Listening in on Convoy radio again. It's a workday for me, so updates will be slow. Mostly just people saying good morning and the usual pleasantries. Someone is broken down in Ottawa

"Peace love and diesel everybody"
They are concerned that morale is low and truckers are wanting to go home

They've set up "Adopt a Trucker" so people can feed the truckers

Call me crazy, but I feel like there was a gofundme for this very purpose
A lot of people in this convoy getting stranded with kids and no food.

Who are these parents???
The trolls are on...the mods sound pretty demoralized. Lots of arguing

I'm giggling about this karma
Someone asked if anyone has hosed the piss off of the tomb of the unknown soldier
Now they are mad at the military

Not sure why
Brittney is back to being a mod

She sounds exhausted
Now they're saying that 1.4 million people were there
They seem surprised that people are listening to this and telling people not to share personal information.

I guess they're new to the internet
Someone doesn't know the difference between the senate and Trudeau

I'm not joking
"Morale is not good. Antifa stole my piss jugs"

These trolls are life
"Local business owner inviting any truckers out there who are looking for food to eat my ass"

They did not like that one
Oh no...they're singing
They want to call "the cyber police" on the trolls

They're cute
They're singing Star Spangled Banner lyrics to the Oh Canada melody and I feel like I'd rather they just use slurs at this point
Trudeau is speaking in 10 minutes

I don't know if this is true
Trudeau has Covid

This is confirmed

Thanks to @Sflecce for your safe schools giving one of the Trudeau kids Covid
Someone posted a link the the press conference

It was porn. The trolls got them to click on porn
Some casual ableism making fun of children with speech impediments

These people are lovely
They keep singing the convoy song and this is all I can think of
They think Amy should be singed to a record label.

Hard disagree
They're just sharing song titles now

A lot of Kid Rock

Someone suggested Rage Against the Machine without a hint of irony
Seriously...they've never actually listened to the lyrics of most of these songs. They just heard the word Free and latched on

Why do they do this??
Oh...they are excited to hear what Alex Jones has to say about this

Yup...there it is
"Trudeau is going live at 11:15am"'s 11:22
Someone's meemaw just joined...very confused
They want the kids to chime in's Monday. The kids are in school
"Let's hear those kids!!!"

"Don't fly drones over restricted airspace"

Why does this need to be said?
They're listening to Trudeau speak.

They are mad at what he's saying
Rants about him lying

He's not

Someone said that this is Hunger Games. Dear reader, I don't think he has read those books
There's crying
Now they're singing again

I really hate the singing
Someone said it's time to double down on this government

I don't know what that means
They're gonna do a "slow roll"

Translation please
They sound galvanized

Someone from Chicago is saying that the US government has set up camps for them. I'm gonna need a fact check on that
Pat King is live

This should be interesting
They're mad that Trudeau talked about white supremacists

But they also want their leader Pat King (an admitted white supremacist) to speak to the movement

Guys...come on

Wow...that was on for a while lop
They're yelling at the mods
They're threatening the trolls

"We have internet teams with ISIS"

"Thank God for Pat King"

Y'all... this a peaceful protest???

I don't think they've said that this is a peaceful protest 7,867 times
Someone is sad that the streets of Ottawa aren't busy

I think he's lonely
The mods don't want them to talk about Pat King

But they keep talking about how great Pat King is
Back to positive vibes. No more politics


Trolls are coming
Ok...we had a smart person

"We're not supposed to talk about politics here, but isn't this protest political"?

At least someone understands
Someone suggested that the truckers block off all entrances and exits to the city
Star spangled Banner non stop today

Not sure why
The Baby Shark horn will live forever in my nightmares
Someone asked for the Mexican national anthem for North American unity


Hats off to that troll
There's a situation at 302 Coventry

They need more people to unblock the way. Not sure how that will help
Hey truckers...if police are blocking your way, orher truckers can't resolve that for you. You're stuck
The Quebec truckers have been stuck for 48 hours

Ok...that's just funny
Trolls are back

Welcome to the cum zone
Woah!! This guy has an old timey accent that sounds like he's in the musical Guys and Dolls!!

Anywho, he was talking about the stuck truckers who feel abandoned

Sorry guys, this is what happens when you trust a grifter
Announcement from Pat King

He's getting everybody in to the city section by section

Yeah that's not gonna happen
We're back in the cum zone
"Can I ask why we're still working with Pat King? I thought he was bad"

"He's a great guy and the original organizer. He's amazing"

"It's pretty well documented that He's a white supremacist"

Someone asked what they should do to get regular Canadians behind them

Oh, Larry...that ship left the port a long time ago.
More Pat chat

Lots of confusion
Someone is asking this one supporter why she's upset about Pat King's white supremacist rhetoric

DUDE!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHYYY?? The absolute Caucasian

They're now yelling at this lady who has genuine concerns about the racism. But they're not racist
They just blocked a trucker who is upset about racism

They've dropped their masks, guys
Lady changed the lyrics to Oh Canada to make it about truckers

We're back in the Ram Ranch!!!

