The plate as a frame of reference is thoroughly erroneous. From my vantage point, in the context of assessing the contact point in terms of efficiency [conforming to the "Pcrw" standard] THE frame of reference is the hands/knob alignment, relative to the base of support.
"Base of support" meaning the lead leg [half of the base of support], i.e., the lead foot, knee, and upper thigh the combination of which create stability/support of the trunk/arms/bat's rotary motion.
A very key parameter of measuring efficiency or said another way----optimizing connection/maximal momentum transfer from body to bat--- is limiting the displacement of the hands/knob.
Meaning that from a movement efficiency perspective, THE goal is to MINIMIZE the distance the hands/knob have to travel in order to optimize swing quickness, momentum transfer, and barrel accuracy.
Based on both physics models[compound pendulum models via Setpro et al] AND empirical ex. this translates [typically] into the hands/knob being BEHIND the lead foot for sure. And many times behind the lead knee as well.
On my website I have dozens of such ex. captured over 15 or so yrs. But here is simply one such ex. [thanks to Chris O'leary]:…
So, the bottom line is that a idealized contact point has nothing to do with the player relative to the plate.
Rather it has everything to do with how the various body segments ALIGN with each other!
What I refer to as issues involving BAT AND BODY ALIGNMENT... from initiation to contact.
And I dare say that in THIS context, there is no more definitive explanation of this than my instructional e-book video on my website:
Now, I hear the cynics saying along the lines of ....blatant marketing attempt to see Steve's stuff. Ok. So be it [and should add that those who REALLY know me know that I get an "F" in marketing schemes].
But I am especially proud of this particular thing I sell. Why? Because it is a product pretty much solely of the efforts of one Stu Byrne. An engineer who, in trying to help his son develop, ran across my website yrs. ago.
And who thereafter, spent a good deal of time applying his engineering eye, so to speak, to understanding "my stuff." In doing so, he got REALLY GOOD at taking my words on the site and translating them into VERY good and illustrative videos, stills, and still sequences.
MANY on my site commented as to how helpful these things were. Eventually, I asked Stu, "hey can I see these clips?" "I'll certainly pay you for your efforts."
And he very modestly said: "No. I don't want any money. I learned all of what I put out by being on your website."
Stu's output on all things related to what I have described as all the parameters involved in both good and not so good BAT/BODY ALIGNMENT amounts to over 50 pgs. of stills detailing these issues.
And this effort yields info that simply cannot be found anywhere else in it's depth and breadth as regards postural dynamics in unloading a swing.
I've said it before but I want to say it again. Thanks Stu. Your intelligence, modesty, and efforts to help your son are GREATLY recognized and appreciated by myself and many others on my website!!
First this: Based on long experience [that includes "book learning shit", working with all kinds of players, empirical research, thousands of hrs. practicing "doing it"] ,the question of "if" is settled ,i.e., this IS a defining of elite hitters!
And as regards this: "then we must find additional ways to train this skill.”
Well, I can only say that I have been addressing this question [as a teacher] for about 15 or so yrs.
Well, first things first and conforming to my developed sense of "questioning the premise" I'll say this: The "lean back" is a RESUALTANT, i.e., it is an EFFECT of prior movements/muscle actions. And as such, it has ZERO "contribution" to any so-called "adjustment."
Thus, the obvious implication of what I am saying is this: From a causal---and most importantly---a TEACHING perspective THE most important question is along the lines of:
What movements/muscle actions/postural dynamics are involved in optimally "lining up" with a low/outside location?
A recent comment from "slay" asking as to how to 'weed out' subjectivity" prompted me to cite this interesting/relevant chart that very much pertains to this question.
The context of slay's question was me stating my skepticism as regards the so-called "fact-checkers."
I said this: ""fact checkers" should be highly skeptical of those who claim this as an objective category. Recently [in court] Facebook admitted that their so-called fact-checkers were protected under 1st amendment OPINION interpretations [see Stossel vs. Facebook].
This is a clip that has been around awhile [I'm reasonably sure that someone put it on the Setpro website likely around 2004 or so]. It's a clip illustrative of things I have learned to see ---and try to teach-over the yrs.
I'll list/describe some of these functional characteristics.
1] Note hip rotation INTO foot plant ,ie., the hip rotation actually starts AS the lead heel starts to drop. That, as opposed to getting to full heel plant, stabilizing the lead knee, THEN starting to rotate.
2] Note that the lead heel drop and the back heel lift/back knee flexion happen essentially simultaneously. And these actions occur essentially simultaneously with the hip rotation.
Well, as I have explained many times, I'm a simple guy. In football I liked to hit people [had I played college football and stayed healthy I have no doubt that I would have been drafted as a strong safety---I was a better football player than I was a baseball player].
As regards baseball I was drafted as a hitter and of course my favorite part of baseball WAS hitting. And from an early age I gravitated towards drummers and drumming [my dad played as a hobby and introduced me to African and jazz drummers when I was 6].
Bottom line----and what all 3 have in common---I very much like to HIT SHIT!! And here's a guy who also likes to hit shit [one of my favorite drummers] Gergo Borlai:
And let me preface my comments here by saying that, yrs. ago I became known by members of Setpro as a guy who understood the Setpro info well enough to convey it in a very accurate manner.
The back story, so to speak, on my coming to this point is this: I had been out of baseball for many yrs. [I did not even watch baseball for yrs.---until my wife signed up my only son to play and he, over time, became a huge fan of Ken Griffey].