@LaurenceNiosi Wow that article you wrote about Sebastien, what a load of absolute crap!! That account @nomoreredface threatened to send a gang of strage men to my house to get me a boyfriend when I posted back against the garbage he was saying.
If that is what you call journalism, I am gonna say you are right up there with JF Keeler. twitter.com/i/events/98959…
This is how exploitative Darryl Leroux is !!
He took my case from Jordan's Principle using my 11 yr old disabled son in his identity politic games, he takes things out of context and for someone who is not native, identifies as white, it is highly problematic that he is trying to make Indigenous Policy.
I have 4 Peace and Friendship treaties in my family. That court case was not about our identity, that court case was about Canada choosing to use the words "First Nation Children" as only Status First Nation children on reserve. It was about the word "reasonable". With Darryl
using my child in this manner, a registered sex offender started following us. That man was absolutely obsessed with Darryl and then targeted me and my child because of Darryl choosing to use him in this way. These are the sources you are using?
Darryl Leroux is who wrote the anonymous letter to Queen's University and forgot to remove his metadata off the file, so he removed the file redid it and then re-uploaded it, Darryl Leroux is Grey Owl. That is highly problematic.
Darryl Leroux, Veldon Cobourn, are attacking #EasternMetis people as not being Indigenous enough through blood quantum arguments which is disgusting and colonial policy like the Indian Act. Those same genealogies are being used for Status Mi'kmaq in Newfoundland through Qalipu,
Do you have any idea, of how awful it is to sit and being accused of being "Pretendian" "Fetis" etc, while another people are using your own genealogy for Status benefits? I am glad they have achieved recognition and I refuse to be as disgusting as Darryl Leroux,
wikitree.com/wiki/Benoit-20… -- You might want to do some actual research on this issue before you jump on that train, or you are going to end up eating crow big time. This man is trying hard to erase my ancestors. He is saying I am 14 generations on his raceshifting website, he knows
that is a complete lie !! He also knows saying I have one ancestor back into the 1600s is a complete lie, but you all eat up his garbage theories, so he figures he can get away with saying whatever the hell he wants.
Seriously, this is professional behaviour?
These 2 follower each other and collude with each other, I am pretty sure that anonymous account is Darryl Leroux. You want to read the disgusting garbage that account spouts.
agent NDN & Darryl- saying eastern metis has no indigenous ancestry. Another account he has been involved with that has been shut down for hate speech ! I am Eastern Metis and I have Indigenous ancestry. I am 10 generations, mom 9, nan, 8, My great nanny Evangeline Mius was 7,
I get my Indigenous identity from my own generation, not from some long long lost ancestor, My ann identified as #EasternMetis , her mom, My great nanny Evangeline Mius, was also in my generation,That is how many times she goes back to Joseph Mius, brother to both signatories.
Mathieu Mius and Francis Mius. Once again attacking Seb, this has been happening for years due to jealousy on his part.
Now which one is it ... Leroux
1708 census acadia- Mathieu Emieusse , living on the Mi'kmaw side of the Census, his brother Joseph was listed on the French side because he married a French woman, they were full brothers.
Nova Scotia archives - Mathieu Mius - mikmak of Cape Sable. Darryl saying we invented Cape Sable First Nations, the Mi'kmaw were originally known as the Cape Sable Indians and the treaties were made out to them.
Ratification of 1725 Treaty - Cape Sable and the other Indian tribes belonging to & inhabiting within his majesty of great Britain territories of Nova Scotia and New England.
Mi'kmaq Treaties on Trial- History, Land and Donald Marshall Junior - By William Wicken - Mathew Muse.
Mathew Mius - ratified 1725 treaty - 1726.
Origins - Canadian history to Confederation Francis, R. D 1988- community at La Heve , southeaster coast of Nova Scotia, was a Metis settlement.
Daniels decision Section 17 - No one exclusive Metis people in Canada. Distinct Métis community in LeHeve.
History of Barrington Township- by Crowell, Edwin 1973 - Francis Mius - Chief at LaHave.
Nova Scotia Archives - Sydenham Howe's Scrapbook - Francois Mius.
So you can quit trying to sling the shit that Darryl, Veldon and @nomoreredface are trying to create, while they are trying to erase actual Indigenous people.
Also sharing my 11 yr old disabled son's case, trying to make it into something it was not. That case file is filled full of lies and if you read sec 31, it shows I tried to get them to change it, but they refused to, of course they did, this suits their purposes so much more.
Well Claudette, you are not passing your own rules, you want to call people of Indigenous descent pretendian, than you too meet that label. You want to specify what strenuous battles you had with your lived experience on reserve?, 🤨
Or wait, did you mean your strenuous battles of marrying into the KZ reserve by virtue of your husband? 🤔 🤣 That must have been so strenuous, however did you stand it? 🤔
Where is the expose on Claudette Commanda who has self promoted herself to top pretendian hunter, even though she has no lived experience, her mom is Quebec Metis who she says doesn't exist, and is only native and registered by the fact she married a registered native man.!
Your top pretendian hunters are dropping like flies, Eric Thisdale, who you used to prop up your work, mysteriously disappeared after questions about genealogy, Chrystal does not have the lived experience, you go on about as being one of the top qualifiers if being genuine
@thewalrus Jean Teillets liberal cabinet ministers family identify as French Canadians, many Metis identified as French Canadians , when is the expose gonna be run on her ?
Funny how I can't even see my own replies, guess they are not relevant eh @X
@X As I was saying about Randy Ranville and how many western Metis did not grow up in the culture, why MMF has to tell all these lies which are easily proven, I do not know. !!
While I agree with a lot of this article. It is writing from a point that they are listenjng to lies and historical revision. I don't know the author so im not sure if its goal is to try and further erase the Eastern Metis or not.
Truth, Metis were in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians bylaws in the 70s. Which is close to the time frame that Western Metis were rediscovering and connecting to their own roots.
@TimHoustonNS can you tell me how someone finds out what funding a company gets? Apple Valley Foods Inc, has made their employees take a week unpaid vacation in March, and they have just been told they need to do the same in August. WTH? This is a large company they are being
punished for being too productive? They have too many pies made and no buyers? But the contract workers from Mexico and the Philippines get to continue working and being paid. How is that legal when they are aren't even supposed to have those workers unless they can't find a
local person to do that job? But they can make the local people take weeks off whenever they feel like it because they are being too productive!! Jeff Sarsfield, why the hell are you punishing your employees for being productive? They now do not get to choose their own