Throne Speech 2022: "Building Our Jamaica: Peace, Opportunity, and Prosperity. #BuildingOurJamaica #Peace #Opportunity #Prosperity.
This year is our 60th year of Independence. As we celebrate, let us honour the contributions and heroic sacrifices of those who laid the foundation on which we continue to build.
Our 60 years of political independence have had many challenges, but Jamaica remains a strong, resilient, democratic and free nation, with huge potential and opportunities to build our peace and prosperity.
Jamaica has made significant strides in key measures of human development, in health, shelter, social protection, education, infrastructure, and public administration, since our Independence.
Internationally, Jamaica is a respected voice in the community of nations and we have a strong brand and place in popular culture.
One area of national success over the past decade, is the significant progress made in strengthening the management of our economy and entrenching macro-economic stability through a series of unprecedented legislative and institutional reforms.
Our ability to withstand the COVID-19 pandemic, the worst global health and economic crisis in 100 years, is the most tangible evidence of Jamaica’s resilience and how far we have come in our quest for economic Independence.
As we move into the next phase of our journey as an independent nation, our Government is already laying the foundation, to build a Jamaica of Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity.
The recovery effort from the pandemic will take all hands on deck. The Government will lead the engagement of all its critical partners to craft a new Social Partnership for Strong Recovery and Sustainable Development.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of establishing the unique identity of each citizen to provide efficient, timely and targeted services by the Government.
With the passage of the National Identification and Registration Act, the implementation of the National Identification System (NIDS) is now fully underway. This is a critical milestone in our digital transformation.
In this our 60th year, we will pass the associated regulations for the Act and issue our first National Identification cards.
The Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund was proactive in the health and education sectors through key interventions such as the acquisition of a genome sequencer enabling us to test for variants of the corona and other viruses.
The Jamaica Education Transformation Commission has delivered a well-studied report on a roadmap of recommendations for fundamental transformation of education.
An Education Trans- formation Oversight Committee (ETOC) comprising key stakeholders, including the Opposition, will be responsible for monitoring and publicly reporting on the progress of implementation.
In our 60th year as an independent nation, we must commit to the transformation of our education system to provide our children with 21st century skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).
It is the best route to secure Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity for our people.
Last month saw the switching on of the first Digital Television transmitter in Jamaica using the ATSC 3.0 standard, making Jamaica the third country in the world to adopt this standard.
This marks the beginning of a revolutionary change in how Jamaicans consume television services. Our progress towards a truly digital society is well on the way and digital switchover is essential to achieving that ultimate goal.
Housing continues to be a major priority of the Government. The National Housing Trust (NHT) wrote 6,924 loans with a value of $24.1 billion between April 2021 and December 2021 and is on course to write over 8,000 loans by the end of the financial year.
The NHT currently has 12,019 housing solutions under construction in addition to 24,580 housing solutions in planning across the island.
In building a nation of Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity, the Government has been taking significant steps at bolstering Jamaica’s economic resilience.
In July 2021, Jamaica, supported by the World Bank, launched a historic Catastrophe Bond (CAT Bond) becoming the first Caribbean country, and the first Small Island Developing State (SIDS), to independently sponsor such a bond.
The instrument provides financial protection of up to US$185 million against losses from named storms for three (3) Atlantic tropical cyclone seasons, ending December 2023.
In May 2021, Jamaica acceded to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures known as the Revised Kyoto Convention.
This is the blueprint for modern and efficient customs procedures in the 21st century and will facilitate full streamlining of processes and procedures.
The Government will begin implementation of a comprehensive restructuring of public sector compensation.
This will simplify the current complicated three hundred and twenty-five (325) salary scales and eliminate most of the one hundred and eighty-five (185) allowances so that, in most cases, compensation will consist of a salary payment only, while ensuring that no one is worse off.
This allows for full transparency whilst ensuring that jobs are adequately compensated.
The Bank of Jamaica will roll out our own digital Jamaican dollar in 2022 after a successful pilot during 2021.
This will serve as a foundation for Jamaica’s digital payments architecture and will facilitate greater financial inclusion, increase transaction velocity while reducing the cost of banking for the Jamaican people.
This is a big step in building a nation of Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity.

