4/ There have been accusations of the police going too soft with Truckers at the start of the week, officers were suspended for supporting the protests
14/ In the UK as I expect In other countries RW politicians and pundits ignore the unsavoury ppl behind the Conveys and engage in cognitive dissonance after their previous stances on protests
There are already rules for Impartiality, also teaching standards, Nolan principles etc
The guidence is ploughing the same furrow we've seen occuring the in US, and its chilling
2/ It's a dog whistle for RW "war on woke"
It's framing educators as the enemy
And the end result will be a narrowing of the ability for teachers to aid students in developing critical thinking
3/ We already had this with the RSE guidence last year, its relying on dealing with the world through the distorted lense of RW rags not the reality of what's going on in classrooms in the real world
Koch and Thiel funded culture wars in the US and have brought them to the UK
@OliverDowden is deeply unpatriotic, can wave his flags as much as he likes but truth is he's manufacturing division for the benefit of foreign interests