Earlier this week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing, and released a report attacking the Biden administration on Afghanistan. There were some obvious flaws in their report that we think are worth fact checking.
Part 1 🧵
The Senate Republicans’ report is riddled with false claims, inaccurate characterizations, and outdated info foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/…
Most Republicans on Capitol Hill were silent when President Trump freed thousands of Taliban fighters, undermined the Afghan government, withdrew U.S. troops with no plan on what to do next, and dismantled our nation’s refugee programs. #NoOneLeftBehind
With all due respect Senator, if you wanted to thank us for our service you would protect our voting rights. Yet, you won’t even make time to meet with disabled AZ vets and your staff have been downright disrespectful. Take for instance our last interaction with your office.1/4
Our team brought over a dozen AZ vets to meet with your staff about voting rights. Your staff was silent the entire call and while disabled vets were sharing their concerns about anti-voting laws, the call suddenly ended. Then ignored our efforts to follow up about next steps.2/4
This is just one of many cases of disrespect shown towards AZ veterans by you and your office. That’s why, after months of being ignored and used as props, five members of your veterans advisory council felt they had no choice but to resign. 3/4
.@commondefense was founded in 2016 by Veterans whose protests at Trump Tower forced Trump to cough up the money he lied about donating to Vet charities.
Since then, we’ve led the #VetsAgainstTrump movement, helping win impeachment and speaking out daily against his crimes.
In 2016, people thought Trump couldn’t win, but we saw the danger. We saw what was appealing about his message within parts of the Veteran community, even though Trump is a fraud.
Back then, Veterans were not well organized to grapple with our frustration with the status quo.
We got to work within our own community, organizing #VetsAgainstTrump since nobody else would.
A few greedy billionaires in Mar-a-Lago are trying to destroy the VA so they can profit off us.
But what’s happening with veterans isn’t isolated. It’s happpening in public education, where @BetsyDeVos undermines our public schools, then uses the sabotage as a pretext for cuts.
It’s happening in the military, where corporate interests, empowered by a revolving door of senior officials, siphon more and more “Defense” money into expensive boondoggles so they can make more profits.
The troops get less for training, basic gear. They need sleep not gizmos.