Lots of butt sex in the Ram Ranch!!!
The first rule about racist not talk about the racism in the convoy
A sweary troll!!

I love the sweary trolls
Someone asked where Tamara is and what is happening to the gofundme money

"We're not going to talk about that here"

Pat King said she went awol

I wonder if any of these people know that if they don't have anything to say, they don't have to sing
"I think the missing $9M is an emergency to the truckers"

They're starting to eat their own!! It's getting juicy!
People have been giving a Metis supporter a hard time about his Metis flag

What a classy bunch
The truckers gave this construction worker the courage to come out

I don't think he knows what that means
Oh bless...they think that they are the reason why indoor dining is allowed in Ontario. That's adorable
Someone suggested that the street cameras are being doctored to make it look like there's no support

The paranoia of these people...yeesh!
Prayer circle!!

"I pray that Tamara comes back with the money and we can all have a sweaty celebration at the Ram Ranch"

Religion isn't allowed any more
"It's not about religion if it's about the lord"
Welcome to the cum zone!!

Almost the whole audio was played this time!!

Mods are slipping
Now they're talking about a convoy to Toronto

Remember...for every troll that comes, they have to listen to us. We're trolling them

Oh, Gerry, you have no idea
Welcome to the cum zone

Fresh balls
The Dementors are picking up trucks

Quick PSA: fvck TERFs
Cowboy showers at the Ram Ranch!!!
This lady is complaining that she can't hug her family without them asking about her vaccinated status

Lady doesn't understand boundaries
Lots of antivax talk

I thought this wasn't about vaccines???
Oooooh...apparently we've never had freedoms

Did you guys know this??
Dude: I just want to tell a story about my grandpa who was a trucker. The last thing he said to me was RAM RANCH!!!
It's been a troll heavy hour. They found the subreddit that they're coming from. These sweet summer children think they can shut down the reddit
We're back in the cum zone guys!!

This one troll is driving the mods bananas!!
More questions about where Tamara and the money is

They don't like this question
Guy from Michigan is gonna give them a honk from his Dodge RAM RANCH!!!

That was amazing
One of them tried to do math

It went exactly as you'd expect
Person 1: are we associating with Pat King? He's turning me off
Person 2: Pat King has more integrity than Justin Trudeau
Person 3: Pat King gave me gonorrhea
Person 4: we don't talk about Pat King

They're laughing about causing trauma
They may have made some of the trolls moderators

These trolls are the best
This one woman joined the movement because she was in the emergency room and there wasn't enough staff to help someone having a stroke.

She was almost close to getting it
Caroline is an hour outside of town, looking for directions to the Ram Ranch

The mods are losing it!!
These guys definitely allowed some trolls to be mods

They are super new to the internet
None of them can figure out how to listen to question period at the House of Commons

In case anyone was wondering if any of these people have any understanding of the government
It's almost all trolls now

They don't know what to do
They think that there is majority support for them because there aren't a lot of counter protests

That's not how that works
They talked about this poll. They think it means they should stay

Be a shame if y'all voted in it

"Poll Results | CTV News Ottawa"…
They think that using Facebook will stop the trolls. Not quite sure how...
Dear reader...I'm about to tell you something that may shock you

These people don't know that VPNs are a thing
Someone just said that the trolls were going to go to hell

Sir...we're already there
New troll song!!!

🎵 there's no cock, like horse cock🎵
Someone just said Pat King for Prime Minister

And someone suggested the PPC

I think they may have slept through the election where the PPC didn't win a seat
Someone just said we need to figure out how we fill the void when Trudeau steps down

You guys...I'm starting to think that these people don't understand government
We have Ghandi quotes
The truckers are running out of gas again and can't figure out how to get it
They are going to mute or ban anyone who talks about politics

Do we think they forgot what they're doing?
That fecking Baby Shark horn!!

I was JUST about to say that it seemed that the trolls were backing off...and then

Welcome to the cum zone
Someone just asked now that the truckers are in Ottawa, what's the plan

Well my dear, that is the $9M question
Someone needs a mechanic. A troll said that he's a mechanic at the Ram Ranch. Someone's Auntie thinks it's a real place and it adamant because someone in the chat said they stayed there last night. I almost feel bad for her

Freedom lovers want to report trolls to the police

Seriously...someone said that
More chatter about whether or not The Ram Ranch is a real place (it's not)

They can't shake the cum zone troll
They're trying to find a broken down trucker on Bank Street

Methinks it might have been a troll
Y'all!! They JUST figured out that women know how to troll!!!

