I'm told 7th Jan is the last day you should say 'happy new year'. Not sure that's true, but it's the end of the 1st full week of the year & I wanted to take stock of 2021 & my team's work on climate, sustainability, policy and business leadership. So a thread... #2021highlights
Obviously #COP26 was the natural culmination of the year. A huge range of new commitments announced, a plethora of discussions and activities, all around a negotiation process that was inclusive and made progress but felt terrifying slow
But undeniably the activities at and in the run up to COP will have delivered more climate action so our task is to further accelerate that progress.
However it wasn't just what happened at COP - the progress made in the run up to it was far more important. #2021highlights
At the European policy level this equates to the mammoth compilation of legislation that is the #Fitfor55 package. @ClimateCLG has delivered analysis, position papers, events, discussions and more on the package - see our hub here corporateleadersgroup.com/clg-europes-fi…
Also a thread I did on our 1st set of analysis of the package is here
One much discussed element within the package is the introduction of carbon border adjustment mechanisms or CBAMs... I'm proud that my team was able to produce one of the most thorough and all encompassing analyses of this idea. cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/publ…
We found that CBAM's legality depended on their design, but that they would almost inevitably prompt legal challenge. We also found that direct benefits were limited but that CBAMs may be critical in enabling climate action. cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/publ…
Another key EU policy element we engaged in was work to drive production of climate neutral materials through our new CLG Europe Materials Taskforce. The 1st major output of the taskforce is this briefing on the Sustainable Products Initiative corporateleadersgroup.com/accelerating-t…
But we didn't leave food and agricultural sectors out... presenting @ClimateCLG positions for further change in these sectors as well with our briefing on a sustainable food future corporateleadersgroup.com/towards-sustai…
On the UK side homework for #COP26 has focused on the development of the long awaited UK #netzero strategy. #2021highlights
In the 1st half of the year we set out how business already was contributing to this challenge but how UK policy and additional business action was needed to accelerate the process of change with our Bridging the Gap report corporateleadersgroup.com/news/bridging-…
We also worked with pretty much every major business group in the UK to found the UK Business Group Alliance for Net Zero - which ran a range of events, seminars and outreach activities to unlock further business action corporateleadersgroup.com/corporate-lead…
But we also understood that alongside the necessary focus on cutting emissions and achieving net zero there needs to be a real effort to prepare for inevitable climate impacts. corporateleadersgroup.com/preparing-for-…
The covid pandemic itself has made the threat of systemic risks like climate change painfully clear - we must not put off the task of improving the resilience of our communities and economy corporateleadersgroup.com/preparing-for-…
All this work built off the back of some great in house analysis we did #2021highlights
At the beginning of the year we set out how the UK could and should maximise its climate leadership post Brexit cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/low-…
We've also been doing lots more work (to be launched this year) on our thinking about 'competitive sustainability cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/low-…
But some of the best thinking has been in the partnerships we've been able to develop #2021highlights
I've already mentioned our work with Agora. Our work with @CambridgeEcon has been positive in a number of places... one key highlight was commissioning this technical report on the cost of capital corporateleadersgroup.com/technical-repo…
So... a huge amount done, but a huge amount to do #2021highlights. The year ahead needs to see dramatically accelerated delivery across a range of fronts. It also needs to be more joined up with other challenges. More on this next week!
There's clearly a high risk of counting chickens, but it's increasingly feeling like the COVID-19 crisis in Europe is approaching a new phase. Infection and death rates have peaked, and mostly begun to decline. Discussion is increasing on how to ease lockdown restrictions 1/X
This week also feels like a huge step forward in solidifying the message that recovery plans need a strong 'green' focus. This has been out there for a while, but now the number of voices calling for it & the evidence to support it has surged. bbc.co.uk/news/science-e… 2/X
I'd like to think that one useful contribution to this discussion was the report @ClimateCLG produced on the future of jobs and skills in Europe - clearly showing how climate action can support economic resilience and employment corporateleadersgroup.com/reports-eviden… 3/X
Are you allowed to send a Happy New Year message on the 10th of January? 2020 seems to be just as busy as 2019 if not worse, so I'm finding myself doing so, as I wanted to put down a few thoughts about where we're at... 1/n
Last year was transformative to the climate conversation, and this year marks the run up to another moment where the global struggle to bring our impact on our atmosphere under control should take another major step forward, so I should feel full of hope. 2/n
But when the climate crisis is becoming so much more visible, hope feels distant and imperilled. What's happening in Australia is terrifying. 3/n bbc.co.uk/news/world-aus…
The organising, informing, showcasing and commitment making at #ClimateWeekNYC is carrying on and the @ClimateCLG team will be hard at work contributing, but I'm stepping out and heading home and thought I'd jot down a few reflections 1/n
First up, it's worth noting that given a call to do more, raise ambition, face up to the climate challenge, then actors across the world have responded. 2/n
Countries have committed to raising their climate targets, they have pledged more money to fund resilience and the climate transition, they have set exit dates for coal and deadlines for hitting net zero. 3/n