Tales from the puppy park & another night under #OttawaSiege. Early on in #OttawaOccupied a neighbour had just finished her jog when she faced 2 thugs demanding that she remove her mask, or else. They were fighting for her freedom, didn't she get it?
Tale #2: I'm now familiar w/ specific trucks. On the way home, 2 were filling petrol cans @ the nearby gas station, likely for delivery to Parliament Hill. There was s/t different this time, tho: there were no CDN flags flapping in the wind, but the flag shafts were still there.
I see this everyday now. I normally smile & say hello to my neighbours, but not these thugs marauding about my city. More tales tomorrow. Stay tuned for live in city under siege.
ahem, "life", not "live".
Tales from the puppy park, Day #20 of #Ottawasiege: Walked out the door to the distinctive sound from 2km+ of the truck horn that sounds like a train. Mercifully, it stopped after several minutes. msn.com/en-ca/news/can…
The nearby gas station did NOT for the 1st time in a long time have pick-up trucks filling gas cans. The city has a strange & quiet but ominous sound to it.
A regular was at the park, big guy, early-30s & a boxer. He wears a colourful mask as a slight provocation, just to see if someone from the occupation marauding through the streets of #Centretown dares call him out like they do others. Nobody has b/c, really, they're cowards.
His wife, though, a Hill staffer comes home everyday crying after having to walk through the #OttawaOccupation.
The red zone is locked down, with police blocking access. You can walk or drive about if you're from the area but you'll need to show ID, or have "essential stuff" to do, like go to work, school, the doctor, see your therapist, etc.
It is hardly an imposition. I got up @ 7, had b'fast, shovelled the laneway & went to a routine medical appointment @ Bank & Cooper. Shovelling the snow was hard; getting to my appointment was not. This is one of the police controlled 'gates' to Centretown.
While the kinetic realities of what's going on rn where the insurgent-protest has set up its base, there was a sense amongst the regulars at the puppy park that we are, hopefully, seeing the beginning of the #LiberationofOttawa.
Saw the boxer-guy again. Turns out, the upstairs tenant at the neighbour's house is a hardcore, um, #flutruxklan-type. So, not only does boxer guy's wife have to walk the gauntlet from her public servant job on the Hill, come home & cry, she lives beside one of her tormenters.
I'll end on a happy note for today's "tales from the puppy park": I didn't see any trux filling up gas cans at the corner station tonight. There's few flags waving as symbols of intolerance, in fact not many at all (which is, kinda too bad).
Oh yes, in case you're interested: Why the #OttawaSiege#AmbassadorBridgeBlockade etc. are not protests but bubble wrapping on an extremist insurrection (and why the #EmergenciesAct is fair game but one that MUST be kept on a v. short leash). #Ottawa
Media framing of ongoing events in Ottawa & elsewhere in Canada as a protest against Covid-19 public health measures is misleading. The journalists do so in this article do & so does a lot of the coverage. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…#EmergenciesAct#OttawaSiege
The #OttawaSiege, #AmbassadorBridgeblockade#Coutts were not conceived of or organized by those opposed to public health-related restrictions, eg. vax mandates, etc., but by a hardcore, long-standing group of rightwing extremists in Canada w/ US & int'l support. 2/
That core group that conceived & put these events in motion have subsequently been bubble-wrapped by other protestors who are NOT extremists. Some of the latter have claims that fall well w/i the bounds of legitimate protest. Others are using these events to put their long- 3/
Incoming monster thread: y'day my @Carleton colleague @leahwest_nsl argued the Govt “must believe the protests rise to the level of a national emergency” to invoke the #EmergenciesAct for the 1st time since its creation by a @CPC_HQ Govt in 1988 1/X
While #natsec law is outside my wheelhouse of expertise, my work regularly bumps up against such issues & has forever focused on Qs about coms, society & democracy. As such, I want to weigh in with a few thoughts of my own & hope that I have something worthwhile to say. 2/x
TLDR: While I disagree w/ her provisional conclusion, I do agree that we must be very vigilant that this precedent setting use of the #EmergenciesAct remains ltd in time, targeted in terms of geography, subject to Parliamentary review & snuggled tightly within the 3/