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Sep 7th 2020
.@commondefense was founded in 2016 by Veterans whose protests at Trump Tower forced Trump to cough up the money he lied about donating to Vet charities.

Since then, we’ve led the #VetsAgainstTrump movement, helping win impeachment and speaking out daily against his crimes.
In 2016, people thought Trump couldn’t win, but we saw the danger. We saw what was appealing about his message within parts of the Veteran community, even though Trump is a fraud.

Back then, Veterans were not well organized to grapple with our frustration with the status quo.
We got to work within our own community, organizing #VetsAgainstTrump since nobody else would.

Veterans are tired of war, so we got to work building consensus in @TheDemocrats to #EndForeverWar.

7 presidential candidates signed our pledge, @BernieSanders & @ewarren leading.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
⚖️ THREAD ⚖️

Court Martial Charges - #TraitorInChief
(Filed by: #VetsAgainstTrump, #WallOfVets, & #VetsForBiden)

@realdonaldtrump is hereby charged with 13 counts of Treason & Ineptitude:

Evidence: Dead & sick Americans. #COVID response fail.
⚖️ Court Martial Charges - #TraitorInChief ⚖️
(Filed by: #VetsAgainstTrump, #WallOfVets, & #VetsForBiden)

Evidence: #Impeached 12.18.19.
⚖️ Court Martial Charges - #TraitorInChief ⚖️
(Filed by: #VetsAgainstTrump, #WallOfVets, & #VetsForBiden)

Evidence: #Impeached 12.18.19
Read 14 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
Let's all of us (#MAGA and #Resistance) compare how many mass murdering terrorists are aligned with the progressive left in terms of feminism, LGBT+ equality, racial equality, religious equality... and how many are aligned with the conservative right in terms of the same:
1) Timothy McVeigh + 2 accomplices (168 deaths + at least 680 injuries in Apr 1995)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressives or Conservatives?
2) Eric Rudolph (2 deaths + at least 120 injuries from July 1996 – Jan 1998)

What does everybody (#MAGA #Resistance #TrumpTrain #BlueWave #BuildTheWall #ImpeachTrump #RedWave #VetsAgainstTrump) think: Progressive or Conservative?
Read 21 tweets
Dec 17th 2017
THREAD: It’s clear that Trump doesn’t actually care about having an effective military, or keeping us safe, his priority is white nationalist purges. #VetsVsHate
Yesterday, the White House shared a video of President Trump once again using the military community as props to advance his bigoted and un-American agenda.
In the video, Trump accused immigrants of being a national security threat, and called for extreme and unprecedented reductions in legal immigration, intentionally tearing apart families.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 17th 2017
THREAD: It's shocking that Trump still hasn't contacted the families of the 4 troops killed in #Niger, but that's just half the story. 1/
Calling the families of fallen troops is, after all, the absolutely lowest bar. Trump fails even that, which tells us something important 2/
It tells us that Trump lacks any real empathy for the millions of troops under his command. That has bigger implications beyond these 4. 3/
Read 12 tweets

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