Today, I had the privilege of being present at the pardoning of Homer Plessey, the black man in New Orleans who took a stand by sitting down in a whites only train car in NOLA in 1892. The case ushered in decades of white supremacy. Plessey died a convict. Today, he is no longer.
Descendants of Plessy & Ferguson, the judge who convicted Plessey, were at the ceremony today along with a descendent of U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan who was the loan dissenting voice in Plessy versus Ferguson which led to Jim Crow laws.…
The ceremony happened at the NOLA station where Homer Plessy boarded a whites only car in 1892. It was a set up. The citizens committee in New Orleans had plotted with Plessy & even the train company to stage this sit in as an act of civil disobedience.
Their point was to force an arrest which would lead to a lower court conviction and ultimately an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Following the Supreme Court decision, Louisiana legislators held a constitutional convention where white supremacy was enshrined in new law.
One of the terrible things Louisiana did as a result of Plessey v Ferguson was change “Louisiana’s long-standing practice of requiring unanimous jury verdicts to send people to jail. After the convention, only nine of 12 votes would be needed…”…
That decision by Louisiana legislators to have non-unanimous jury verdicts made it easier to convict black people. And that vestige of white supremacy remained the law in Louisiana until 2018, when Louisiana voters rejected that Jim Crow era law.…
The pardon of Homer Plessy
.@LouisianaGov did not want the pardon signing of Homer Plessy to be a private event. The Governor wanted it to be public, and one of Plessy’s descendants, Keith Plessy, who spoke at today’s ceremony, told me that meant the world to him.…
Tomorrow on @CBSMornings our report marking the pardon of Homer Plessey.
We spent this week talking to the main players behind the scenes before @LouisianaGov issued the first posthumous pardon in state history.
Our story airs at 8 AM and there’s a surprise at the end.
CDC is shortening the recommended time for isolation from 10 days for people with COVID-19 to 5 days, if asymptomatic, followed by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others.…
“Therefore, people who test positive should isolate for 5 days and, if asymptomatic at that time, they may leave isolation if they can continue to mask for 5 days to minimize the risk of infecting others.”
“For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) & not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days.”…
USA Today’s report ‘Uncounted: Inaccurate death certificates across the country hide the true toll of COVID-19’ questions the work of the Lafayette parish coroner, Dr. Ken Odinet, & his staff. Dr. Odinet’s wife Michelle Odinet has been in the news lately.…
“In Lafayette Parish, COVID-19 was listed as the underlying cause of death in just 134 fatalities in 2020, even though there were 419 “excess deaths” – the number of deaths that exceed a normal, pre-pandemic year…”…
“…The gap between these two numbers means hundreds more people likely died of COVID, researchers say.”…
2 sisters & their brother were killed by a man driving the wrong way on an Louisiana interstate.
Their mom was critically injured.
A family friend was also killed.
Louisiana state police say toxicology tests are pending to determine whether the wrong way driver was impaired.
BREAKING: Lafayette LA. Judge Michelle Odinet to seek unpaid leave from the bench. Her attorney says she “humiliated, embarrassed, & sorry for what she has done & the harm she has caused” after a video recorded at her home captured people using the N word.…