Top 5 most-read new posts in 2021.
No 1: Cold Calling: The #1 strategy for inclusive classrooms - remote and in person.… 1/5
Five most-read posts in 2021, excluding the new ones (top 5 posted yesterday). 1. Revisiting Dylan Wiliam's Five Brilliant Formative Assessment Strategies.… > 51K views this year! 1/5
2. 7 Significant and Common Challenges in Teaching.… > 45K views, mainly since this was put on an Australian university reading list. 2/5
3. 10 Techniques for Retrieval Practice… > nearly 3 years old but people keep coming back. 38K views. 3/5
Variables between/within schools:
From extensive reading across subjects, quality texts, established reading routines/norms; high daily volume
To: Reading volume thin, class reading rare outside English except question papers and worksheets. Textbooks rare ...1/n
To: Hands up /calling out dominate; possible to be left out/silent all lesson/day. Opps for individual/choral oral rehearsal are rare.
From: insistence on high exps for writing/presentation, extended verbal answers using formal terminology; rigour/quality in all tasks; depth and fluency of recall
To: Tolerance of mediocrity, monosyllabic responses, shabby books, letting details go.