THREAD: For those just now realizing Durham is onto something and is dropping bombs in his court filings, here's a thread with my prior pieces that tease out all the revelations, 1/…
THREAD. One of my followers asked me about this noting it seemed reasonable. It does seem reasonable but other than making a couple correct points is wacked. Yes, there was no "hacking" in what we consider hacking, at least not that we know of yet. And yes Joffe had access 1/
2/ to data. But that's where the reasonableness ends. The govt' has access to alot of things & that doesn't mean they can use it for whatever. And Joffee having legal access to that data also didn't give him the right to do whatever. And we KNOW Joffe's maintainance w/ servers
3/ wasn't for him to try to connect Russia phones to Trump b/c if it was then his company would be the one meeting with the CIA and not his personal lawyer to pass on the "intel."