The 2017 -18 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC was "sending people to hospitals and urgent-care centers in every state, and medical centers are responding with extraordinary measures"… overtime, triage tents, restricting family visits and canceling elective surgeries…"…
“…We are pretty much at capacity, and the volume is certainly different from previous flu seasons,” says Dr. Alfred Tallia, professor and chair of family medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey." (2018)…
"Tallia says his hospital is “managing, but just barely,” at keeping up with the increased number of sick patients in the last 3 weeks. The hospital’s urgent-care centers have also been inundated… outpatient clinics have no appointments available." (2018)…
"Several CA hospitals "…have set up large “surge tents” outside their emergency departments to accommodate and treat flu patients. Even then… emergency departments had standing-room only, and some patients had to be treated in hallways." (2018)…
"The flu has especially affected hospital patients with other health issues. Almost every patient in the hospital has the flu, and it’s making their pre-existing conditions worse. More and more are needing *ventilation* due to respiratory failure…” (2018)…
"If you’re otherwise healthy, “you can ask your doctor to prescribe an anti-viral medicine over the phone,"… "That way… emergency departments can be freed up to care for… the most vulnerable.." (2018)…
This 👇 article from exactly 4 years ago is fascinating. The ICUs were "overwhelmed", patients spilling into hallways, and *tents* (actually used) all ala the Flu epidemic of 2017 - 18.
1/7 🧵 Okay. Here's the deal: if you are a doctor who publicly advocates for the forced masking of kids… you instantly become *personally* responsible for the damage done to our kids. To that end, these 👇 are the doctors and staff VA Chapter of the AAP:…
Tying #OpenSchools to "community spread" was not only counter to all available data and evidence, it literally *ensured* schools would remain closed. And millions of kids were forced into damaging remote/hybrid schemes.
Jha would not be at Harvard long after he wrote this.
Tying #OpenSchools to "community spread" was not only counter to all available data and evidence, it literally *ensured* schools would remain closed. And millions of kids were forced into damaging remote/hybrid schemes.
Jha would not be at Harvard long after he wrote this.
Then, in November 2020, after the damage being done to our kids was crystal clear, Jha tried his first "adjustment" : tying school openings to unachievable thresholds of physical "safety" in classrooms.
The unattainable pipe dream that we are still dealing with today.
Let the record show that the @TODAYshow@NBC and @VickyNguyenTV gave parents across the country actual medical advice today that goes squarely against the CDC, and all known N95 guidance. Why would they do this? Why would they put themselves at legal risk like this? 🤔
There are gonna be thousands of scared, uniformed parents who will jump at this, and strap these extreme ineffective things onto their toddlers faces, and then wonder what went wrong.
Think about what you're doing here. And why.
To be clear: N95s are not "approved" for kids. Children breathe differently than adults! Not only that, in order to have *any* efficacy (which is debatable) they must be 'fit tested' for the wearer, and aren't supposed to be worn for extended periods 😡
THIS is huge 😳 The @BMJ just publicly threw @Facebook under the COVID Bus for it's censorship of their work! Hey BMJ: it sucks when some faceless 23yo with a Basket Weaving Degree craps on your legitimate science & data, doesn't it? 😉…
"Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world’s oldest and most influential general medical journals. We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers…
…on behalf of Facebook/Meta. In September, a former employee of Ventavia, a contract research company helping carry out the main Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial, began providing The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.