My great hope for the Biden Presidency, as I wrote in this @Letras_Libres essay in 2020, was for him to lead a reinvigoration of the global liberal order imagined and built by US after WWII.
What we might be witnessing now. And it’s remarkable to see.
When I think of Biden and his role in US history, I always saw him as a potential modern day Cincinnatus, coming out of retirement to save the Republic.
That feels more true today than any other day of his still young Presidency.
And the cowardice and complicity of the GOP in the face of the dark Putin-Trump alliance will become as known to future generations as Zelenskyy's bravery and courage.
The Council of Economy Advisors released a report yesterday with new data showing that real wages were up for all Americans, and as Rob writes in his piece, the biggest gains were in the bottom 50%. 2/
Now might be a good time to release detailed information about holdings of Russian oligarchs, so they can see what is at stake with Putin's aggression.