At the hearing Senator @timkaine, who himself has #LongCovid, asked, "What is the @NIH doing right now, or what's the current status of NIH research, to better understand Long Covid, to look at symptoms and potential treatments." 👏…
Dr. Fauci said “there seems to be a persistence in multiple organ systems indicating that even if you clear the virus, one of the possibilities—& I emphasize because it needs to be validated—is you don't completely clear the fragments of the virus & have continual stimulation.”
“That research is ongoing and is in the very early stages. He [Fauci] said this was one possible #LongCovid breakthrough.”
“There is reason why we think #LongCovid could be worse with #omicron.. 1st is most cases of Long Covid occur after mild infection.. 2nd is due to omicron’s immune evasiveness, which may make it harder to clear”
“Right now we should plan for the worst for #LongCovid ~ This whole idea of accepting millions of infections a day as inevitable ignores Long Covid.. the last point about vaccines protecting against LC, it might halve the risk but that’s still questionable” - @EricTopol
32 today, so far I’ve spent my entire 30’s w/ #LongCovid 😵💫 ~ Haven’t been able to leave the house for a meaningful outing since last Spring.
This year I’d love the world to start responding with the urgency required to address the greatest mass disabling event in history. 1/4
Would love to see medical community warn the public about #LongCovid with the same vigor they have encouraged vaccination. Would love to see meaningful discussion about how to fast track the most promising treatments the same way we have vaccination & acute therapies. 2/4
Would love to see a robust daily conversation about how we’re going to support #LongCovid pts who can no longer work or support themselves but don’t qualify for disability or other social service supports. They didn’t ask for this condition. How will we respond? 3/4
Combined triple treatment of fibrin amyloid microclots and platelet pathology in #LongCovid can resolve persistent symptoms.
“Fibrin amyloid microclots block capillaries & inhibit the transport of O2 to tissues, accompanied by platelet hyperactivation”…
“We used a triple therapy to treat the microclots & platelet hyperactivation. During this medication regime, 24 patients were followed, the endothelium layers recover sufficiently over a 3-4 week period, this allows for normal clotting physiology & endothelium function to return”
“All patients in this cohort, reported a significant reduction in their #LongCovid symptoms. We suggest that a platelet and clotting grading system should be used as a simple and cost-effective diagnostic method for the early identification of long COVID/PASC.” 👏 @resiapretorius