humanity for which they'll have to answer very soon : Pfizer's files are declassified in dribs and drabs, but the adverse effects are already greater ...
than the effects of all the drugs since the history of medicine.
The criminals must not be given the slightest chance to escape. Don't repeat a sham trial like Nuremberg 1, haven't you learnt the lesson ?