@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn Even more, you don't have to be religious but America IS NOT NORTH KOREA which is the only country where you could say it's a cult where there is literally a gun to your head and the kind of brain washing Lifton spoke of..where KJU controls all communications & your mother
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn father kids could disappear AS DISTINCT FROM POLITICAL TERROR LIKE RUSSIA OR CHINA WHO ARE TOO BIG FOR EVEN THAT KIND OF CONTROL... None of that exists in the US, these White folks make a choice based on PATHOLOGY .. specifically the pathology of sadism lack of/weakened
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn conscience, amorality, refusal to take responsibility, refusal to deal with life on life's terms (because they feel as they are Superior life should be different and they should have been handed XY & Z) lack of empathy for anyone but themselves etc THIS IS ANTISOCIAL
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn PERSONALITY DISORDER WITH PSYCHOPATHY.. (ASPDp( & UNLIKE PTSD you get from hanging around such abuse ASPDp IS HERITABLE, & it's epigenetic (alters your DNA & neural wiring) and WPs commitment gen after gen to and the HATE AND DELUSIONAL SUPERIORITY THEY USE TO JUSTIFY WS &
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn THE ASPDp THEY ERECT TO EFFECT WS HAS SO ALTERED THEIR DNA THIS IS WHAT WE NOW HAVE (simple mendelian genetics = 3/4 WP fall on the ASPDp Spectrum and 1/4th don't . How do I know that's valid ? See WP voting patterns: 3/4 WP vote GOP across local State and Nat'l House & Senate
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn@threadreaderapp sadistic Psychopathy (in otherwords a Criminal Psychopathy) maybe they don't know any better and can't help it" which is already a monstrous thought confession and condemnation all ok n its own it true right? BUT NO!
You don't do that unless you know it's wrong... And they only come out in groups (hiding in plain sight) when convinced there's too
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn@threadreaderapp many to arrest Lynch mobs, KKK marched dressing up as ANTIFA to hide WS criminal Behavior etc) and or that the system will back them (police military CJS which is why you see Jan 6 guys shocked at being Aressted and that's only a thimble full of who was there because let's
@weeser1@RealJimSnell@ReduxStl@Eightnotenuf@drseid@GeneforTexas@duty2warn@threadreaderapp face it THERE WERE TOO MANY TO ARREST GIVEN THE SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY BACKED THEM AS EXPECTED and continues to--see CJS & sentencing).
So back to Behavior and moral and legal responsiblity. What do we do with filkst who KNOW ITS WRONG BUT DO IT ANYWAY? Well that's
People in t/voting booths that out # these bastards for both house& senate & people in t/streets who out # these bastards& if necessary bring t/country to a halt during a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENCY. T/rest depends on voting in t/right people who will legislate this stuff into oblivion
And dismantling the cause which is White supremacy and that means first and foremost reconstructing the legal system AND ENFORCING THOSE DEMOCRATIC STRUCTURES PERIOD
Altho it should be obvious I should say A SUSTAINED FULL COURT PRESS TOWARDS ALL THAT. It's gonna take time. This has been centuries in the making w/the last 70 years since CRA etc being r/focus with the deliberate dismantling of the CRA via chip by policy and legislative
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@kirstinosgood@docrocktex26 People in t/voting booths that out # these bastards for both house& senate & people in t/streets who out # these bastards& if necessary bring t/country to a halt during a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENCY. T/rest depends on voting in t/right people who will legislate this stuff into oblivion
@kirstinosgood@docrocktex26 And dismantling the cause which is White supremacy and that means first and foremost reconstructing the legal system AND ENFORCING THOSE DEMOCRATIC STRUCTURES PERIOD
@kirstinosgood@docrocktex26 Altho it should be obvious I should say A SUSTAINED FULL COURT PRESS TOWARDS ALL THAT. It's gonna take time. This has been centuries in the making w/the last 70 years since CRA etc being r/focus with the deliberate dismantling of the CRA via chip by policy and legislative
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@espenza BIPOC woman here...Did it myself too. It's way harder w/men hell-bent on bein st-p-d & those are t/least of 'em. I didn't sign up for that & wasn't havin any. Most WW in my comm viewed me w/envy & as a threat b/c they thought I must want their husbands ...lol I was so much
@espenza happier on my own why in t/hell would I want what made their damn faces so grumpy & petty?
I waited a long time for the right person but didn't let that stop from living in t/mean time. I could only walk this path so freely and without concern b/c of all the women who braved
@espenza bein single moms when that was a social curse and I'm deeply grateful for their survival instincts courage and love. Single moms may not start out wanting to do it that way or planning it that way BUT YALL ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU ROCK
@Charlie85915085 My point exactly & those grads are t/1s shaping US policy & industry. HARVARD(&all Iveys)DEPEND ON LEGACY LARGESS & won't be excluding those White entries anytime soon; but ill bet big bank Harvard/Iveys comes out w/research justifyin striking US HIST from all collage entry exams
@Charlie85915085 I know these people inside and out. I grew up with them. Left at 17 and never looked back. And met them once again during residency and left once more because the corruption stank was so thick you could cut it with a knife & they all move as one force with those supporting
@Charlie85915085 via the system moving to protect them b/c money, ambition and position. You've got to dismantle the system to dig these people out and until we do that it will only get worse.
One guy even had the nerve to tell the truth only to be met with laughter by the up and coming
@boshyboo Yes Psychopathy but it not well understood by most in Psychology or Psychiatry because really it's the mental health term for Sadistic Criminal but even that falls to White Supremacy because neither Psychiatry not psychology recognizes their own Psychopaths and those
@boshyboo specifically related to WP out here succeeding at Psychopathy b/c that's considered NORMAL and why the @APAPsychiatric IN WRITTING MORE THAN ONCE refused to classify White Supremacy as a Psychopathy... stating WS is a cultural norm"
How psychopathic is that statement you
@boshyboo@APAPsychiatric might ask?
& you'd be surprised how many Psychiatrists I've talked to give me some version of that BS in answer.
Then there's the fact that both White Western Psychiatry and Psychology are steeped in eugenics and cater specifically to systemic White male Supremacy