@mentions@TheNarrator000@jimmy_dore That's *a* question that *their policies* precisely--not anyone you're shooting your hollow epithet at--have made difficult to answer. Other *real* questions: How many ppl died b/c of fear-mongering, vax-pushing Covid *policies*-- 1/7
b/c they couldn't get treated for other diseases (see "immunity debt"), b/c DNRs were issued w/o consent, b/c *covid treatments were forbidden & banned* & late-treatment ventilation was favored, *or* b/c they were injected w a gene therapy 2/7
that induced their cells to produce a pathogenic protein that causes all the covid symptoms? Who set things up to prevent knowing, to forbid even discussing that? 3/7
We who don't have blind faith in vax & treat them with the same regard we do any other pharma product--what the vapid term "anti-vaxxer" means--would like to get true answers to *all* these *real* questions. and to *why* things have been arranged to make that impossible. 4/7
It's a bizarre projection to accuse us of not wanting answers. It's vaccine exceptionalists who refuse to ask or answer (or allow anyone else to!) the real questions that a normal scientific inquiry would demand. 5/7
Three specific questions for you. I won't argue. I just want to know: Do you support the censorship (or whatever you want to call it) of #Malone and scientists like him? Do you support the banning of widely-used drugs like IVM and HCQ, & threatening Drs who try to use them? 6/7
Do you support firing ppl from their jobs if they don't take the jab, without conditioning your support on the govt providing *at least* full compensation for any harm caused by the vax they're forced to take? #NoVaccineMandates #NoVaccinePassports 7/7
Tell me how many of those "unvaccinated" actually were vaccinated, but fewer than 14 days ago, or didn't have their vaccination properly recorded and acknowledged by the hospital, because #NoVaccineMandates #NoVaccinePassports msn.com/en-us/news/us/…
Tell me how many of the majority of cases in that one ICU for other diseases--such as the "Cases of RSV...rising among youth" there--result from "immunity debt"--i.e. caused by lockdown (& certainly not the unvaccinated). verywellfamily.com/what-is-immuni… nytimes.com/2020/11/25/opi…
@sparrowos32@Fiorella_im It's the mass vax-*everybody* program--incl those <.4% IFR) whose immune systems would have neutralized & learned whole virus & provided a reservoir of stronger, non-specific immunity, that is increasing the chances for mutation.
@sparrowos32@Fiorella_im If return to, *forever*, masking, lockdowns, etc. perceived necc, it's b/c vax program--reliance on vax as replacement for natural immune system--is *failing*. Ignoring that & doubling down w boosters will only exacerbate further. You'll *never* be fully-vaccinated, or face-free.
@adistantpeople@CaccioppoliMike First, explain to me how I & 72%o of black NYers are not victims of laws that prevent us from normal social life. Did I make that up? Do you think it's not real or consequential? We literally will not be able to enter a bar, go to dinner or a concert with friends.
Am I "portraying" that incorrectly? Or in some way that makes you feel uncomfortable?
This is a regime of discrimination & segregation, If you support it, and think I deserve it, own it. And be able to explain it. But don't deny it & gaslight me for saying what's true. .
I'm not going to let people who support putting me under house arrest feel or think they are doing anything trivial.
Then, you tell me what is wrong with the logic of the joke. And if you can't, then don't deflect from that with gaslighting.
@adistantpeople 1st: thx for responding reasonably! I'll try to reciprocate.
I'm sure 31 in TN is much less than 5%! Anything close to that even CDC would shut down the program immdiately. They shut down swine flu vax in '76 after 53 deaths nationwide.
Current death reports from these vax are >12K(tot) 6K(US), still <1%, though 12X reports from all vax since 2000. Death rate (IFR) of Covid is <1% for all <65yrs (CDC best est) or <80yrs w/o underlying condition (Stockholm U.)., All-ages ranges bet .1-1.5%. (not easy to find)
If any of these stats surprise you, think why, given constant media "coverage." Also these vax did not promise *any* % immunity. Was that not made clear to you? Were you led to expect something else from "vaccine"? Something that might justiry forcing it on people?
Here's Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explaining how the spike protein that *the vax makes your body produce* induces blood clotting. If you are not *sure* and able to explain there's NO risk of this, you can't *mandate* vax & create a regime of segregation.
This is ONE example of problems many scientists have identified. If you are not SURE. AND able to explain there's NO risk of this,
& you support a regime of discrimination and segregation.for millions of people who choose not to take it (including me and 62% of black New Yorkers), then wtf--really WTF! are you doing?! THAT IS NOT "LEFTISM"!
The gaggle of rushed-to-market #covd19#vaccines constitute unprecedented mass human medical exeperimentation.
UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) is "urgently seekimg an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process *the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs)*."
Because "its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme..would not have concluded by vaccine launch" (i.e., safety testing was rushed and skipped), MHRA is concerned about the "direct threat to patient life and public health" from these ADRS.