Our economy is recovering with seven to nine per cent growth projected for the fiscal year ending March 2022 and employment continues its steady recovery.
This resilience to the external shock of the pandemic is due in part to the integrated and collaborative nature of the regulatory,
development and support functions of the Government in securing the sustainable balance between our natural assets and our economic priorities which is essential to our Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity.
The Government has been moving forward with implementation of a number of large infrastructure projects. The Southern Coastal Highway Improvement project is at an advanced stage of implementation.
Construction has begun on a four-lane roadway from Harbour View to Yallahs, and on 10 of the planned 15 construction packages.
Master planning and design for the Morant Bay Urban Centre have been completed and loan financing secured. This integrated town centre and commercial complex along with the highway improvements will be a game changer for the people of St. Thomas.
You will be pleased to know that work on construction of Jamaica’s new Houses of Parliament will commence during this, our 60th year of Independence.
The 20,000 square-foot Kingston Logistics Park located on lands contiguous to the Kingston Container Terminal has been completed.
This is part of the Government's overall plan to establish Jamaica as a Global Logistics Hub.
The process of divestment of lands under The Greater Bernard Lodge Development Project is underway. Water and sewer infrastructure is being installed and housing developments have already begun.
The intention is to create a sustainable integrated township that is vibrant and resilient and provides opportunities for affordable housing, modern living, and access to jobs and amenities.
In December 2021, the Government gazetted the Order designating the Black River landscape/seascape in St. Elizabeth as a protected area under the Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act. This will help to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the area.
The long-awaited gazetting of the Cockpit Country Protected Area boundaries, will be brought to Parliament in this legislative year.
Additionally, the Government will promulgate new legislation to enable the creation and regulation of a National Protected Areas System that is representative
of Jamaica’s ecological and cultural heritage.
The legislation will include harmonised provisions for management of private lands in protected areas under a new comprehensive statute.
In building a nation of Peace, Opportunity and Prosperity, the
security of our citizens is of paramount importance.
The Government is significantly expanding capacity of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) by increasing the intake, training and deployment of personnel from the current average of approximately 500 to 1,500 annually.
Existing infrastructure is also being upgraded with over 100 police facilities renovated and eight (8) new facilities constructed since the commencement of Project ROC, the Rebuild, Overhaul and Construct Project.
The Government is modernising our law enforcement and criminal justice systems by increasing reliance on forensic science to investigate crimes and secure convictions. Ground was broken in November 2021
for the construction of the country’s first forensic pathology autopsy suite.
This is the final component of the upgrading of the Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Medicine to a world-class forensic pathology unit.
The new electronic Traffic Ticket Management System (TTMS) will enhance public order and safety by ensuring that tickets and related information will be accurate and readily available to support the efficient enforcement of fines and penalties.
The strategic investments that have been made in the security infrastructure of the country have had a significant impact on major crimes. Overall incidence of major crimes declined by 51% from 10,711 in 2011 to 5,222 in 2021.
However, our homicide rate remains unacceptably high and gunmen and gangs continue to threaten our peace and safety.
In addition to other strategies to combat crime and violence; the Government has rolled out a targeted “Operation Get Every Illegal Gun”. It includes, but is not limited to, special operations by the security forces and a reward system.
The Enhanced Security Measures implemented by the Government have shown success. In seven (7) vulnerable communities currently declared as Zones of Special Operations (ZOSOs), cumulative incidents of murders declined by 63% and shootings declined by 77%.
Similarly, murders decreased by an average of 42% and shootings decreased by an average of 43% under States of Public Emergency (SOEs). Notably, murders increased by an average of 42% and shootings increased by an average of 35%, after discontinuation of the SOEs.
The recent passage of the Criminal Administration (Suppression of Criminal Organizations) (Amendment) Act is geared towards dismantling gangs, depriving them of their illicit wealth and prosecuting their facilitators and benefactors.
Since its passage, there have been thirty-nine (39) convictions involving eleven (11) accused persons.

Additionally, amendments were passed to the:
• Corrections Act, and the
• Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Suppression and Punishment)
(Amendment) Act.
As a matter of priority, the Government is pressing ahead with the development of several new and revised pieces of legislation. These include:
1. Firearms (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) Bill, which will be tabled today
2. Review of the Corrections Act
3. Development of Enhanced Security Measures Bill
4. Development of Security Personnel Integrity Bill, and
5. Development of a National Intelligence and Security Bill
The Government has continued its efforts to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Several field hospitals were established which increased the bed complement and capacity of the health system to provide care for COVID-19 cases.
Vaccination is available through established sites, mobile units, blitzes and private providers.
The Government has continued its multi-pronged strategy to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by improving management and access to services and reducing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity.
In our 60th year of Independence, the Government will commence the largest health-care infrastructure development undertaken since Independence.
The plan, which is being jointly funded by the European Union and Inter-American Development Bank, will see upgrades to thirteen (13) health facilities comprising three (3) hospitals and ten (10) health centres.
The Spanish Town, St Ann's Bay, and May Pen hospitals will be upgraded.
The health centres to be upgraded are:
• Greater Portmore
• St. Jago Park
• Old Harbour
• St. Ann's Bay
• Ocho Rios
• Brown’s Town
• May Pen East
• May Pen West
• Mocho, and the
• Chapelton Community Hospital
In addition, upgrading of the building and equipment at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) is in the design phase, and build out work continues at Cornwall Regional Hospital and the Western Children and Adolescent Hospital.

