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Jan 18th 2022
We have friends from #Tonga. Here's 5 things they've told us re. the #TongaVolcanoEruption and #tongatsunami:
1. At least one inhabited island is now completely submerged. Survivors unlikely.
2. The main island is dependent on rain water for drinking... /1
It's now tainted by ash; no longer drinkable.
3. So, no water, AND it's the hottest time of the year. The people of Tonga now face the real threat of dehydration & disease. AND the hottest time of year brings w/ it the risk of cyclones. /2
4. All amenities are down (electricity, gas, telephones, etc). They are in the dark.
5. The ash cloud is so thick that Aust/NZ military could not land with aid. They had to turn back. Tonga is cut off for some time. /3
Read 5 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
I've spent the last few hours talking to experts in volcanos and tsunamis for #tongatsunami coverage - here are some humble conclusions. First, and most scarily, we know very little about volcanic tsunamis. Early warning systems aren't focused on them but rather earthquake ones.
Second, and of course most importantly, is that we don't yet know the full extent of how much damage has been done to Tonga itself. Experts who have viewed satellite imagery say it looks like it's been badly hit by both the tsunami and the ash fall. Praying for Tonga.
Third, the eruption itself wasn't that big. It wasn't carrying that much ash, that you might associate with a plume that big. Much of the plume was actually water vapor, which raises questions about the interaction of magma and ocean water. Which again, we know very little about.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
Preliminary satellite images of #Tonga #TongaVolcano #tongatsunami impacts by UN Satellite Centre @UNOSAT @UNITAR . Full reports available here:… (1/4)
(2/4) #Tonga #TongaVolcano #tongatsunami Satellite-derived images via @UNOSAT
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