Addition: the genetic combinations of Omicron and Delta that form when someone is infected by both can be expected to result in new variants with a wide range of properties.
Don’t think about the virus as what it is today but what it might become.
The virus has a very large space of possible options. Omicron has 60 mutations, another combination of 60 mutations will result in very different properties.
If we don’t want more possibilities there is one sure way that will prevent it: reducing the amount of virus that is transmitting. We are doing the opposite so far, there is more virus not less.
"We must now add murderous incompetence, culpable negligence, perfunctory conduct of government response, wantonly foolish ideology-driven reliance on organisations and individuals who conspicuously lacked the necessary attributes to perform their assigned tasks. 2/
"Abbasi equated the lethal results of political decisions during the pandemic to ‘social murder’.This describes what occurs when those in power force the population to live in conditions that increase,inevitably,their risk of avoidable and premature death.…
UK data: Omicron is as severe as Delta for cases that would be infected by Delta, and infects people who would not be infected by Delta (due to immunity of prior infection or vaccination). Those cases are less severe. By Simpsons paradox Omicron seems less severe, but is more. 1/
Also the medical definition of "mild" continues to mean "not hospitalized".
Both so-called mild cases and long covid that can follow can be devastating and life changing.
A just released study shows that the virus remains active in many organs of the body including many places in the brain for months after infection. The "acute" phase of the infection is only the beginning.
NIH Study: "SARS-CoV-2 is widely distributed, even among patients who died with asymptomatic to mild COVID-19, and that virus replication is present in multiple extrapulmonary tissues early in infection...[and] throughout the brain for up to 230 days
"We show SARS-CoV-2 disseminates across the human body and brain early in infection at high levels, and provide evidence of virus replication at multiple extrapulmonary [outside the lungs] sites during the first week following symptom onset.
"We demonstrate conclusively that SARS-CoV-2 is capable of infecting and replicating within ... the heart, lymph node, small intestine, and adrenal gland...high levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and evidence of
replication in colon, lymphoid tissues, and ocular tissues.