During the last year, the pandemic continued its relentless disruption of the education sector. However, we are steadily and safely returning more of our students to face-to-face classes.
The Government has launched a major initiative called Yard-to- Yard Find the Child, to identify and re-engage students who did not access any of the learning modalities.
The pandemic accelerated the Government’s plans to provide access to technology for all our students.
The Government’s procurement efforts, the Own Your Own Device (OYOD) programme and the One Laptop or Tablet per Child initiative together provided approximately 150,000 devices to enable virtual learning.
This enormous push benefited students on the PATH programme and other needy families.

As we seek to develop creators rather than mere consumers of technology, the Government has commenced a phased roll out of coding in primary and secondary schools, starting with our teachers.
The long overdue Jamaica Teaching Council Bill was finally tabled in Parliament. The Bill seeks to bring structure and standards to teaching.
Work is also advancing on amendments to the Education Act, the Children (Adoption of) (Amendment) Bill and the Child Care and Protection (Amendment) Bill.
Tourism continued its remarkable recovery in 2021 recording three consecutive quarters of growth. The 2021 calendar year ended with a strong showing of over 1.6 million visitors and US$2 billion in earnings.
The industry’s success can be attributed to strong collaboration between the public and private sectors in implementing the Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Framework. A Tourism Vaccination Task Force was also established to drive the vaccination of the island’s 170,000 tourism workers.
To date, there is an average 70% vaccination rate among tourism workers.
Jamaica has emerged as a global leader in advancing tourism resilience and sustainability through the successful establishment of the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre,
... the Resilient Corridor and world-leading COVID-19 health and safety protocols, which have been guideposts to the safe and secure recovery of tourism.
On February 17, 2022 at the World Expo in Dubai, Jamaica will, in partnership with the Global Tourism Entity, launch the first Global Tourism Resilience Day to be observed annually.
Despite the pandemic, there is unprecedented investor interest in hotel and resort development with 8,000 new hotel rooms in varying stages of development and planning.
The long-awaited Tourism Workers Pension Scheme (TWPS) to provide a financial safety net was launched in January 2022 and so far 10,000 workers have registered and the fund has earned $43 million.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, annual production of domestic crops grew by 10.4% in 2021 over 2020.
This growth is due to continuous recovery activities implemented throughout the year to combat both climate change and COVID-19 impacts.
Exports expanded in FY2021/2022 through increased penetration in new and under-utilised markets. For example, Jamaican pineapples entered the Barbadian market and local soft fruits have easier access to the UK market.
The Government is committed to investing in our farmers and fisherfolk. Under the Production Incentive Programme, over 19,000 farmers were impacted through training and provision of inputs.
In addition, access to water continued to be a critical part of the Programme through rehabilitation and construction of reservoirs and distribution of water irrigation kits.
The Farm Roads Rehabilitation Programme has completed an additional eighteen (18) farm roads valuing $205 million across the island. This Programme has produced a total of 246 roads, over 200 km impacting over 5,000 farmers.
The Agro-Investment Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2021 was passed, repealing the Agricultural Marketing Act and incorporating all its functions under the Agro-Investment Corporation.
For FY2022/23, the legislative agenda includes the following:
1. Repeal of the Plants (Quarantine) Act and enactment of the Plant Health Act; and
2. Amendment to the Agricultural Produce Act.

In FY2021/ 22, the Government enacted critical legislation such as the Trademark (Amendment) Act, 2021, The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2021, and the Agricultural Loan Societies & Approved Organizations Regulations, 2021.
Effective March 27, 2022, Jamaica will accede to the Madrid Protocol following the passage of the Trademarks Act in May 2021.
This will facilitate international registration of trademarks in up to 126 countries through a single application filed with the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office.
During the FY 2022/2023, the following legislative priorities will be pursued:
1. Amendments to the Companies Act to strengthen the
disclosure of information relating to the beneficial ownership of companies in accordance with the Financial Action Task Force standards to counter money laundering and terrorism financing.
2. The Insolvency (Amendment) Bill to allow for the rehabilitation of businesses where possible and the prevention of insolvency.
3. The Dangerous Drugs (Cannabis Import, Export, Transit & Transshipment) Regulations to facilitate the growth of the cannabis industry for medical,
therapeutic and scientific purposes by creating a legal framework for import, export, transit and transshipment in the industry.
Investment in science, technology and innovation is essential for economic development and social progress.
The Science, Technology and Innovation Policy which will propel productivity and improve industry competitiveness to support faster growth, create jobs and improve health, education, security and governance will be tabled in this Parliamentary year.
On December 1, 2021, the Information Commissioner assumed office under the Data Protection Act, 2020. Additionally, the members of the Data Protection Oversight Committee were appointed for three years with effect from December 1, 2021.
The operationalisation of the Data Protection Act is critical to the implementation of the National Identification System.
With the appointment of the Commissioner, the sections of the Act relating to the Office of the Information Commissioner were brought into force, signalling that full compliance with the legislation will commence on December 1, 2023.
The pandemic has made the roll out of national broadband even more urgent and critical. The Government has been expanding its broadband footprint with the intention to connect over one hundred (100) educational institutions to the Government’s Emergency Broadband Network.
This will facilitate faster internet access for teachers and students in schools where there is high demand for bandwidth.
Additionally, all Parish Courts and Municipal Corporations will be connected to the network via fibre, thereby improving the communication among these entities and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies.
The Government continues to take actions to redefine the energy and technology landscape and has developed a Strategic Framework to guide the introduction of electric vehicles in Jamaica.
An Electric Vehicle Council has been established that will oversee the implementation of the Framework.
Decarbonisation in the energy sector through the introduction of renewable energy, combined with the electrification of the transportation sector, represent critical drivers to reducing Jamaica’s carbon footprint.

