Queen Amidala! I am Qui Gon and this is Obi Wan, we are here to warn you about the invasion.
*padme looks around and back to Qui Gon.*
The only way we could communicate with you was to board the invasion itself.
-oh plus we had to split up so we were less likely to be detected.
-doesn't that double the odds of being detected?
-they don't teach maths to younglings your majesty.
- so they don't know you are here?
- well they did know we were aboard their ship. We killed a LOT of their troops on their command ship.
- you were on the command ship?
-yes, just outside the command room.
-and you decided to...
-warn you. Yes.
[Padme look intensifies]
-we need to get aboard their command ship and destroy it, to stop the robots.
-the ship you were just on?
-it broadcasts to all the robots.
-it can broadcast? I thought it was jamming them.
-oh, and he had to fly through the planet core. In a bongo.
*Padme look*
- and there were big fish. Huge fish. Then bigger fish.
- can someone gas me?
-your majesty, we need to get you off the planet.
-you said it was blockaded.
-so how do we get past it?
-fly straight at it.
-uh huh.
-okay so lets get this right, we are invading a planet.
-butta you forgorta youra racist asian haccent.
-no, I am not doing that. I just need to get this plan correct. We invade Naboo. Right?
-das a right.
-yeah, stop that.
-so we are invading by blockading them. Then jamming them. Then sending down our invading force. Right?
-das right.
- and landing on the opposite side of the planet?
-yesa. Das right.
- completely the opposite side.
- okay. So, my question is why?
- whata you ha mean.
- our ships have to broadcast to our droids, why do it on this side.
-sneak attacka?
-from the hundreds of ships circling the planet?
-Finally we will have our revenge on the Jedi.
-by getting me elected TO THE SENATE!
-I don't get it. How does that...
- but how does that...
-then revealing a huge clone army I paid for many years ago! To fight against the army I helped raise by the instigating chaos and manipulating the trade federation Hahahaha! AHAHAHAHA
- So you have all the armies.
- ...
- what is it, my apprentice?
- why don't you just blow up the jedi council? They can't detect you.
- ahahahahhaa... hah..haha... fuck now you mention it...
Jango, I want you to murder Senator Amidala
-sure thing cuz. Just gonna pop the bitch in the head, eh? Sweet as.
-no. No... you must hire another bounty hunter to put a pair of poisonous centipedes in her bed.
-oh, outsourcing? If I can just cut a hole in her glass and toss in a grenade, blow her the fuck up, hey?
-no, you tried that once. One bomb, and you fucked up Rose Byrne. Use space centipedes.
-hey whatever cuz.
- Oh hey, I know a cool shapeshifter, she can like pretend to be Amidala and vote inste...
-okay, I just think it's sub optimal.
-SHE IS DOOMED!!! hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaa
-I missed that joke though.
(Later) oh hey cuz the mission went tits up- the two Jedi left Amidala, chased mu assasin and caught her. But I think we are sweet... cause I killed her.
-You killed Amidala!
-no, the assassin. But it's cool, she didn't get to say who hired her.
-but they saw me.
-the guards protecting her chased your assassin and left Amidala undefended?
-and you went after the assassin?
-now you say it, I see it. I see where I went wrong. That's on me.
-so why are we trying to kill Amidala?
-oh, so she can vote me into power.
-as a ghost? Like a force ghost?
-no, if she dies the easily manipulated idiot votes.
-this is the senate you have to be more specific.
- balls.
Okay Medical droids, report in.
-my patient lost all his limbs, some spine chunks, had massive burns from lava, his lungs are shot. So I replaced it all with cybernetics. He is all good.
-my patient gave birth to two perfectly healthy twins, but she was very, very sad
- well, to be expected. Next?
-I need to hide Annakin Skywalker's children.
- good, that idea is.
-so gonna leave one with his uncle, not change his name and I am just gonna hang out nearby with a slightly different name.
- how we lost, surprise, it is not.
-Annakin, I figured out how to force ghost just after I got a clean stomach wound that was cauterized instantly.
*they watch as the force ghost of Darth Maul's legs staggers past*
-he survived and you didn't?
-well, Annakin, I was really sad at the time.
-so what about Leia?
-oh, yeah Bail Organa is gonna take her.
-why split them up? Why not give them both to the Organas?
-if we split them up there is less chance they will be detected.
-you Jedi really don't study math do you.
-the problem is where we hide the third twin.
I am Grand Muff Delaney King and I didn't get offered the job I applied for on Phantom Menace and I am not bitter about it at all. Not a pinch
Anyway, support my shitposting by buying me a blue milk here:
Detail acts a catch point for eyes, or can be general noise- texture. Placing details strategically to catch and lead the eye around. Think of it like a pinball game.
Always imagine your character design is in motion as you design it. Imagine they are an actor at a costume fitting, talk to them about how the movement is, imagine them trying stuff.
Okay, so I haven't done a #gamedev tip in a while, and I have a little relaxation time for the next hour or so and feel like doing something. Do you have any questions? DMs open if you are embarrassed to ask.
Lemme just give some quickies whilst I am waiting.
1. For 3d artists, set a toggle key to toggle on subdivision. This allows you to see if a mesh has accidental overlapping topo, holes or other errors. In Maya hit the 3 key. In Modo, the tab. In max assign the NURMS toggle
2. Every material assignment, vertex color hard edge, uv seam or smoothing group hard edge actually splits the mesh under the hood- upping your effective vertex count.
This is why UV count is better than "polycount" to measure a meshes overhead.
Let's take an item such as Merman's corn cob sword for an example.
To use it in Mortal Kombat, it would need to have anchor points in the right places and orientation to attach it to the character's costume back, have the right hit boxes and have those call back to the character
Now let's move that over to Among Us. So, same sword, now utterly incorrect format. Not pixels, not cutesy style- and at the scale shown, the corn cobs would have to be simplified to show up, meaning it looks totally different too.