Question for the various NFL players that follow me: do you follow because if my award-winning firearms reporting and analysis or because you think I'm world-champion kicker Stephen Gostkowski?
I think it's mostly the former. But the later would be much funnier.
Morten Anderson used to follow me on here but he doesn't anymore. I still suspect he thought I was Stephen Gostkowski.
Imposter syndrome is rough when people often literally mistake you for a more famous and successful Polak.
People are talking about this because of the politics, but the fact this is almost certainly a scam coin seems much more concerning to me. Coffezilla has already profiled this meme coin and it doesn't look good:
Here's more detail on how different rug pulls work in crypto. I don't know what will happen, but here's the advice on their website: "LGBcoin has no intrinsic value and you should not purchase it with any expectation that you will be able to resell it."
Why NASCAR would want to get involved with something that seems likely to end in disaster is beyond me.
It turns out that Wayne LaPierre's free trip on a megayacht owned by an NRA contractor may not have been for a "security retreat" as he testified in the bankruptcy case.
LaPierre was questioned about this trip during the bankruptcy hearing. He tried to explain most of the extravagant expenditures he made as being for reasons of security. He also testified he didn't have security staff look at the boat or its guests. So, yea...
If I recall correctly, LaPierre also claimed an exterminator treatment at his house that he charged to the NRA was appropriate for security reasons as well. He said the security he had hired complained of bug bites was the reasoning.
Hardcore partisans all sound the same after a while. It's like they just copy each other's scripts and use a quick word replace scan to reverse the favored buzzwords.
Is the argument "leaders of every state concerned with protecting innocent residents from avoidable slaughter" should use the civil-suit enforcement gimmick from Texas abortion law supporters or from this op-ed? Guess without looking.