Jack Dorsey vs. the VCs and stories from this past week

#Bitcoin Tech Talk #272

@jack has pissed off a bunch of VCs by saying that Web3 is a scam. @a16z in particular tried very hard to convince him otherwise, but ended up frustrated that he held his ground.

VCs haven't gotten much criticism. Founders, Media and Gov't generally say positive things about them because they control the money.

This is what makes @jack stand out. He's telling the truth about Web3. But really, it goes much further back than that starting about 8 years ago with token sales.

2013 started the token sale which have benefited VCs at the expense of the public. Nothing useful is being made, but VCs are getting great returns for LPs!

This is what @jack is railing against. But there is good news. #Bitcoin is the thing that puts most of these VCs out of business.

@JeremyRubin explains an oracle-free POW hedge
Krux is an off-the-shelf offline signer
@BullBitcoin_ opines on multisig for single users
@OpenSats funds more devs

@LNMarkets explains hosted channels
HODLMeTight shows LN on TOR and clearnet
@Boltzhq lets you swap LN for BTC KYC-free

Econ, Etc:
@nic_carter and @LucasNuzzi show POW is worth it
@stephanlivera opines on zero fiat
@ryanmcmaken shows how the state got control of money
@braiins_systems tests the Antminer X19
@hugohanoi shows the deceit in ETH rollups
@fiatjaf slams IPFS

Read all about these stories and more in my newsletter!

#Bitcoin Tech Talk #272



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22 Nov
Taproot gives us more tools against practical security threats and #Bitcoin news from the past week.

A thread. 1/8
As @lopp identifies, there are 5 primary security threat models against Bitcoin holders: Accidental loss, Digital theft, Government seizure, Physical theft and Inheritance planning. Taproot gives us tools against all of these. 2/8
Accidental loss - you can add recovery options for free, e.g. 2/5 of your friends' keys, none of whom know about each other.

Digital theft - because there are better recovery options with self-custody, people will self custody more and not leave them on exchanges. 3/8
Read 10 tweets
7 Jan
1/ Wow, what an essay, trying to distill thoughts from this masterpiece: cdn.mises.org/rae7_1_1_2.pdf

Hat tip: @NSKinsella

The essay is about inflation's effect on culture, through the analysis of a short story set in Weimar Germany. I've selected some quotes and will comment.
2/ "With all points of reference gone, the only law...appears to be perpetual change."

When money changes, everything else anchored on money starts to change as well. Prices being the most obvious one, but crucially, not the only one.
3/ "...if we seek an explanation for the dissolution of authority in the world he is portraying, we should look to the monetary madness of the Weimar Republic."

The insanity and disorder of society, in other words, can be traced back to monetary policy.
Read 12 tweets
11 Dec 20
1/6 Announcing a new book! Thank God for Bitcoin is available on Amazon in digital and paperback.

Forward written by our favorite NFL player @RussellOkung

This book makes the moral case for #Bitcoin from a Christian perspective.

2/6 The subtitle is "The Creation, Corruption and Redemption of Money" and speaks to money's purpose, how it's been corrupted over time and how Bitcoin redeems the corrupt nature of the current central-bank backed fiat monetary system
3/6 The main audience for this book is Christians, many of whom hold wildly biased notions of Bitcoin and makes the moral argument for Bitcoin. Not only is it a better, harder money, but it's a more moral money that's better aligned with building up civilization.
Read 6 tweets
15 Jul 19
Short rant about Quantum Computing breaking bitcoin:

1/ If you study even a little of it, you realize very quickly that the engineering challenges are enormous. Most attempts use temperatures a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero, not exactly easy to produce.
2/ What's more, the way quantum works is that you have lots of coherence problems and half-life problems. You need redundancy which adds enormous complexity to the system.
3/ Add to that the best quantum algorithms really only give you a square-root factor speed-up. So if it took 2^256 operations for a brute force attack, congrats, now you need to do 2^128 operations... on a quantum computer.
Read 7 tweets
8 May 19
1/ Back of the envelope math for doing a 58 block reorg (current confirmations for the tx that took money from binance):

Minimal cost: 58 * 12.5 btc = 725 BTC (assumes every miner would get roughly the same tx fees in the new chain and that 100% of miners go with this scheme)
2/ If 75% of the network going with this scheme, you would need on average 116 blocks to overtake the current chain, or about 1450 BTC worth of mining rewards.
At 60%, this becomes 290 blocks or 3625 BTC. At 55%, 580 blocks/7250 BTC.
3/ 7250 BTC > 7000 BTC, so at minimum, you need more than 55% of all hashing power to agree to reorg the chain. In 58 more blocks, this rises to 60%, in 116 blocks, 65%. In 174 blocks, 70%, 232 blocks/75%. The cost goes up pretty quickly assuming everyone agrees.
Read 7 tweets
18 Feb 19
1/ Why I'm advising @LevelInvest:

Executive summary:
- They're disrupting crypto exchanges
- They can make a lot of money $5/user/month at scale
- This is the next level of financial inclusion that we need
2/ A lot of people are asking about my involvement, especially since they're really skeptical of the business model. How is it possible they can charge $5/user/month and make money where other exchanges charge 0.15% per trade? The conclusion they've jumped to is that I'm scamming
3/ Allow me to lay out my investment thesis:

First, most people are skeptical because they've been abused by the financial services industry. They expect financial services of any kind to cost a lot of money in some way, shape or form. This is due to a lot of rent-seeking.
Read 12 tweets

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