We have friends from #Tonga. Here's 5 things they've told us re. the #TongaVolcanoEruption and #tongatsunami: 1. At least one inhabited island is now completely submerged. Survivors unlikely. 2. The main island is dependent on rain water for drinking... /1
It's now tainted by ash; no longer drinkable. 3. So, no water, AND it's the hottest time of the year. The people of Tonga now face the real threat of dehydration & disease. AND the hottest time of year brings w/ it the risk of cyclones. /2
4. All amenities are down (electricity, gas, telephones, etc). They are in the dark. 5. The ash cloud is so thick that Aust/NZ military could not land with aid. They had to turn back. Tonga is cut off for some time. /3
So, if you're the praying kind, you know what to do.
As for giving aid, I'm not sure what's possible (yet). If I find out, I'll let you know. If anyone else knows, drop a comment below.
THREAD: 32 yrs since my family migrated to Australia. It’s quite a story as to how/why it happened. In 1984, my mother died just before my 4th birthday (pneumonia). Suddenly, my father was a widower at 26 y/o with 3 children under the age of 4 (my sister was barely 4 mths old) /1
2 yrs later my father re-married. His new wife (now my mother) was also a widow. Her first husband died of a brain tumour while she pregnant with their first child (now my sister). Both my father and new mother wanted a fresh start. It was time to leave death & darkness behind /2
They needed a fresh start and the UK was a pretty dire place in the 80s. Australian sunshine and a peaceful, outdoor lifestyle appealed greatly. 2 years later they made the move. Death and darkness left behind a new family of 6 made their way to Australia. /3
Time for Wednesdays in 1 Peter (pt 3), this time considering 1 Pet 2:11-17. Not a central part of my PhD, so perhaps not as refined as I'd like, but here we go... /1
On 2:11-12: v. 11 seems to capture again the idea of holiness back in 1Pet 1:15-16. That is, Christian believers are to pursue holiness and in so doing imitate their heavenly Father as opposed to pursuing the sinful desires that characterised their former way of life. /2
Such a way of life is precisely what renders them aliens and sojourners in the place where they once felt perfectly at home (see @MiroslavVolf's 'Soft Difference'). It's also worth noting here that the point of comparison is not the non-Christian neighbour, /3
THREAD: A portion of my PhD thesis in relation to 1 Pet 1:18-19 where Peter writes about Anatolian believers being 'ransomed . . . with the precious blood of Christ , like that of a lamb without blemish or spot...' /1
It has been argued that Peter's reference to the lamb without blemish or spot maybe a conflation of 3 trad's: i.e, the Passover of the Exodus (Ex 12:21–23), the sacrificial cult in general (Lev), and the prophetic tradition connected w/ the Suffering Servant of Isa 53. /2
Alternatively, I suggest that v. 19 continues to retain a predominantly Exodus motif, but rather than referring to the original Passover in Exod 12, it instead alludes to the
second Passover in Num 9:1–5. /3