1/ I know most of you aren't Christians but in this argument between @DennyBurk and @bethallisonbarr, beth provides a perfect example of "linguistic sleight of hand."
Beth goes after @DennyBurk for saying she denied "inerrancy" (the idea the Bible contains no errors of any kind)
2/ @bethallisonbarr claimed @DennyBurk was not being honest (pic 1) so Denny came with receipts and explained why he said she denies inerrancy.
This is where the *sleight of hand* comes in.
That word *INERRANCY* matters here...
3/ Because look what she says next:
-commitment to biblical authority
-the bible is divinely inspired
-it's is God-breathed
-it's useful for teaching, correction, and training in righteousness
- she beleives it
- she affirms the gospel.
You know whats missing..
4/ The thing she leaves out is inerrancy. And in a familiar move, when @DennyBurk asks her to affirm the "Chicago statement" on inerrancy (a statement of the doctrine of innerancy) she accuses him of "weaponizing the word inerrancy," as though asking her for her view is a weapon
5/ Do you see the game here?
She says Denny is lying whem he claims Beth denies inerrancy, amd then when Denny asks if she believes in inerrancy, she uses sleight of hand and affirms everything BUT inerrancy, and accuses him of weaponizing the term.
See how that works...
6/ She wants to deny the chicago statement on inerrancy, but she doesn't want to be *seen* to be denying that statement on inerrancy. (A critical theorist might suggest this is because if she denies inerrancy she loses her influence, and she wants to maintain that influence)
7/ So what she does is affirm everything but inerrancy, and then accuse @DennyBurk of dishonesty and weaponizing inerrancy for asking her to define what she means when she says she does not deny inerrancy.
Denny wants clarity, Beth wants to dodge by being vague and unclear...
8/ And that's the sleight of hand. She wants to take the doctrine of inerrancy from the clear chicago statement, and replace it with ideas about the Bible she has "up her sleeve."
She wants to swap them in fron of you and hope you don't catch it.
Unlike the atheists who...
9/ Are honest enough to outright deny the doctrine of inerrancy, Beth instead decides to not affirm inerrancy, affirm something that sort of looks like inerrancy, and then accuse anyone who points out what she is doing of acting in bad faith.
This is nonsense.
Beth should...
10/ Be honest and say what she means.
If she wants a different conception of inerrancy she should say that. If not affirm that statement. But these silly language games and baseless accusations are nonsense and should be treated as such.
For the atheists....
11/ The same tactic will be used on you. Only instead of inerrancy it will be terms like "truth" or "science" that the woke will do sleights of hand with. Be aware of this as these tactics are coming your way, and they'll use the same tactics on you that they use on Christians...
12/ I hate dishonesty.
I hate sleight of hand.
I hate academic bullies.
I hate passive aggression.
I hate all of this.
Time for clarity.
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1/ Woke education activists have decided that during math class *5th graders* should learn to, and I quote: "challenge the hegemonic structure of marriage."
It's not just Critical Race Theory, they're bringing woke gender theory into k-12
Gender theory in k-12:
a thread🧵
2/ This comes from a paper by Christopher Dubbs, education professor at East Stroudsburg University.
Dubbs wants k-12 teachers to use queer pedagogy (teaching methods) and to engage in "Queering Mathematics."
The key words for the paper are, of course, "equity" and "diversity"
3/ I will explain everything going on here so you can understand exactly what's happening.
Most people think the goal of a math teacher in k-12 is to teach math: to teach students how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
2/ "Critical Social Justice" (CSJ) was clearly defined in the book "Is Everyone Really Equal?" by Ozlom Sensoy and Robin Diangelo. That definition, and it's explanation, are in the screenshot below.
saying CSJ a "made-up term" that "doesn't mean much" is simply false.
3/ The authors of that book are not unheard of either. Robin Diangelo is a tremendously influential scholar whose book "White Fragility" spent at least **97WEEKS ON THE NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER LIST**, and her work has been cited thousands of times by academics:
Hi Matthew, since you follow me, I know you'll see this.
I have a few questions about the thread quoted below where you claim "the anti-CRT propaganda machine" attacked city Grove college over a 6 minute video.
This appears to be, how shall we say, not the whole story...
The Parent of mixed race student was upset that the Dean, Justin Rose, apparantly spent the RA training time talking about white guilt and, says thebstudent, his wife admitted she was a racist and said others should do the same...
Another parent says there is a "Diversity Council" pushing the book "Reading While Black."
While a third parent is concerned about making Irbam Kendi's book "How To Be Anti-Racist," central to an education class.
My problem Matthew, is that you didn't tell the whole story...
Further, we need to bring blowback against the woman who is trying to get the Pilots Fired.
It is not enough for the pilots to keep their job, this cancellation attempt needs to blow up in the face of the woman who tried it.
It needs to backfire so she doesn't do it again...
These people need to learn that this will cost them something. It can cost their reputation, goodwill, getting ratio'd. Anything (so long as we don't get them fired...we can't just cancel back cause that makes cancel culture worse) what matters is that it blows up in her face...
The cynicism of the postmodernism sees through everything, and thinks all values are the arbitrary privileging of one value set over another to benefit the dominant group in society.
Nothing is inherently valuable, and nothing really matters, things are only "privileged"
Nothing ever gets to be lifted of as being objectively, universally, absolutely, "true, good and beautiful."
Nothing can ever become valuable enough to get escape velocity and get outside and above the cultural milieu. Nothing ever gets to "transcend" the culture. Everything...
that might be seen as objectively valuable gets deconstructed and torn down because anything that gets valuable enough to transcend the culture will become a powerful symbol and end up being "privileged" in a way that inscribes, or re-inscribes, unequal power relations...
If Dr. Bradley thinks the Nicene Creed or the westminster confession or any other historic Christian creed of any kind survives postmodern analysis he's out to lunch.
He may "like" what the postmodern analysis is doing to certain groups who ignored some valid criticism about...
Racism within American evangelicalism (particularly among the historically white denominations), but when the postmodern methods he accepts get turned on HIS theology, and HIS church, my guess is he will not accept it's judgement.