2/ Key here is Durham did not "admit" he was told about Baker's phone previously and in fact OIG never claimed that either--OIG wordsmithed to make it seem as if they had. But OIG's silence on withholding Sussmann-Joffe documents confirms that's just what they did.
3/ Friday's supplemental filing did one more thing: It made me re-read several times discovery update & original indictment & in doing so realized several additional points re the Sussmann-Joffe-OIG connection.
THREAD: So, yesterday I spent digging more on the phones FBI got access to. I've been trying to figure out what Durham's other investigation was that led to the mention of the phones. At first I assumed it was a leak investigation b/c Sessions was AG at that time. 1/
2/ And Sessions started a record number of leak investigations. But then I started to re-read a couple key things. foxnews.com/politics/sessi…
THREAD: My article linked below hits MANY distinct points, but I wanted to expand on the "wordsmithing" from Friday's document because at first blush the "clarification" came off as an admission Durham had been told OIG had Baker's phone but that is not AT ALL what filing said.1/
2/ Rather, SC ("Special Counsel") merely told court here's what OIG said. SC didn't comment on that or how ridiculous it was but just repeated the claims. SC could have said that is nonsense but didn't. So what did OIG say? NOT that Durham knew about OIT having Baker's
3/ phone. Rather, a) 4 years ago, during another investigation one of our guys (OIG) told one of Durham's attorneys OIG is going to take possession of a bunch of FBI phones. NEVER said he told Durham's guy that included Bakers. Then the bait-and switch:
THREAD: On Wednedsay @RyanM58699717 shared an his Right to Know request from Ga Tech. (See tweet below). If you have skimmed through that you might want to...rather interesting. 1/
2/ A few things of interested, but one for this thread. Alfa Bank had also subitted a right to know request. So I submitted a new one to Ga Tech asking for results sent to Alfa Bank.
3/ I received results an hour ago and went through it. Nearly entirely identical to what I received from my earlier Right to Know request, which was reassuring that I framed my request properly. Here's my earlier article on what I found: thefederalist.com/2021/11/17/ema…
HOLY CRAP: Just finished scrutinizing Durham's latest filing in Sussmann case and check out this weirdness. Sussmann goes to OIG saying Tech Exe-1 (Joffe) saw an OIG employee's computer connecting to VPN in foreign country. That alone raises 100 questions, but read below. 1/
2/2 OIG "represented" to Special Counsel's office "no other file or documentation." But then Sussmann's attorneys tell Durham's team, oh, I actually MET w/ OIG...so Durham's team goees back to OIG & amazingly there is more documentation. WTF! Working on this and other tidbits!
Post-Twit: Think about this: The Special Counsel's office laid the OIG out in public! This warrants putting my fudge away for the night...again, I curse... WTF
THREAD II: And now on to the second brief filed by @carterwpage attorney, with @McAdooGordon serving as local counsel. This brief responds to GOVERNMENT's motion to dismiss. The other brief was the 8 individual actors: This is DOJ/FBI as entities. storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
2/ Interesting. Didn't realize this was part of relief sought: