In #Ecuador the rightwing Lasso government has used police to ram through changes to the CPPCS (a body that overseas selection process for judical council, auditor general & prosecutors etc..)
Here is some brief background on that. The sad story begins in May of 2017
In May of 2017, Lenin Moreno took office & immediately shit-canned the left policy platform that got him elected and adopted the one of his rightwing opponent who lost that year - Ecuador's current president Guillermo Lasso.
A key target of Moreno was immediately the CPCCS
In 2018, Moreno handpicked a "transitory" CPCCS that was supposed to step aside for an elected one. BUt the trasitory CPCCS (CPCCS-T) was grossly illegal. It was put together illegaly and then behaved even more illegally & tyranically once convened.
The CPCCS-T illegally granted itselef sweeping power far beyond what the actual CPCCS has. The idea was that changes the CPCCS-T made to prosecutors judical council members etc would thoroughly reimpower the right wing elite whose power was eroded by Rafael Correa (from 2007-17)
But the time a vastly less powerful CPCCS was elected, the idea was that the work of purging the Ecuador's judiciary, prosecutors, etc of "Correasits" would be so complete that (combined with other persecution) an elected CPCCS woud pose little threat to Ecuador's rightwing elite
But while Correa's left wing movememntn was badly hurt by the political persecution since 2017, it remains the most powerful left movement in the country by far. It's candidate (Andres Arauz) nearly won the presidency in 2021 & it has the largest # of seats in National Assembly
Resilency of Correaists in the face of persecution is directly linked to acievements in office. Consider Ecuador's hoicide rate. It increased constantly since 1980 but fell dramitcally while Correa was in office, but then increased drastically again under Moreno & now Lasso
In economic polcy the story is simlar. Drastic reduction of poverty took place while Correa was in office as it set to work bilding and/or improving basic infastructure such as roads, hydro electric plants, schools & hospitals
So even a weak elected CPCCS cannot be trusted to fully protect Ecudor's rightwing elite (on whose behalf Lasso governs) to protect it from the conseuqnces of their corrution, repression and gross incompetence since 2017. Hence a renewed assault on the CPCCS was undertaken
For much more detail on Moreno's CPCCS-T, see my interview in 2018 with Ecuadorian legal scholar @ORuizCh
As @caitoz said “ One of the main things I do here is try to help articulate the scope of the horrors of the empire. Because we're in it, and it's so aggressively normalized by the mass media, it becomes easy to overlook, like water for a fish”
Quotes from Domenico Losurdo's book "STALIN: THE HISTORY AND CRITIQUE OF A BLACK LEGEND" will be placed in this thread - along with comments on it
Thomas Mann quote "To place Russian communism and Nazi-fascism on the same moral place, in the measure that both are totalitarian, is superficial at best, fascism at worst...."
In the 90s, I recall US General Schwarzkopf doing a long segment on national TV just to pedlde the claim of Stalin's massive incompetence regarding threat posed by Hitler - a view echoed in Kruschev's "Serect Report".
Losurdo's refutation in Chpt 1 is absolutely devastating
Desmond Tutu deserves to be remembered for the things he got right, but also for things he got badly wrong. I elaborated on some in a piece I wrote in 2015
In 1987, Desmond Tutu was asked what Ronald Reagan should do about apartheid South Africa. Tutu’s response was “Do what you are doing in Nicaragua"...
Did Tutu really want the US government to organize and fund terrorists to kill tens of thousands of innocent people....
In an op-ed in the Spanish newspaper El Pais, Tutu equated Leopoldo Lopez, a jailed Venezuelan opposition leader, to Martin Luther King and the Venezuelan government under Nicoalas Maduro to apartheid South Africa....
Key points as I understand them: 1) Crypto, blockchain innovations are an outgrowth of financialiszation and quanitative easing bailout of 2008, new ways to prop up a system by pumping money into it
2) To an extent crypto & blockchain innovations help demystify money creation
3) You can have good things like digital sovereignty within a country, central banks that are effective & under control of elected governments AND still make room of voters (give them accouts at Central Bank) & (non-monopolitstic) companies (let them devlpo & apporve apps)
4) To speed up & populaize the us e of electionic money Ecuador should have made use of Nano lending ("which is basically to lend a citizen 30 bucks or 50 bucks or 100 bucks with an indefinite term to pay back, which can be 10 years, 30 years, 50 years")
Wow. Let’s unpack this remarkably cynical tweet by a prominent human rights fraud. Orgs like @hrw are part of the propaganda system that helps the US maintain its sadistic 60 yr blockade on #Cuba
What liberal hypocrites like Roth tend to do is say is that they don’t support the blockade while spreading sleazy distortions & lies that help maintain it. Con’d
Cuba is not short of doctors! It has VASTLY more per capita than the USA even after you account for doctors sent abroad! Takes a real scumbag to insinuate otherwise