I was running a bunnytrail and ended up mapping a 'bit' of '#Business' and '#NonProfit' entities and persons
I have no idea if it might be useful to anyone-and is incomplete-but sure does make for some interesting bedfellows
Alan and Andrew: Twins
Alan and Andrew appear to be a happy Father and Son Republican Team; at least one, Federalist Society with ties to Kentucky, D.C., UK, Florida (et al)
Heidi Abegg, Federalist Society
Interesting Cluster in Tweet #1 of this thread - this is how we flesh out info related to it - originally created based solely on biz/non-profit ties between people
So, we know by their published information at least ALAN DYE and HEIDI ABEGG of this 'cluster' share common data elements including #FederalistSociety, 'Employer', 'Officer' in multiple joint-entities
Partner to Alan Dye (Federalist Society) in multiple ventures
Written by Heidi and posted on FEDERALIST SOCIETY website... an excerpt
If you look at that network this way there is a 'bridge' between USA Federalist Society and UK political and PR operations
'UK Propaganda Firm'
(Tip from a Viewer)
"Delivering the propaganda
Much of the work is outsourced. Ricu’s favoured contractor is BREAKTHROUGH MEDIA NETWORK Ltd, a company operating from an anonymous office block near Waterloo station in central London" theguardian.com/politics/2016/…
In The Course of DISCOVERING and DOCUMENTING the RUSSIAN-Developed #NETWAR Network, part of my investigation UNCOVERED an #ArtificialIntelligence 'HUB' Built-in
A #MarkovChain - though I did not know it was anything other than '8 SYNCHRONIZED DOMAINS'