Archbishop Arthur Roche, in an interview with @The_Tablet, says the Vatican's divine worship office is preparing a document on liturgical formation in seminaries.
He says the reasoning behind Vatican II's reforms needs to be better understood.
Roche says standing against the Pope is an "astonishing act", "full of hubris"
The belief “that things will change under a new pontificate is not only misplaced but reveals an enormous ignorance about the mandate given to the entire Church by the Second Vatican Council.” /2
Bishops, he says, have expressed “relief” at the restrictions Pope Francis issued on the pre-Vatican II liturgy.
Archbishop Roche says the Old Rite is allowed as a “pastoral concession.”
And he gives the theological reasons why. /3
Archbishop Roche explains that while his office has dialogued with traditionalists, personal preferences have limits.
“The Church gives us the liturgy. We pray as a Church community and never simply as individuals, nor as a mat- ter of personal preference.” \4
He points out the liturgical reforms of Vatican II did not come out of a vacuum. And he says it is “ridiculous” to claim that a commission later pushed through changes against the council’s wishes. He explains how Paul VI was closely involved. \5
The liturgy prefect comes across as a diplomatic, yet decisive, leader. He says the future of liturgical reforms will be less about translations and more about adaptations \6
The 71-year-old archbishop, the highest ranking English priest in the Roman Curia since Cardinal Merry del Val (who was Secretary of State from 1903-14), also talks in the interview about his journey from #Yorkshire to #Rome. \ENDS…
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Pope Francis says that the protests following the killing of #GeorgeFloyd had the spirit of the Good Samaritan.
“This movement did not pass by on the other side of the road when it saw the injury to human dignity caused by an abuse of power.”
Francis, addressing a @EnMovPop meeting, says it “saddens me” that some in the Church “get annoyed” by Catholic social doctrine.
“The Pope must not stop mentioning this teaching, even if it often annoys people, because what is at stake is not the Pope but the Gospel.”
These principles, he says, include the “preferential option for the poor, the universal destination of goods, solidarity, subsidiarity, participation, and the common good” and they belong to the “full tradition of the Church” #PopularMovementwithFrancis
Why is the Pope’s letter to @JamesMartinSJ so significant? It’s the first-ever written papal endorsement of a priest’s ministry to #LGBT Catholics
Francis’ language in the letter is in stark contrast to that used by the recent Vatican document barring same-sex blessings.
And it refutes the bishops who anonymously briefed a media outlet last year claiming that the Pope had expressed “anger” with Fr Martin
Since the beginning of his pontificate, Francis has sought to model a pastoral, non-judgmental approach to LGBT Catholics, while not altering official church teaching. It’s a balancing act that’s been hard to maintain.
Archbishop Arthur Roche has been chosen by Pope Francis new leader of the Holy See’s liturgy office. The Leeds-born bishop, 71, succeeds Cardinal Robert Sarah and will be tasked with implementing a renewal of the liturgy as articulated by the Second Vatican Council. #PopeFrancis
The Pope has chosen a Franciscan, Bishop Vittorio Viola, until now Diocese of Tortona, Italy, as the secretary to the congregation. Fr Aurelio García Macías will be under-secretary (he studied liturgy at Sant'Anselmo University, Rome)
Archbishop Roche has been secretary of the divine worship congregation since 2012, acting as the number two official. He was Bishop of Leeds (2004-12) and chairman of ICEL (International Commission on English in the Liturgy) 2002-2012
Cardinal Czerny speaking during a Mass in Rome to mark 40 years since four female missionaries martyred in El Salvador
@jesuitczerny is reading an account of their "passion & death" as described by Fr Gregory Chisholm
He explains the security forces found the "four
American missionaries in the vehicle, they beat them, raped them, and executed each one with a bullet in the head. They buried them in a shallow grave"
The incoming Ronald Reagan administration played down the deaths.
"Alexander Haig- recently nominated as the next Secretary of State - made the shameless and absolutely unfounded suggestion that the Sisters had maybe 'run a roadblock and been killed in an exchange of fire' "
Martin has been a colleague for the past several on the religious affairs beat
I have always found him to be a responsible journalist who covers religion seriously and sensitively. I believe he is a person of integrity
The circumstances around his interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, 25 years ago, are subject to an inquiry, and any unethical behaviour should be judged or sanctioned accordingly.
But it’s also true that people are more than the worst thing they have ever done (2/4)
There is plenty of evidence Diana was planning to give a major interview, and she she could make her own decisions on which journalists she wanted to deal with.
I suspect there is also evidence to show that Diana had a relationship of trust with Martin B
The testimony by Archbishop Vigano against #PopeFrancis are important but so is the fine detail and the context of what is being alleged.
There is nothing in Vigano’s testimony that says he informed #PopeFrancis of allegations concerning McCarrick and minors.
The first allegations of grave sexual misconduct with seminarians against McCarrick were made in the Benedict XVI era. After credible claims that McCarrick abused minors came to light, Francis sanctioned McCarrick’s removal from ministry and as a cardinal.
There is no love lost between Vigano and the Pope. Vigano was at the centre of a fiasco involving Kim Davis - a clerk who refused to perform same-sex marriages - meeting the Pope in Washington (at Vigano’s residence). Vatican later stressed the meeting was not a papal endorsement