I have no words
One of the guys who's been on here all day said "don't these trolls have jobs?""

Bitch!! Don't you????
Dude tells the trolls that they're just wasting a nice guy's time

Uh...yeah!!! THAT'S THE POINT!!!
They're crying again
I learned a new word


I love it
One dude is looking a place to stay tonight. He's been there since Friday

Remember what I said about their ability to plan
I've found common ground with one of the truckers

He is also over the singing
They're talking about the white supremacy again

Lots of denials

But they love Pat King
Looks like the kids are done school for the day

A lot of them chiming in
Someone suggested blocking the roads into downtown Ottawa

Please don't do that. Emergency services still need to get through
Man from Quebec is getting impatient

He wants to know how long until they win

Oh, honey
They're saying that it's the residents of Ottawa (who are tired of this) own fault for living there
Someone encouraged people to keep donating to the gofundme

That's probably not a good idea
They're now saying that they're staying until they "flatten the curve"

I'm confused...very confused
One woman just said she's not afraid to get violent

Mennonites are apparently on their way on horseback

Apparently people were pulling the tails of the police horses

Woah!!! One of these guys said that there was truth to Justin Trudeau's words

Every once in a while we get someone with a brain
They don't want to use whatsapp because it's owned by Facebook

But all of their organizing has been done on Facebook
One dude wants to set up a memorial for "people who were hurt" by the mandates

No mention about a memorial for the people who died of Covid

We've got creampies fresh from Ram Ranch!!!

The truckers are now regaling us with their day to day on the road. Riveting stuff
We're learning about Mennonites now

This is a strange tangent
One man is asking if it's safe to bring his children around Mennonites

The ignorance!!
Talking about weather now

Kinda boring
"They have their butt in their arse"

Ok...I'm trying to figure out the logistics of this
According to Convoy radio, Rebel News has been flying drones around Parliament

You, a crime
I'm a bit of a stickler for grammar so the sentence structure I'm hearing...
Someone thinks that the trolls have something to do with the Liberal government

They know nothing about GenZ
You guys!! Did you know that this convoy has influenced the UK government???

That sounds true
There's a lineup for cocks at the Ram Ranch!!

Sounds serious
They're singing again

I never thought I'd ever get this annoyed by our National anthem
Somebody took pictures of freedom!

I wanna see those
This prayer mentions the enemy

Guys!!! Are WE the enemy???
An indigenous man asked that we not pray

In response, they're going to continue praying but they won't say which God they're praying to

I don't think they get it
They definitely don't get it

One dude yelled
They're arguing about praying
The Christians are offended about mods trying to keep the chat non religious

Poor oppressed Christians
One of them just started praying

Taking a wee break
Well...after taking a break, I opened it, and they're praying
Someone finally said that the trolls aren't doing anything illegal

I think they were surprised by this
That didn't last long

Someone wants to send IP addresses to CSIS
Someone was sending love from Toronto. He pronounced the second T

If you know, you know
Someone did a Muslim player

Some guys are mocking it

Others are being kind about it

It's a mixed bag
They were talking about Sam Hyde who died for the cause

You guys...This didn't happen. Sam Hyde is a comedian
They're saying that they hate wearing masks because they don't like smelling their own breath
One guy was wondering if there were any consessions from the government

Oh muffin
More bad singing
Some veiled threats against the PM

Followed by kids talking

I'm not sure if it's the best parenting strategy to have your kids hearing this
Truckers are crying over a poem
Some Islamophobia from a troll

How are they paying for all of these mechanics when all of the gofundme money is MIA?
Oh God! It's just Travis doing it out of pocket. And he's running out of funds. He seems like a nice guy, but he's been taken for a ride
So Travis is fixing everyone's trucks and doesn't have a place to stay. No one is offering to help him

These people are swell
Oh dear...they're crying. Dude used all of his money to get to Ottawa and his car is dead and he has nothing left. He sounds rough

Someone is asking why they haven't gotten gofundme money. Tamara screwed these guys
It's really sad how so many people have fallen for the grift over the past two years

We need to have a long hard look at how this happens, and how to stop it
All is quiet

I think they've shut it down
Back up...a very sweet sounding woman was trying to explain statistics

Someone responded by yelling "enough with the propaganda!!"

Ok, sir...math is propaganda
It's conspiracy hour

It hurts my brain
Oh! So not polio didn't exist!!

