The story of "India's biggest betrayal" goes back all the way to 1970s, when Morarji Desai had finally managed to fulfill his long cherished dream of becoming the PM.
The geopolitical situation back then was highly volatile, since Pakistan was desperately trying to develop nuclear weap0ns.
Interestingly, our RAW officers (who were operaring as spies in various parts of Pakistan) had already managed to find out details of how and where exactly their nuclear weap0n was developed.
As per protocol, RAW approached the then PM Desai to seek approval of funds for a covert operation through which they could bribe some of the moles in Pakistan in exchange for the complete blueprint of their nuclear project, which could then be used by India to its advantage.
But to the utter surprise of RAW officials, Morarji Desai rebuked them for "poking their nose unnecessarily into other countries" and ordered them to follow Gandhian ideology of peace with neighbors!
Next day, like a typical Gandhian, Desai called up the President of Pakistan, and in the pretext of following "honesty is the best policy", revealed all the info he had received from RAW, and even went on to disclose about the Indian network operating as spies in Pakistan!
As expected, the Pakistan President thanked Morarji profusely for the tip-off, and then went on to carry out one of the biggest huntdowns in the history of intelligence operations.
Over the next few months, Pakistan Army traced & caught every Indian RAW officer (who worked as spies), and brutally tortured them to de@th!!
That's how Morarji Desai, in his obsession with Gandhian ideologies, betrayed the whole nation by sacrificing the entire spy network of RAW, which in turn weakened our national security, leading to the Kashmiri Pandits exodus in a decade.
Finally, Pakistan was so grateful to Morarji Desai that they actually went on to honour him with Pakistan's highest award "Nishan-e-Pakistan" in 1990!
Highlights of a certain Tollywood actress' woke life:
Engaged to a rapist and terrorist accused and almost convicted in the infamous Park Street gangrape case. Helped the same man flee the country to escape being penalised for the crime.
Went into a romantic relationship with a man belonging from a wealthy ass business family. Seven years later, married the same man in a greatly expensive 5-day destination wedding in Turkey.
Got the husband buy her a spacious 3BHK apartment in Ballygunge Place, the same being registered to her name. The man also helped her clear a few of her financial dues. He named the actress the director of a subsidiaries sister company to his family's existing company.
When the devastating second wave hit India, he was rightly questioned for lack of preparedness and an approach that was unscientific. Being the leader of the government, his approach indeed caught the country off guard, and led to a humanitarian crisis.
Continuing with election rallies, festivals, lack of focus on sequencing, not paying heed to scientific advice for preventive measures further compounded the problem that the devastating delta variant posed.
This is what separates a good, strong and sensitive leader from one who isn't. He corrected the course very quickly. Realising the scale of catastrophe that hit India in the last part of April, he provided the leadership the country required.
"I go into the Upanishads to ask questions." - Niels Bohr
During our schooldays, we were taught about the extensive contributions of western scientists like Niels Bohr, who had come up with theories related to atomic structure, wave-particle concepts, etc.
However, one vital aspect which our school textbooks forgot to mention was that most of his research was deeply influenced by our Vedas & Upanishads!
Despite being born & brought up in a Chr!stian environment in Europe, Bohr had started showing interest in ancient Indian scriptures during his research as scientist from 1920s.
Why do we immerse Lord Ganesha idol into water after worshipping it?
- In India, for thousands of years Hindus have made idols and then immersed them in water. Many foreigners feel it is a strange thing to do.
Why is the God Ganesha decorated ceremoniously and worshipped lovingly for several days and then immersed in the sea, river, or lake? There is a beautiful concept behind this immersion.
The real secret of worship is in making an idol and then letting it disappear; giving a shape and form to the idol, and then letting it vanish onto the formless. It is all symbolic, the act of making an idol of Lord Ganesha, worshipping it, and then immersing it in water.
22 yrs ago, while our soldiers were risking their lives to safeguard our nation, the political class in India had witnessed 2 camps. One camp was the nationalist camp, with leaders like Modi who went the extra mile in meeting our soldiers & motivating them.
Whereas on the other camp, it was the Kangressis who left no stone unturned in humiliating our own Army!!
Here is one quick example which shows the level to which kangress leaders could stoop down to: In one of the parliamentary sessions during the war, the Kangress party dismissed the whole efforts of our soldiers, and directly called it "BJP's war".
After successfully exploiting millions of helpless Hindus by harvesting them (i.e religious conversion in return for freebies like rice-bags), the missionaries are now setting their sights on the relatively well-off middle-class Hindus!
As it's a well known fact that Hindus worship several Gods, these missionaries are desperately trying to convince Hindus that it would be a good idea to include a small photo of Jesus as well, usually in "Hinduized" form/avatar, and worship him along with other Hindu Gods.
That's usually the first step, and soon after the "Hinduized" (Hindu avatar) Jesus finds a place into a middle-class Hindu home, the missionaries, who would be in constant touch with those Hindus, will then step up to the next stage.