Tying #OpenSchools to "community spread" was not only counter to all available data and evidence, it literally *ensured* schools would remain closed. And millions of kids were forced into damaging remote/hybrid schemes.
Jha would not be at Harvard long after he wrote this.
Then, in November 2020, after the damage being done to our kids was crystal clear, Jha tried his first "adjustment" : tying school openings to unachievable thresholds of physical "safety" in classrooms.
The unattainable pipe dream that we are still dealing with today.
Throughout 2021 Jha dug in, and became one of the biggest proponents of masking our children, despite the glaring absence of proof, or evidence of efficacy.
His blind belief was all he needed to insist that the only way for schools to be "safe"… was to muzzle little kids.
Then, in early October 2021, Ashish Jha's amazing ability to ignore evidence hit new heights when he definitively declared *in front of the US Congress* that:
"No expert (that he knows of) doesn't believe masking is helpful for kids!"
And not only did Jha help *cause* this massive & unnecessary damage to an entire generation of our kids, he was also really, really shitty about it.
He attacked, silenced and demeaned anyone who had a different opinion, even his long-time friends & colleagues.
What a gem.
Look. It's hard to admit you're wrong. Especially when you've knowingly done something this awful, and used scorched Earth tactics to do it. But it takes boss mode levels of hutzpah to try and rewrite history.
Weird… twitter auto-corrected my first tweet to change from @ashishkjha to some random other dude. So instead of giving that poor dude the business (whomever he is) deleted it, and re-posted but rest of thread here.
Tying #OpenSchools to "community spread" was not only counter to all available data and evidence, it literally *ensured* schools would remain closed. And millions of kids were forced into damaging remote/hybrid schemes.
Jha would not be at Harvard long after he wrote this.
Let the record show that the @TODAYshow@NBC and @VickyNguyenTV gave parents across the country actual medical advice today that goes squarely against the CDC, and all known N95 guidance. Why would they do this? Why would they put themselves at legal risk like this? 🤔
There are gonna be thousands of scared, uniformed parents who will jump at this, and strap these extreme ineffective things onto their toddlers faces, and then wonder what went wrong.
Think about what you're doing here. And why.
To be clear: N95s are not "approved" for kids. Children breathe differently than adults! Not only that, in order to have *any* efficacy (which is debatable) they must be 'fit tested' for the wearer, and aren't supposed to be worn for extended periods 😡
THIS is huge 😳 The @BMJ just publicly threw @Facebook under the COVID Bus for it's censorship of their work! Hey BMJ: it sucks when some faceless 23yo with a Basket Weaving Degree craps on your legitimate science & data, doesn't it? 😉 bmj.com/content/375/bm…
"Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world’s oldest and most influential general medical journals. We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers…
…on behalf of Facebook/Meta. In September, a former employee of Ventavia, a contract research company helping carry out the main Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial, began providing The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.
"My daughter, 11, has been wonderful throughout the pandemic. She social distances at all times, we never have to remind her to put her masks on, and we found a fully virtual scholastic program so she can avoid the significant risks of large crowds in the public schools."
"…we found her with a friend of hers… they know the rules. They are to stay outside and on opposite ends of the driveway or patio. The patio only offers about 5 feet of distance, but we decided that should be enough as long as they stay outside and keep their masks on."
"…when we arrived home on this particular day, both her and her friend were in the living room, sitting on the same couch, not wearing masks, not socially distanced, and each putting their hands into the same bowl of chips."
Can someone ELI5 what's wrong with #FocusedProtection? We know in Feb2020 who the at-risk groups were. If we truly wanted to #FlattenTheCurve (aka keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed) it's common sense to direct our medical and social energy at protecting those demos.
But, instead of focusing our scarce resources and community energy into protecting our seniors, etc, these fools demanded we "lock everyone down!", which went against every Pandemic Playbook we had. It was an elitist panic move, and we've been suffering the consequences since.
The concept of #FocusedProtection is absolutely correct, and to pretend otherwise is dangerously naive. And a big driver of our current catastrophe is the fact that so many "experts" freaked out, and embraced a never-before-attempted LockDown, defying all actual science and data.