How often do your days go exactly according to plan?
🔥 Every day?
👍 Once a week?
🤞 Once a month?
🚫 …Never?
My answer is close to “Never”—but I still get important work done.
How is that possible?
🩸 An Agenda is not a Blood Oath 🩸
My daily workflow has two parts: Agenda & Log.
Agenda = “What do I want to do?”
Log = “What am I doing?”
Those are two different questions, and it’s perfectly okay if the answers are different, too.
Every day brings interruptions. Every day brings new work you didn’t see coming—and some of it is time-sensitive.
So what if your Agenda doesn’t account for it?
👉 Your Log will!
Why is that helpful?
We take our productivity personally. When we don’t complete our Agenda, we see it as a personal failure.
And worse, because we don’t LIKE to fail…
🚨 Sometimes we won’t plan at all! 🚨
After all—we reason, poorly—what’s the point of planning if it’s only going to change?
When we plan our Agenda, we set our future self up for success. We confirm the direction we want to go.
When we track in our Log, we acknowledge that our past self can’t foresee everything. We give permission to work on what needs attention now, under new circumstances.
And when we complete work (that is tracked in our Log), we can return to our Agenda and decide where to pick up. The plan may adapt, but it still guides and directs us.
Planning is essential. Adapting is essential.
An Agenda and a Log gives you tools to do both.
If you’d like to learn more about how I implement an Agenda and a Log in @RoamResearch, check out my course AP Productivity:
✅ Confident building, adapting, running, and maintaining your productivity processes in Roam
✅ In control of your time & attention
✅ Clear on your priorities
✅ Equipped with valuable routines and templates (& SmartBlocks!) to implement them
✅ Able to handle urgent work without being overwhelmed
✅ More fulfilled by your work—and driven to pursue more fulfilling work
AP Productivity includes:
👨👩👦👦 Once weekly live group coaching sessions via Zoom
❓ Twice weekly live Zoom office hours for Q&A
⏺ All live Zooms are recorded and available to watch later
📢 A course community for discussion and learning from each other
To be clear: "productivity" doesn't mean getting LOTS of stuff done. It doesn't mean being busy all the time. It doesn't mean anxiety or frustration, or being overwhelmed.
⭐ Productivity is getting IMPORTANT work done.
And what's "important"? Well, that's up to YOU...
So. What's important to ME?
Before I read @gtdguy's "Getting Things Done" in 2014, I was a disorganized mess. I accomplished things, but only with enormous effort.
Now, 8 years into #GTD and 2 years into @RoamResearch, I have a reliable productivity workflow.
If you use @RoamResearch and you would love to manage your tasks and projects there, let me just say:
It is SO worth it. 🔥💖
If the only thing stopping you is not knowing if it would work, or if you’re afraid you would set it up wrong...
Keep reading.
I started using Roam in March of 2020. Within three weeks I was hooked on the notetaking, and I knew I had to get my tasks and projects set up in Roam, too.
I started building my system—using my Todoist flow as a model—and by late April I had a workflow I liked using.
Between then—April 2020—and now (January 2022), I have developed and iterated on my productivity system until it is a finely-oiled machine.
Here's the thing, though: it's MY machine, tailored to the way *I* think and work.
⭐️ You need YOUR machine, and I can help you build it.
If you want to build effective workflows using Tools for Thought (@RoamResearch, @amplenote, @obsdmd, etc.), you have to get comfortable with Systematic Iteration.
“Ah, right, R.J.,” you might say.
…and then add: “But what on earth does THAT mean?”
Iteration is a fundamental meta-process—meaning, it’s a process that underlies other processes.
Life itself relies on iteration, copying and changing our DNA to create the next generation.
Reliable workflows do the same: they revisit and refine material.
Pass 1: Copy what you read, along with its metadata
P2: Re-word what you copied
P3: Connect what you re-worded to other knowledge
P4+: “Converse” with your knowledge to develop further knowledge