Calif. Gov. @gavinnewsom says he’s proposing a new system to help with mentally ill homeless people, but he’s not: all he’s proposing to do is throw more money at the same broken system
If he gets his way, Gavin will make the problem worse — as he has done for over 20 years
Over the last year, my colleagues & I have made the case for a new, statewide system, Cal-Psych, to take over psych/addiction care from the counties
Newsom is co-opting the language of Cal-Psych but rejecting the state takeover of care from the counties
In Jan. 2002, as Gavin ran for mayor, he requested & received a report that made clear that cities & counties could not deal with this problem. Said Newsom, “We are spending a substantial sum of money and producing an unequivalent [sic] amount of results”
In 2003, just one year later, Gavin proposed what he described as a new system, "Care Not Cash," to get mentally ill & drug addicted homeless, estimated to be ¾ of all homeless in SF, the help they needed.
But it wasn’t a new system. It was thus doomed to fail.
Many by 2003 knew that Gavin was in over his head. “He’s simply not competent,” said a former Supervisor at the time. She was right.
In 2004, as SF mayor, Gavin announced a “task force” to spend new statewide money on the same county-based system everyone knew was broken.
“I feel very strongly we need to end chronic homelessnes and the only way we can is to address behavioral health”
Back then, as today, the news media hyped Gavin’s pronouncements. “Signs of hope replace despair” trumpeted one headline when Gavin released a “10 year Plan to Abolish Chronic Homelessness.” (Chronically homeless tend to be mentally ill and/or addicts)
Two years later, 2006, it was clear to everyone that Gavin had already failed. Even he admitted that he “dropped the ball on that.” The “that” referred to his failure as SF Mayor to deal with mentally ill homeless people.
One year later, Gavin was singing the same tune. He said he was focused on dealing with homeless addicts and the mentally ill.
But there was a change.
Gavin had promised to implement “Laura’s Law” which allows cities to require care for the mentally ill.
But Gavin caved in to ACLU et al and backed off
He blamed “institutional resistance”
In other words, Gavin’s donors and supporters didn’t want to do it. So he didn’t.
In 2010, Gavin proposed to throw yet more money at the broken system without fixing the system.
He said he would use his “moral authority” as lieutenant governor. “I look forward to proving them wrong,” said Gavin, about his critics.
Instead he proved them right.
In 2012, two years later, the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle urged Gavin to do more to implement Laura’s Law.
“We’ve heard politicians give lip service — we’re talking about you, Gavin Newsom — then fail to follow through.”
By 2014, the SF Chron, to its credit, published an article that noted that homelessness had increased.
“There’s a mythology that you can… end homelessness,” said Newsom.
Gavin had given up
Apparently he thinks what happened in Europe is a myth
People are claiming a nuclear reactor in Ukraine is on fire, that radiation levels around the plant are elevated, and that it could be worse than Chernobyl, BUT NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE & SHOULD BE CONSIDERED MISINFO
People think Europe depends on Russia for energy because it lacks its own, but 15 years ago Europe exported more natural gas than Russia does today. Now, Russia exports 3x more gas than Europe produces. Why? Because climate activists, partly funded by Russia, blocked fracking.
In 2014, NATO's secretary general revealed Russia was funding climate activists, saying, “Russia... engaged actively with so-called nongovernmental organizations working against shale gas to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas"
President Biden tonight claimed his legislation would lower energy costs by subsidizing renewables, but that’s obviously wrong: renewables make electricity expensive everywhere
Worse, Biden is proposing to double down on the same policies that empowered Putin to invade Ukraine
Renewables make electricity expensive bc they are inherently unreliable & require 100% back-up power
Renewables made California electricity prices rise 7x more than the rest of the US
And renewables made Germany’s electricity the most expensive, and Russia-dependent, in Europe
Biden said his legislation would “cut energy costs for families an ave. of $500/year by combating climate change” w/ “tax credits to weatherize your home & business to be energy-efficient. Double America's clean energy production in solar, wind… Lower price of electric vehicles”
How has Vladimir Putin—a man ruling a country with an economy smaller than that of Texas, with an average life expectancy 10 years lower than that of France—managed to launch an unprovoked full-scale assault on Ukraine?
There is a deep psychological, political and almost civilizational answer to that question: He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia more than the West wants it to be free. He is willing to risk tremendous loss of life and treasure to get it.
"Germany is weighing whether to extend the life-span of its nuclear plants as a way to secure the country's energy supply in the face of uncertainty over Russian gas supplies, the country's economy minister said."
This is clearly a trial balloon: "It is part of my ministry's tasks to answer this question," said Germany's energy minister. "I would not reject it on ideological grounds. But the preliminary examination has shown that it does not help us"
That's obviously ridiculous.
*Of course* keeping Germany's nuclear plants on-line would help Germany.
Keeping Germany's nuclear plants operating would directly reduce how much Russian natural gas it needs. Everybody knows this.
San Francisco Mayor @LondonBreed said the solution to open drug use was a "supervised drug consumption site" in a new "Linkage Center" downtown.
But when I visited on Friday, I discovered hundreds of addicts & dealers partying & using drugs next to it
And it wasn't just during the night. I also visited during the afternoon. The sidewalk between the "supervised drug consumption site" and the elevator for disabled people to get to BART was so thick with addicts smoking fentanyl and meth, I could barely walk by
"Supervised drug consumption sites" around the world attract addicts. Many don't bother going inside, and just use their drugs outside of it. The dealers follow
The only change I noticed this visit were the new green signs preventing people from taking photos of the drug use 😏