“Magnetic fields are the essential, but often "secret" ingredients of the interstellar medium and the process of making stars.” phys.org/news/2022-01-c…
Did you know that per Alchemy one of the two main ingredients of the philosopher’s stone is magnesia??? Aka Magnesium [special thanks to @mariahkcg1 ]
I came to a realization..
The issues we as a collective of hu-man-ity are facing today stem from the strategic left brainness of individuals who are a part of ANY scientific and even spiritual/esoteric fields…
WHY? 🧵
The left strategic mind is focused on a task without a flying regard of things outside of that task.
The best easy to understand example is a speciality doctor..let’s say a cardiologist..it looks at a problem and trying to fix it without a holistic understanding of the body.
So in doing so, they cut,they medicate..etc not caring/understanding how their “succesful” work effects the liver for example..then you go to a hepatolist..who will focus one specific part of the system without the deep understanding of the whole..and this happens again and again
..what did Aladdin do in the story? Did he trick people by magic of the Genie?
He tricked rich people into thinking that he himself is rich.. and he had a magic carpet..
What IF someone can create a “proprietary technology” that acts like a magic carpet? #algorythm
..as a technology provider can you have a #trojanhorse built into your #tech?
Can you then collect #data->interpret it and use it for your own benefits through algorithms?In trading, investing but in a way cause you’re smart that while you are getting rich,the user does well too
..while many parts of the collective is still conditioned by ways the world and even our own body works by the old indoctrination…
exp: scientists use the term #biofield to describe the #aura since 1992
..so in sum disregarding its existence even in 2024 is very unscientific.
I’m not gonna highlight and share the information in the above as anyone can read for themselves however I just thought it was an interesting and important piece to mention before I share more onward..
The #lionsgateportal is not today… calculate in the 24 degree axial change to Earth since the time of Babylon and you see the alignment happening on the 23rd of August, precisely at 2.30am EST If this event is something that you pay attention to or generally #astrology. 1/2
The best way to find deeper explanations is to look into what is the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. Sidereal calculates in the axial changes and it’s also aligns with Vedic astrology.
🧵 as some of you are so interesting (upset) with your DMs regarding my above post on #tropical vs #sidereal#astrology. Let me share my thoughts so you can better understand where I stand regarding and why. I hope it helps… so here we go…
#iMAGE#iMAGIne -ing is #MAGIc MAG is the seed (of an idea) that you create, because we are all #magicians capable of extraordinary things only limited by our #iMAGInations i+MAG+action… with the word I (in sound:👁) you declare what/who you are (I am) or what you do (I +verb)
Throughout tales, movies, mythology and history we had called them in many different names… sorcerer (from source bearer… SOuRCEbeaRER) to wizard (Wiz is Víz in Hungarian which means water… Viz lord… Water lord…or “wys” in old English meant wise…or the wicca…in old English
Ever wondered why the owl? Sure…owls represents “wise” (wys in old English) knowledge…but what else?
If our #ego is our operating system, learning and understanding it could make us a master in operating it. I remember when I first used a mac and not a PC I was confused because it was so different. The “mastery” of using the OS on it opened so many possibilities and journeys 🧵
It enabled me to learn and use so many softwares, I no longer worried about viruses (feeling secure) and empowered my creative side above my analytical one that needed to use PC. Matrix to me represents Neo’s journey through his self discovery.
When he learned not just how to avoid bullets but how to stop them… is when he finally understood himself and how he worked, his why…and when that happens no amount of “bullets” can take a person down… and of course it happened after his “death” representing a major trauma.