Analysts cannot even fathom as to how 190 thousand Russians readily accept to go and invade another country and their mothers and families tv and drink vodka uncaring about their sons dying.
Western Elite and analysts think that all Russians are like the ones in downtown Moscow or St. Petersburg, in the same way that they thought that Serbs in 1992 are like Norwegians.
They disregard entirely the Theology of Christian Jihad which is the ideological cause.
Have you forgotten Milosevich?
Milosevich organized genocides and cleansing, and only after failing, he was removed from power by ...the Serb Church.
Because he failed to "liberate" the lands that Christ has given to Serbs from the Croatian, Muslim and Albanian invaders.
European elite just watched Serb Church commiting Christian Jihad, while Americans bombed them and stopped it.
Now, fast forward to Russia now.
We have the Russian Church which has as practical theology that of Third Rome.
Russian Church and Tzar Putin has been preparing since 2012 when he lost Kyiv, that American invaders and Nazi collaborators have invaded the Holy Kievan Rus. It's a Divine Duty for all Russians to regain Kiev by killing and raping all invaders and their collaborators.
This is the real deal, folks, as to why there is no rejection of war in Russia.
Actually, if Putin backs down now, the Russian Church and most Russians will regard him as unworthy of being a Caesar.
Christian Jihad is obligatory now.
Russians are convinced that Christ himself gave made them The Third Rome and Russians must kill and rape in the name of Christ to implement what God wants them to do.
This is the whole point of the existence of the Russian Church and its Balkan branch, the Serb Church.
In the game there are not just Ukraine, but other 4 contested territories, 4 Mini Jugoslavias, Bosnia, Kosovo, Fake Macedonia and Montenegro.
Russia sees part of these as their territory as well.
The final deal between Biden/Congress and Putin shall include partition of these 4 Mini Yugoslavias, as well.
The issue is how many thousands will die before the deal is reached.
Europe is entirely woke powerless anti war, only USA is the sole negotiator.
Putin can't allow himself to be seen as the failed Caesar. Christian Jihad is obligatory, the Russian Church expects him to be up to the job predetermined by God for divine glory of Holy Heavenly Russia, as Milosevich was expected to reunite Serbs under Holy Heavenly Serbia.
Failure or success of Caesar Putin to achieve something for the Holy Heavenly Russia will be his final legacy.
Twitter Space dje për Luginën e Preshevës vërtetoi hapur publikisht që ne shqiptarët ende jemi një shoqëri fisnore-klanore e paaftë për vetëqeverisje, gjë që shpjegon gjendjen katastrofale të shqiptarëve.
Të gjithë folësit, që me të vërtetë janë brenda sistemit, folën hapur.
Unë dëgjova 40 minutat e para të bisedës dhe u rifuta 4 herë përsëri nga 5 minuta, dhe të njëjtat gjëra po thuheshin.
Folësit hapur thanë që Tirana dhe Prishtina as nuk duan të dinë fare që shqiptarët e Luginës së Preshevës ekzistojnë apo jo dhe kërkonin që Presheva të bëhet temë primare në bisedimet për Kosovën, gjë që deri tani është refuzuar nga të gjitha palët, shqiptarë apo të huaj.
When I was member of Albanian Orthodox Youth in the 1990s, we used to have Bible Study with a very holy monk from Mount Athos, he was called Father Theologos.
The man was truly a walking saint.
I remember seeing Fr. Theologos very upset only twice.
1) Old Calendarist orthodox christians. He called them: LUNATICS.
Siç ju kam thënë, katolicizmi politik (jo besimi katolik) është anti shqiptar, ortodoksia politike (jo besimi ortodoks) është anti shqiptare, islami politik (jo besimi islam) është anti shqiptar.
Idea që nuk duhet dënuar hapur feja politike (por jo besimi) si anti shqiptare është e çuditshme dhe e papranueshme.
Strukturat fetare ortodokse, myslimane dhe katolike (por jo bektashinjtë) në territoret shqiptare janë POLITIKISHT NEUTRALE.
Bosnja, Maqedonia V, Kosova dhe Mali i Zi janë shtete imagjinare të krijuar, menaxhuar dhe financuar nga fantazia e Liberalizmit Evropian të bashkëjetesës etnike dhe fetare.
Me vdekjen e Liberalizmit Evropian në 2017 dhe rilindjen e Nacionalizmit të Krishterë si konsekuencë, Evropa nuk dëshiron të financojë më fantazi të tilla si Bosnja, Kosova, Mali i Zi dhe Maqedonia Veriut.
Moska e konsideron Serbinë e Madhe si territor rus, dhe Evropa është gati të negociojë me Moskën.
Amerika është dakord. Kështu që ndryshimi i kufijve tani nuk është më tabu.