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Feb 11
(1/4) This morning, Jamaica received medical equipment and supplies from Northwell Health based in Queens, New York.

Since August 2021, Northwell Health has made two shipments of critical medical equipment and supplies. Image
(2/4) I want to thank Mr. Michael Dowling, President and CEO of Northwell Health, and their logistics team for their tremendous support. Image
(3/4) I also want to thank our very own Dr. Sandra Lindsay, with whom this entire initiative started. Dr. Lindsay made history when she became the first person in America to receive an approved COVID-19 vaccine outside of clinical trials.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
On the advice of the security forces, I have recommended to the Governor General that States of Public Emergency be declared in the St. James, Westmoreland, Hanover, Kingston Central, Kingston East, Kingston West & the St. Andrew South Police Divisions.
A detailed description of the boundaries is as follows:
North: The northern boundary will start at the westernmost end of the Belvedere to Ferry secondary road, extending in an easterly direction along the Belvedere to Ferry Road & then continue easterly to the foot of Red Hills,
... at the intersection of Perkins Boulevard, Molynes Road and Red Hills Road. The northern boundary then continues in a south-southeasterly direction along Molynes Road, Seaward Drive, Mimosa Road, Aloe Avenue, Bay Farm Road, Newark Avenue, Elm Crescent, Keesing Avenue,
Read 15 tweets
Nov 11, 2021
Join Ambassador Audrey Marks (@AmbAPMarks) tonight, Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 7:00 PM on 'Let's Connect With Ambassador Marks.' Image
The series will feature Virginia's newly elected Lieutenant Governor, a proud Jamaican-American, Mrs Winsome Sears, the first female and woman of colour elected to a State-wide office in Virginia.
State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Honourable Leslie Campbell will also be featured.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 27, 2021

The current set of measures were due to remain in place until August 10, 2021. Based on the rapid increase that we are seeing in all our key indicators, it is clear that we need to act now.
The following changes to the measures will apply for the two-week period from tomorrow, Tuesday, July 27, 2021 to August 10, 2021:
Curfew Hours:
Effective tomorrow, Tuesday, July 27, the curfew hours will be as follows:
On Mondays to Saturdays, the curfew hrs will be from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning;
On Sundays & Public Holidays, the curfew hrs will be from 3 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 21, 2021
#Covid19Update #Thread

Based on the latest report from this morning, Jamaica recorded 122 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday. Our cumulative cases of COVID-19 are now 51,404 and, sadly 1,163 people have died.
I offer condolences to all those who have lost family, friends, loved ones and colleagues to this terrible pandemic. For all those who are in hospital fighting the virus as well as others who are ill but not hospitalized, I pray for a speedy recovery.
Since March 2021 during which we peaked at 15,944 new cases, the number of new cases of COVID-19 has been decreasing month-on-month. However, our July numbers are showing an uptick relative to June.
Read 23 tweets
Jul 20, 2021
#NashawnBrown #Thread
The case of Nashawn Brown, a promising 4-yr-old who was severely beaten by his stepdad has again brought to the fore the plight of our children who continue to face physical, sexual & emotional abuse from adults in their lives who are meant to protect them.
We continue to be horrified by reports of violent & cruel acts being meted out to children. This should not be tolerated. In the same way we have address and condemn other forms of violence, we must unequivocally, loudly & resolutely condemn violence against our children.
Physical abuse remains one of the main & overt forms of child maltreatment reported to the CPFSA National Children’s Registry (NCR). Each year, approximately 25-30% of reports received are for children who are victims of some form of physical violence.
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