Wow. Let’s unpack this remarkably cynical tweet by a prominent human rights fraud. Orgs like @hrw are part of the propaganda system that helps the US maintain its sadistic 60 yr blockade on #Cuba
What liberal hypocrites like Roth tend to do is say is that they don’t support the blockade while spreading sleazy distortions & lies that help maintain it. Con’d
Cuba is not short of doctors! It has VASTLY more per capita than the USA even after you account for doctors sent abroad! Takes a real scumbag to insinuate otherwise
Cuba also has medicare for all and has achieved lower child mortality rate than the USA. The sadistic US elites say they can’t afford to give their own people what Cuba has. So how does Cuba afford it despite blockade?
One way Cuba pays for its medical system is by charging some of the richer countries where its sends doctors? It helps offset some of the impact of the sadistic US blickade. Con’d...
So what’s wrong with Cuba’s government getting paid to maintain the system that trains all its doctors- including the ones it sends abroad?
NOTHING IS WRONG WITH IT but imperialist sleazabags like Roth will always try to deceive
Links to all the facts above are in the @FAIRmediawatch piece I did last year - cuz (like Roth) Trump/Pompeo/Rubio
were also desperate to prevent Cuba from getting paid for its doctors
Cuba- based journalist @reedlindsay has explained that Cuba’s COVID response, tho disrupted somewhat by sadistic US blockade, continues to advance. Reed himself with Cuba’s vaccine. What?
Yes. Cuba, under blockade, has developed 2 of its own vaccines! It had to cuz the sadistic US elies, whose line is aped by Roth, made clear that they were going to deliberately hobble efforts to buy foreign vaccines
Despite the astouding things #Cuba has achieved in healthcare despite the blockade, @reedlindsay has explained the hardships imposed by a tightened blockade under Trump/Biden plus econ impact of COVID
Why has a sadistic criminal blockade on Cuba lasted 60 years & counting? Key reason is a propaganda system devoted to justifying US aggression abroad & brutality at home. Ngos like @hrw are part of that system. In fact
.@justinpodur & I devoted a chapter of new book to explaining what a poisonous outfit @hrw is
From WAPO editorial on #Haiti today: "Swift and muscular intervention is needed"
The US & its top allies have trampled democracy & human rights in #Haiti through most of the 21rst century are never held accountable - & therefore keep doing it
The editorial provides sanitized overview of the 13 year UN occupation of Haiti from 2004 - 2017 - so sanitized that even tho it says the occupation was "far cry from perfect" but nevertheless calls for it again.
"It's good enough for Haitians" seems to be the msg.
Editorial mentions that UN troops brought a cholera epidemic to Haiti but not that it killed 10,000 people. Obama's government fought in court (successfully) to shield the UN from a lawsuit aimed at holding it accountable
Prominent human rights fraud (@jmvivancohrw of @hrw) objects to the arrest of US-backed ex-dictator Jeanine Áñez in #Bolivia . Vivanco & his boss @KenRoth parroted the OAS lies that incited the coup that installed her in Nov, 2019
The OAS lied repeatedly & boldly about the election won by Morales in 2019. Key OAS lies were not even subtle.
@jmvivancohrw & @KenRoth spread those lies and eagerly smeared Morales. Vivanco explicitly called #Bolivia a "democracy " months into Áñez murderous illegitimate rule
Of course Empire-serving outlets like @reuters also played a key role in shielding the OAS from accountability for its despicable role in the coup that install Áñez. But big NGOs like HRW do a kind of tag team with western Establishment media.
Ignorance about #Ecuador , specifically about Yaku Perez & Manuela Picq (his partner), can badly confuse people outside Ecuador who should know better than to promote Perez as a leftist. Let's go over some things again
Here is 41 second clip of Yaku Perez saying that Rafael Correa, from Belgium, will use Venezuelans to infiltrate Perez's supporters to cause violence at their protests of the CNE (electoral authorities)
Perez has just taken to Ecuador's rightwing private media to spread the smears of the Colombian d Ecuadorian right wing that Presidential candidate, and winner of the first round, Andres Andres received campaign funding from ELN rebels in Colombia.
Article says “Maduro's government says opposition figures are regularly involved in plots to topple him, though officials often do not give evidence for such accusations”
US & the opposition have been openly working together to topple the government for years. Not a secret plot
Meanwhile #Ecuador’s President Moreno - a close US ally - just said he would not be surprised if Rafael Correa had been behind this weeks gruesome prison riots. Batshit thing to say but no mention from Reuters