New Fox-E wants to call Joe Rogan

We all know why
There was a free for all with arguing and trolls

The mods are stressed
Boston is teaching people about VPNs

He sounds Towmater from Cars

Now he's talking about a fallout with someone in another convoy channel
They've spent a lot of time talking about the trolls

But you guys...the trolls are NOT getting to them. They are not gotten. Not rattled
There's a party going on downtown

Did I mention that it's peaceful?
Brittney's back
She's fundraising for the dude who went broke going to Ottawa

But where's Tamara??
Story hour about cars with Boston

It's like when you're up at the farm and your grandpa's had a few pops on the porch and he just rambles and you fall asleep
They're fighting again
They're happy the Tucker Carlson talked about them

Darlings, last week Tucker threw a tantrum that a cartoon candy doesn't give him a boner
We have an update on Travis!! After fixing everyone's trucks with his own money, no one helped him.and he's on his way home with $60

They're not good at caring for their own
The guys who got screwed are mad

Another one is mad that nothing has changed yet. They're mad that people are bleeding their own money

Boston is trying to keep their spirits up. It's not working

There's yelling
They're concerned that the mood has changed

You guys...I'm starting to think they're not gonna hold the line, and in it for the long haul
One of the mods said that Pierre Polievre causes inflammation when he speaks

I think she thinks this is a compliment
They think that The Ram Ranch is homophobic...but I will say, I think 18 naked cowboys sounds beautiful
A lot of these mods are very sick. They're talking about their recent doctor's appointments

They're fighting again
Their pep talks have progressively lost their gusto
Yay!!! Someone played Uncle Fvcka from South Park!!

Dear reader, I sang along to every word with the fart noises
There's more crying
A dude is boasting that the gofundme raised more money than the Liberals in the last election

Not a flex dude...that gofundme money is gonna get washed
They're talking about making a password protected channel... darlings who have come with my on this adventure, I will try to get in when that happens
The dude who said that the convoy is the best thing to happen in Canada in the last decade clearly isn't a Raptors fan
"The truckers are the soldiers of our modern time"

Except know...our armed forces.
"Be careful. There's lots of them people out there"

Yes, Clarence, there are people outside in cities
The Lemon Party has the best produce in Ottawa
They need fuel for 30 trucks

I'm serious
One guy thinks that trolls have a monthly quota in order to be paid by Justin Trudeau

He was proud of himself for that comment
Grandpa thinks that they can use voice recognition technology to identify the trolls

It's precious
People are looking for showers

Y'all...Pat King has the hotel rooms with the showers
Some of you might be concerned about the Ram Ranch

The Ram Ranch is still's happening a lot
You know those parents who think their kids are super special and talented (but they're very much not) and make you listen to their kids listen to them sing songs that are way too long???

That's happening here
🎵 I wonder what's inside your butthole🎵

That's the first time I've heard that today
He who must not be named, we'll call him Blat Fling, who didn't not pay for showers, is not at the hotel or motel, but he is at the Holiday Inn
They're criticizing the trolls for bad language when there's kids in here

In other news there are kids stranded in a truck with their parents with no food or fuel
They're trying to find Jerry cans to get the fuel into the truck

The mods are getting snippy with each other.

This has happened so often over the past few days
Anywho...this has been a bananas

I'm off to bed to dream about the naked cowboys at the Ram Ranch! Thanks for coming on the ride!!

Sleep well, darlings

- Fin

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More from @Noellenarwhal

Feb 2
Good morning and happy groundhog day!! Are you ready for day 4 of convoy radio? I'm not sure I am but it's happening anyway. Everyone sounds tired and congested. Gone is the excitement and hope of the early days of the #ivermectininsurrection
It's very quiet this morning. Most of the channels are dark.
Trolls have already welcomed us to the cum zone so now they're discussing how to deal with trolls. They think blocking will do the trick. It won't
Read 54 tweets
Feb 1
Good morning everyone!! Back at it listen to convoy radio! I'm slowly descending into madness, but aren't we all? Anywho, it's a quiet morning for the ivermectin insurrection, but one of them accidentally did a communism. They're singing
The trolls were up early and ready to go. There are a lot of conspiracies about Trudeau and O'Toole. I'm still working on my coffee
One parent said she listens to this while homeschooling her kids. learning about the Ram Ranch educational??

I don't think you should multitask teaching your kids
Read 147 tweets
Jan 30
Today on convoy radio, they're encouraging each other to fires burning in the streets for warmth. Looks like it's gonna be another day

One of the trolls offered Cleveland steamers. I love the trolls
The mods think that the trolls actually care about getting blocked. It's precious
Read 69 tweets
Jan 30
Listening to the truckers on Zello. Brittney the moderator has had a rough day and has no money or a place to stay. They're trying to help her but this kid wants to keep singing. And other truckers are looking for showers

Someone has told Brittney to go to a church
A lot of trolls inviting people to shit with them on Parliament Hill
Read 8 tweets

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