Kareem's resturant (Kolkata) does this to its customers..
Late night of 26th December 2021 around 11 .15pm (which is past the closing time of the Restuarant) Nand Desai(23 yrs) with his friend Navneet Soni(23 yrs) and two others, visited Karim's restaurant at 84, Aurobindo Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal 700004, for dinner.
They demanded for full payment before serving them the food. On requesting for some onions the waiter denied it rudely, from there a verbal spat began between all of them, (as per Desai and his friends they were around 15 employees, manager as well the the owner)
Suddenly a employee of Karim's hit Nand on head with a knife and an iron rod followed by hitting his friend(Navneet) on the head as well and pushed them outside the restuarant while they were in a semi conscious condition and were bleeding badly and closed the shutter.
If one starts compiling all the misdeeds & follies of Nehru, then even the brief summary of it would definitely cross 1000 pages!! Thanks to social media, most Indians are already aware of his monumental failure in the India-China war.
Similarly, there was another failure, related to Tibet, in which his betrayal caused immense damage to an ancient culture, and denied India from having a friendly neighbor.
The story goes back to 1950, when Tibet was an independent country, housing one of the most ancient cultures, and managing a self sufficient economy.
Back in the mid 20th century when the whole world was in awe with mainstream media's appraisal of Gandhian ideologies like "sacrifice" and "turning the other cheek", the same ideologies were turning out to be highly detrimental for India's future.
As Gandhi was determined to go the extra mile in appeasing certain sections. The best example which illustrates this point is none other than that of his nod for Jinnah's idea of a "Muzl!m corridor"!
When the British had finally come up with the latest maps related to partition, Jinnah was furious, since the parts of Indian subcontinent which went into the formation of Pakistan were much smaller than, thus giving rise to his infamous phrase "Moth eaten Pakistan".
Dowry is bad. But Alimony is worse. In case of former you have the choice. In the latter case, you have no choice but to pay alimony. If paying someone to marrying you is illegal then paying someone for divorcing you should also be illegal.
On one fine day feminists are modern independent individuals for whom dowry is demeaning to their self respect and on the next day they're helpless victims/ abla naaris whose demands for alimony (legalized extortion) is justified.
Kind of getting the feeling that feminists want all the perks of being men but not the responsibilities/consequences of being men.
It's high time people realize that third wave feminism isn't asking for gender equality but "Heads I win, tails you lose" scenario.
The story of "India's biggest betrayal" goes back all the way to 1970s, when Morarji Desai had finally managed to fulfill his long cherished dream of becoming the PM.
The geopolitical situation back then was highly volatile, since Pakistan was desperately trying to develop nuclear weap0ns.
Interestingly, our RAW officers (who were operaring as spies in various parts of Pakistan) had already managed to find out details of how and where exactly their nuclear weap0n was developed.
Highlights of a certain Tollywood actress' woke life:
Engaged to a rapist and terrorist accused and almost convicted in the infamous Park Street gangrape case. Helped the same man flee the country to escape being penalised for the crime.
Went into a romantic relationship with a man belonging from a wealthy ass business family. Seven years later, married the same man in a greatly expensive 5-day destination wedding in Turkey.
Got the husband buy her a spacious 3BHK apartment in Ballygunge Place, the same being registered to her name. The man also helped her clear a few of her financial dues. He named the actress the director of a subsidiaries sister company to his family's existing company.
When the devastating second wave hit India, he was rightly questioned for lack of preparedness and an approach that was unscientific. Being the leader of the government, his approach indeed caught the country off guard, and led to a humanitarian crisis.
Continuing with election rallies, festivals, lack of focus on sequencing, not paying heed to scientific advice for preventive measures further compounded the problem that the devastating delta variant posed.
This is what separates a good, strong and sensitive leader from one who isn't. He corrected the course very quickly. Realising the scale of catastrophe that hit India in the last part of April, he provided the leadership the country required.