In 2016, I went down a rabbit hole to understand the recipe for successful apps.
• Developed a quantified framework
• Ran it through 100+ apps
• Supercharged dozens of clients' apps for 🚀📈
Here is the entire framework broken down for your #indiehacker app:
It all started on a long-haul flight when I was #hooked by @nireyal's book.
It made sense, but I thought there must be a way to quantify this user engagement thing.
So we developed a framework and put it to test on over 100 apps.
An experiment with surprising results!
While the framework has solely qualitative input, the quantified output was significantly correlated to the measured KPIs.
An increase of 5 points on the framework's 0-100 scale resulted on avg. in:
• 51% more reviews / download
• 48% more daily sessions
• 62% longer sessions
The user engagement mechanisms are an invisible layer between code & design.
You could have the perfectly written & functioning code combined with the most beautiful design and get no results whatsoever.
The secret sauce are the user engagement mechanisms.
In each of those, there are 3 mechanisms to master.
Let's finally dive in:
User: "Why and how should I use this product?"
The three mechanisms to master in Onboarding are to (1) introduce your user to the service, enable them to (2) save their progress, and (3) get them to start using your service.
Introduction (Onboarding 1/3)
The user is guided through a first experience of the service
The user is shown a description of functionalities
The user can discover the service on their own
Save Progress (Onboarding 2/3)
The user does not have to register to use the service, progress is saved differently
The user has to register at a certain point on the user journey
The user has to register before using the service for the first time
First Mission (Onboarding 3/3)
The user is animated with a specific task to accomplish
The user receives an indication that they are ready to use the service
The user can start using the service by themselves
User: "What drives me to use this product again?"
This comes down to (1) the call to action you’re sending, (2) the external trigger mechanisms you use, and (3) the need frequency your product is generating.
Call to Action (Trigger 1/3)
(typically in push-notifications or e-mails)
The user is asked to do a specific task
The user is informed about events related to their use
The user is reminded of the existence of our service
Trigger Mechanism (Trigger 2/3)
User behavior related (their "outside of tool"-behavior)
Activity related (based on something happening in the app)
Standardized plan (one-size fits all)
Need Frequency (Trigger 3/3)
The urge to use our service can exist at any moment
The user can use the service without a specific task to complete in mind
The user is only provoked to use the service if a certain task is to be completed
User: "Is this product easy to use?"
Once we triggered the user, Action happens. The goal for Action is to (1) set goals for the user, (2) guide them through the task, and (3) give them feedback upon completion.
Goal setting (Action 1/3)
The user receives a specific task to complete
The user receives suggestions to tackle different tasks
The user has to set and follow the goals himself
Guidance (Action 2/3)
The user is guided by clear explicit steps and tasks
The user has to find the way through the task himself
The user cannot complete the task in one run (i.e. medium switch)
Feedback upon completion (Action 3/3)
The user receives feedback inside the service
The user receives feedback outside the service
There is no feedback whether the task is completed or not
User: "How am I rewarded for my use?"
We all want to be rewarded for everything we do, hence, what about. A reward can come with different characteristics. We look at (1) the variability, (2) the time of anticipation, and (3) the types of rewards the app provides.
Variability (Reward 1/3)
The user receives variable rewards
The user receives unexpected rewards
The user receives expected rewards
Time of anticipation (Reward 2/3)
Start ... something is happing or to be done ... Reward
Start ... do something, do some more, do a lot more ... Reward
Types of rewards (Reward 3/3)
(This is the only goal without a hierarchy, here the goal is the accumulation of types. All 3 of 3 are BEST.)
Reward of Hunt (Trophies, Badges, etc.)
Social Reward (Likes, Comments, Leaderboards, etc.)
Reward of Self (Progress, Mastering, etc.)
User: "What do I gain from a long-term use?"
Investment is key for retention. You need to (1) show the user how much they have invested in your app, (2) create loss potential, and - if it’s in the interest of the user’s goal! - (3) exert pressure with it.
Visualization (Investment 1/3)
Achieved investments are actively communicated
Achieved investments are visualized
Investments do not appear in the user interface
Loss potential (Investment 2/3)
A physical loss
A virtual loss
Investments do not have emotional worth and can easily be build again
Pressure Exertion (Investment 3/3)
The user risks to lose achievements without further action
The user cannot reach something without further action
The user can use the app without any pressure
That's the framework on user engagement mechanisms.
I hope this helps unlock some growth for you & supercharge your app as well!
I'll elaborate on each building block over the next few days & weeks. So feel free to follow along and please ask questions! I'm happy to help!
The complete user engagement framework
• with 15 mechanisms to:
a) measure your tool against
b) actionable suggestions to improve
• to identify shortcomings of your app
• to predict the potential for success
I even use it for startup investment decisions
If you found this to be helpful, feel free to share it with anyone you think might benefit from learning these mechanisms as well by retweeting the first tweet of this thread.
Please reach out with any questions you might have. Happy to help!
To become a great leader, the first step is to know what to strive for. Whom better to learn from than Jim Collins @level5leaders who spent decades learning & teaching what makes companies great?
Do you have the makings of a great leader?
3-part Leadership Quiz
(note down the letters)
Q1: Which type of leader is the most effective and successful? (i.e. A)
Q2: Rank them in order of importance for great business success? (i.e. A-B-C...)
Q3: Which statements would you attribute to yourself? (choose all that apply)
Types of leaders:
A - „Contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works effectively with others in a group setting“
B - „Serves the company’s objectives through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will“