A thread to show how Chinese gov & nationalists support Russia’s invasion in Ukraine via
diplomats actions
financial/tech support
dis/mis-info propaganda
and online trolling
It will reveal a lot hate speech from China‘s internet under CCP’s info manipulation.
2. After the invasion started,24th Feb China lifted restrictions on Russia wheat and expands market.
3. On 26th Feb, News in China reports that Tech Giant #Huawei is planing to help Russia to train 50,000 tech experts immediately in response after Russia is under cyber-attacked.
Video showing the moment a cruise missile strikes Ivano-Frankvisk International Airport.
2. Ukraine's central military command reports Russia bombed several airports, including Kyiv Boryspil, Nikolaev, Kramatorsk, Kherson. Kharkiv military airport is burning.
1/ 小花梅像,铁链易碎,红巾难断!
Portrait for the Chinese women chained on neck for years as sex slave in vilege.
She gave birth to 8 kids to her rapists.
The torture made her mad eventually.
Now it becomes the biggest public rage even CCP tried its best to kill the discussion.
2/ video that revealing the poor woman‘s condition.
The police and government denies public's inquiry on issues like systematic human trafficking locally.
They also blocked village from activists doing independent investigation.
I weclome the decision from GW to admit it’s a mistake to take down my art.
However, stopping wrongdoing won’t just fix the damage already done.
2. I weclome the decision from GW to clean the name of my art from CSSA and CCA‘s “racist calling smear campaign” and admit it is a mistake to take down my art.
However, just stopping wrong doing will not fix the damage cauaed by this very action of GW.
3. And here is what GW could do to make it right.
1.The posters are taken down by GW as a mistake. To fix this, GW should put the posters back. Perhaps even better to introduce a permanent display of the art in the Campus.