Levelling Up: 50% of Britons say spending is too low in their local area, only 17% say about right
North East: 66% too low
North West: 65%
Yorks: 55%
🏴: 55%
South West: 54%
🏴: 52%
West Mids: 52%
East Mids: 50%
South East: 43%
East: 42%
London: 36%
Both UK businesses (79%) and the wider public (70%) think people will likely never return to offices at the same rate as before the pandemic - but what do they think this means for the workforce? 🧵
Whilst they expect young people’s careers may suffer for working from home, the majority of both UK businesses (65%) and the wider public (56%) think it will help advance women’s careers, as childcare and caring duties become less of a hindrance