3/ “We’re doing our own independent investigation and they’re doing their own independent investigation,” Salinas PD Sgt. Danny Warner says. “They wanted to know what we were investigating and what we had, but as you can imagine, they’re very tight-lipped about their interest.”
"Agents from the FBI’s Oakland field office have also taken an interest in Fickas, questioning two people on the Central Coast about Fickas’ political work and the money that flows in and out of local politics."
When @kimbleycraig wrote these messages to me on Twitter, over and over again, she displayed a level of psycho that was encouraged behind the scenes by other PR flacks like @salinascityesd spokesperson @maryrduan the fmr. @mcweekly editor who is pissed off the Mike Hackett
"After The Herald asked about an $800 contribution of appetizers for a fundraising event, Kanalakis said he will immediately return the value of the donation his campaign received from Growers Pub, a Salinas restaurant closely tied to David Drew." 🤔 🤔 montereyherald.com/general-news/2…
“I have instructed my campaign to amend my (financial disclosure) reports and send Growers Pub $800 because I want no connection with them,” Kanalakis said. “The check will be sent this week.”
"Drew said he was unaware that businesses associated with him had made the contributions, and said he does not get involved in political campaigns or make endorsements."
Dave Drew would go on to criminally impersonate the reporter who wrote this ...
There is a very long list of media ignored corruption from the period @Schwarzenegger was governor.
He appointed Monterey County real estate broker Jeff Davi to the top spot in Real Estate oversight, the RE Commish.
While Jeff was the Commish he and his brother tried to buy
DEATH ROW RECORDS using money from a man named Sebastian "Buster" Sollecito - a man who managed money for a lot of Italian fisherman in Monterey CA using a hair salon owner (woman) as the straw CEO. Sollecito left behind a huge estate worth north of $75 million dollars and
developed large apartment complexes in Salinas CA with corrupt Brian Finegan as his attorney on at least one project. Brian Finegan had repped the Cannery Row property owners (including Ben Swig) before the California Coastal Commission before Cannery Row was developed. 🤔
"A spokeswoman for @JerryBrownGov says thousands apply statewide, and the governor’s office only keeps records of granted pardons. Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger granted 16, compared to Gray Davis’ zero."
Both, however, were quick to distance themselves from Drew during the campaign. Kanalakis returned $800 for a donation of food from Growers Pub, which is run by Drew’s partner Dawn Magri. Garcia paid back $500 for a fundraiser Drew’s production company sponsored just weeks .
Yeah, @VoicesofBay - one of your co-founders wanted to keep anything Mike Hackett related secret to our community. While on the payroll of the @mcweekly.
No class is no class.
* Mike Hackett is a convicted cocaine trafficker who has a big presence in marijuana in MoCo.
The @DEAHQ would not speak to a compromised "reporter" like @mcweekly's Mary Duan. When Duan claimed this she was talking about what @MCoSheriff told her and we all know how reliable Caldwell is, don't we @Calkins_Royal?
Of course the @mcweekly never discusses Dave Drew or Mike Hackett. Wonder why?
Joe Livernois spiked a story I gave the @VoicesofBay co-founder a story in 2000. @CityofSalinas was rigging promotional exams for @chief_filice@SalinasPD which led to the promotion of losers like Cassie McSorley. Cassie had been looked at because she was a @Kelly_McMillin. Dunce
So this is the story (I wonder if that weirdo Joe Livernois remembers @MelendezSalinas because I still have the documents) - Salinas was set on promoting the worst cops in the 90's and 00's because of @CASenCaballero politics.
Cassie McSorley was a Sgt. at the time and test
for a promotion to Lt. (McSorley). The contract with @SalinasPolice and the mgmt. arm SPMA called for A band testers to be considered. B band was only considered if there were no A band testers and C band was a fail. No one was to be picked from C band.