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Jan 18th 2022
We have friends from #Tonga. Here's 5 things they've told us re. the #TongaVolcanoEruption and #tongatsunami:
1. At least one inhabited island is now completely submerged. Survivors unlikely.
2. The main island is dependent on rain water for drinking... /1
It's now tainted by ash; no longer drinkable.
3. So, no water, AND it's the hottest time of the year. The people of Tonga now face the real threat of dehydration & disease. AND the hottest time of year brings w/ it the risk of cyclones. /2
4. All amenities are down (electricity, gas, telephones, etc). They are in the dark.
5. The ash cloud is so thick that Aust/NZ military could not land with aid. They had to turn back. Tonga is cut off for some time. /3
Read 5 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
Gm! ☀️ Could that have been a nice warning for US? Earthquakes look bad, everywhere. Peeked at 🌋 website I'd like to mention Pavlof Volcano and Alaska Peninsula, Ru Kamchatka west of Aleutians, Hawaii is dead center from Fiji/Tonga. #TongaVolcanoEruption
Aurora borealis: Taken by Christoffer Svenske on January 14, 2022 @ Fiby, Vänge, Sweden @GretaThunberg #ClimateActionNow
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