⚡️The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a momentum-based oscillator used to help determine a price trend direction and strength of stocks
⚡️CCI measures the difference between the current price and the historical average price.
⚡️The Formula for the CCI
CCI= (Typical Price−MA) /( 0.015×Mean Deviation)
how we use it
⚡️When the CCI is above zero, it indicates the price is above the historic average. Conversely, when the CCI is below zero, the price is below the historic average.
see example chart of nifty
when CCI start decreasing , overall trend in nifty is changed from positive to negative
and when CCI start increasing overall trend in nifty is changed from negative to positive
⚡️What Does CCI Tell You?
The CCI is primarily used for spotting new trends, watching for overbought and oversold levels,
and spotting weakness in trends when the indicator diverges with price.
⚡️When the CCI moves from negative or near-zero territory to above 100, that may indicate the price is starting a new uptrend.
Once this occurs, traders can watch for a pullback in price followed by a rally in both price and the CCI to signal a buying opportunity.
⚡️Note: CCI is an unbound oscillator, there is no upside or downside limits.
This makes interpreting an overbought or oversold condition subjective.
When CCI is overbought the stock can continue to move higher. When the CCI is oversold the stock can continue lower as well.
I consider above super trend is positive and below is negative
above 100 cci is positive and below -100 cci is negative
as per this calculation I give score to all F&O stocks
and after that
positive-negative = net score
previous day score - today score = change in strength
now lets see how to see reversal from this score
see ( zoom ) this score report from approx. last 100 day
Why most of small account traders fail in option buying?
Some of the reasons 👇
1- They start with 1-2 lac & try to make 10-20k/day because in twitter everyone making 10-15 lac par day so after seeing those screenshot-guys they want to copy them
2- most of the time they identify good entry in option but after some small reversal they think कहीं आया हुआ प्रॉफिट चला ना जाए इसलिए book कर लेते हैं।
And if position go against them from start then they hold क्युकी लॉस बुक करेंगे तो लॉस हो जाएगा ना, इसलिए hold करेंगे।
3- because of small capital they don't want to loose anything and after creating one or two positions they obsessed with that
And if that position go against them then they think -
• Most common mistakes we all are doing in option buying is buy & hope
• It’s not work like that because options has an inherent nature of dilute
• If we are right in our prediction and our option price go up after buy but then we hope that it will go up & up & up
• Most of time after our buy price option go up but we did not book profit in hope of more profit and price reverse and we average it ,average it until our all capital finish
• And 2nd big mistake most of people are doing is started option buying with there full capital